• Jackson K.

    Airtimes Intensity Layout Inversions

    No inversions so kinda like not as good as acrobat low key

  • Jackson K.

    Airtimes First Drop Pointless

    Goated with airtime and drop is amazing. But Japan already has Arashi so this is kinda pointless. 2nd best spinning coaster in Japan

  • Jackson K.

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Launch

    Goated ride, no launch tho

  • Nathan F

    Nice surprise! Location Fun Airtimes Dead spots

    This is my favorite of the Las Vegas coasters. This ride gets a ton of hate because it's really janky and badly paced. Both of these criticisms are true. However, it's still a fun ride. The first few drops are really fun. It has a pair of solid inversions. The helix was forceful. This ride completely fails to deliver airtime every time it tries, but it's big and powerful and makes up for its jankiness and lack of airtime with pure fun factor.

  • Nathan F

    Inversions Pace Intensity Headbanging

    This is an extremely intense and fast-paced ride. It's super aggressive. I don't know what it is about this ride but it takes this fairly standard series of Arrow maneuvers with just dramatically more force than Arrow coasters typically seem to do. This would make it one of Arrow's best coasters if it wasn't so dang janky and rough. The jank is typical Arrow jank, where every transition kinda sucks, but this is paired with some roughness throughout the layout that leads to some serious headbanging, especially in the front. I loved this ride for its aggressiveness, but it does not run well.

  • Nathan F

    First Drop Hangtime Dead spots

    This is a very fun ride, anchored by two standout moments with a ton of nothing in between. The first drop on this ride is powerful. You build up a lot of speed coming off the lift hill and the small trains get absolutely yanked over that drop. After that, the ride gets very slow and stays slow. Mostly it's fun, but it can be pretty forceless, especially when it wraps around itself at one point. This ultimately leads into a final moment though that delivers one of the single greatest hangtime moments on a coaster. Super fun. Definitely a solid ride, just very uneven.

  • Kellen Grady

    First Drop Duration Dead spots

    I loved this one! Admittedly the brakes in the middle totally kill the momentum, but this one just swoops around for the first half and then hits you with an insane extended helix in the last half. That first drop is absolutely insane and the helix had me graying out big-time. Definitely recommended despite the setbacks.

  • Elan G.

    Inversions Launch Hangtime Too short

    This was awesome! Like the Skyrocket II’s, it’s short but packs a fun punch. Like Electric Eel, the ops are kinda messed up and they play tricks with you or launch you with warning. The first launch is decent and shoots you up into the ENORMOUS vertical loop! I mean this thing is taller than Tatsu’s pretzel loop! The hangtime is SO AWESOME!! You’re dangling from the lap bar and if you look up (or down I guess) you can just admire the moment. After that you fly through a few turns and the sidewinder (idk what it’s actually called but it’s really cool). You slam to a stop and sit there for a second. Then you LAUNCH backwards from a dead stop. That backwards launch is super forceful. While the backwards launch on FT is significantly better than the Skyrocket II’s, those have the better backwards swing. You stare down at the ground and shoot through the tunnel. You get a pop of airtime at the top of the loop before slowing down. It’s a bit of a kill but oh well. Speaking on which, this ride illustrates how good West Coast Racers and the Skyrocket II’s would be without the “Comfort” Collars! Anyways, before I get on a rant about that, I would say make sure to ride this thing cause it’s AWESOME!!!

  • a b

    Nice surprise! Location

    PLEASE give this another shot if you haven't ridden in a while - I was so surprised as I didn't know they had updated the coaster! The retrack they did is phenomenal, this ride runs so much smoother than it ever has and certainly no longer deserves its reputation of being unbearably rough. Now that you aren't constantly worried about developing chronic neck pain you can really appreciate how nice of a coaster Grizzly actually is - some great hills and turns, and the atmosphere of racing through the trees in the back of the park is awesome!

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Airtimes Rattle Discomfort

    It’s rough and painful and I hate it, but it has airtime so I guess it’s alright. Count your days, Mark B.