• Carrie C.

    Pace Masterpiece Ejectors Reliability

    Oh. My. God. This is one of the best coasters on earth. the prelift isn’t to special, but in the back, the drop pulls you forward. And now, the lift hill. It’s not too loud, like other RMC coasters. It’s moderately fast, but it slows down at the top. And this is an AMAZING drop. It both pulls you forward AND has ejector airtime. The pullout and upwards twist into the outerbank are intense. This outerbank is great. It has good flojector airtime. And again, the pullout is intense. Then comes the Death Roll, a 540 ° downwards roll. It’s like the exit of the reverse cobra roll on Twisted Cyclone, but taken with much more speed. After the Death Roll, you hit an intense overbank that Bush Gardens thinks is an inversion. Next, you hit THE moment on Iron Gwazi, the wave turn. You get INTENSE sideways airtime from this. The whip into and out of it are teeming with laterals. On the exit of the wave turn, there is a crazy headchopper with the lift hill. The next airtime moment has nice airtime, then slams you with positives with the turn out of it. The second wave turn isn’t as good as the first, but still gives fantastic airtime. Next is the stall. The stall is a little short. I’d say this is the weakest part of Iron Gwazi. Then you hit a trick-track. Each hill giving great airtime. Then, the finale. This consists of an airtime hill and a crazy turn into the break run. The airtime hill has INSANE ejector airtime, and the turn has such crazy whip. That ends the 4,075 foot, 206 foot tall, 76 mph RMC masterpiece. When you’re on the transfer track, look up to the right, the old lion and tiger from the original Gwazi. 10/10

  • Carrie C.


    Good kiddie coaster.

  • Carrie C.

    Location Comfort Smoothness Too short

    I mean, what can you expect? It’s a family coaster. It’s good for a kids first inverted coaster.

  • Carrie C.

    Fun Too short Tear it down!

    The last turn has crazy laterals.

  • Carrie C.

    Nice surprise! Intensity

    I rode this in the pouring rain and it was cool. The hill has weak airtime. This is a borderline family- thrill coaster.

  • Elan G.

    Pace Ejectors Duration

    This was my first RMC and I was super excited. Even though it’s often ranked lower as a raptor, to me, it was amazing. I tried to sit as far back as I could (10th row). The ejector is crazy, and so is the pacing. It throws you around nonstop. It also carries its speed very well which probably enhances the pacing. The inversions are fun as well, giving this inverted weightlessness. There are also a couple great near misses. The restraints were also a lot more comfortable than I was expecting. The over-the-shoulder straps can retract, so it will fit to your size. The moving loading platform also keeps operations consistent and keeps the crew from standing around. This was also a lot smoother than I was expecting. I only got one ride, however. Overall, this was a big highlight of my trip to Magic Mountain.

  • Dinsley 94

    First Drop Pace Smoothness

    First couple of rides were really fun but. This ride flew to my number 1 later in the day after it had been running for a bit and with a sprinkling of rain. It absolutely flew round the layout. It was insane!! It amazes me how it's so intense while also being stupid smooth at the same time. Zero G stall is really good! Same with the double down! Just be aware though, The brake run is pretty brutal. You stop really quick! Amazing though!

  • Sean R.

    Theming Fun Duration Intensity

    I've been on this ride multiple times over 30 years...I've always enjoyed it much more than Space Mountain. It's not going to set any records, but it's pretty good by Disney standards and watching my wife and daughter enjoy it together adds greatly to it's allure for me personally.

  • Sean R.

    a fine mine-ride/family coaster...not much more to say.

  • Sean R.

    Capacity Inversions Harness Discomfort

    This is a pretty typical Arrow from the 80's where there are clearly advances to pioneering coasters and multiple elements included in the ride - but it's not very comfortable and while it's enjoyable, it doesn't hold up to today's more dynamic coasters of scale. I liked it nonetheless. I won't seek it out again, but if I'm passing through and the lines are short, I'd give it another whirl.