• Dominic B

    Location Discomfort


  • Christopher S.

    Inversions Intensity Rattle

    Vest restraint makes the intensity enjoyable. It's still really rough.

  • Christopher S.

    Inversions Pace Intensity

    Batclone #2 for me. Same pros but it's even more intense.

  • Christopher S.

    Inversions Intensity Dead spots

    The 3 loops each are intense. There are a lot of times where it does nothing. Apparently it was better before the ride adopted the Riddler name, but I'll never know.

  • Christopher S.

    Airtimes Smoothness Too short

    Another kiddie coaster with airtime. Chance rides made this one though, not E&F Miler.

  • Christopher S.

    Airtimes Pace Intensity Rattle

    Definitely one of the best B&M Hypers airtime-wise, probably from the much better pacing. There might even be ejector. Intensity is good on the helix. I wish that the ride was smoother, there definitely is a bit of a rattle.

  • Sean R.

    Nice surprise! Fun Ejectors

    We jumped on Thunderhead to start the day and came back to it for multiple rides towards the end of my first Dollywood experience. While we came to the park with our eyes set on other coasters (that also delivered), Thunderhead really brought a unique intensity and fun factor. It's fantastic modern wooden coaster that's easily overlooked in a park with many other enjoyable rides. But don't miss this one...simply too much fun and the only coaster whose capacity and appeal enabled 4+ rides in the same day. UPDATE after recent visit - Thunderhead was even better than I remembered. I've yet to hit Mystic Timbers, which sound like stands in a class of its own - for the moment, Thunderhead is my favorite CGI by a distance. Love the pacing and intensity. Night ride added to the experience.

  • Rumham

    This is a ride.

  • Dom W.

    Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!

    This ride is fucking horrendous. I have to put a half of a star to submit this but this ride gets a score of 0/5 and a 0/10. It’s fucking horrific. It looks good but then you actually ride it. There is nothing redeeming about this ride. The rattle is unbearable. It rides like a fucking shopping cart going down a cobblestone road. I’m happy zamperla is improving but this is the Worst coaster ever for me personally. I’ve given it 4 chances and it just keeps getting worse. There is no fixing this ride. Piece of shit. Also this is coming from someone who likes skyrush restraints but these are the worst restraints I’ve ever experienced by far. The operators make you sit completely back, and then they slam the plastic panini press of a restraint down so hard that it feels like you’ll lose circulation in your legs. They keep tightening the entire ride. Horrific ride. Burn it down or unleash steel eating termites on it, just get rid of it and I can die happy.

  • Dom W.

    Masterpiece Intensity Ejectors

    Skyrush. What a ride. The best airtime focused ride I’ve ever ridden, insane sustained ejector, lateral ejector, positive g’s, a first drop that launches you into orbit in the back left seat. I honestly do like the restraints? I didn’t get any pain with them. Do they tighten? Yes 100%, but it’s not unbearable. I can put up with it for the greatest airtime focused coaster ive ridden. Pure masterpiece of a coaster. Nothing can beat this and my no1, I-305. I give that ride the edge for focusing on positive G’s more, as that’s my favorite force on a coaster. I think airtime should be done this way, I’m not a huge fan of the rmc quick pop of ejector, I want sustained airtime. Floater or ejector. This coaster perfectly demonstrates sustained ejector airtime perfectly and I’m here for all of it. I love this ride. One of the 2 coasters I consider to truly be a perfect coaster.