Detailed user ratings
Riddler Mindbender features
Also in Six Flags Over Georgia 17
Reviews 254
Inversions Fun Intensity Discomfort
This was my first looping coaster-I rode it before the "refurbishment." It was a little janky & rough, but mostly just intense. Then, Six Flags made the decision to retrack it & take out the (I believe) second loop, and it started to rip through its course. This is NOT a good thing, you hit every lateral like it's Pegasus' brake run and it took what used to be a fun old Schwarzkopf looper and made it unbearable. I still ride it, but only once. Six Flags, I can't believe I'm saying this, but trim it. Also, maybe make the brake run a bit more gradual? You get flung forward into the lap bar, and URGH. Last ride in 2023, though, so maybe it's gotten better.
Inversions Location Intensity Dead spots
wow they neutered the hell out of this one. rating and pros apply to how it was before, but the con applies to how it is now lol
Inversions Intensity
It's a fantastic coaster with intense moments. Since it's a Schwarzkopf you can anticipate very fierce loops. What makes them so unique is how sharp the loops are. They aren't the teardrop style but an actual circle so you experience nasty positive forces. I think the rest of the ride was decent but the loops made it jump up in my rankings. The first drop is okay but a bit shallow for my liking. The helix is also decent but does not have enough speed to make it stand out among the better sharp turnarounds. 3.5/5 stars
Inversions Nice surprise! Smoothness Dead spots
I was shocked by how smooth this coaster was, however there were noticeable jolts. The loops were very smooth and forceful. The first drop was also pretty nice. For a coaster this old, it doesn’t disappoint. This also had the highest wait time in the park when I went.
Duration Disappointing! Dead spots
The park ruined what was a once-great classic coaster
Inversions Dead spots
Was a bit underwhelming but the loops were forceful and I like the green color scheme.
Inversions Intensity Dead spots
The 3 loops each are intense. There are a lot of times where it does nothing. Apparently it was better before the ride adopted the Riddler name, but I'll never know.
Riddler Mindbender was okay, about what you would expect for a coaster from the 70s, sort of clunky and rattly, but overall it was a fun throwback. I love when parks keep older coasters alive and running. This coaster had valley’ed the week before I rode it so I’m thankful the park got it running again.
Inversions Location Intensity Dead spots
I was quite surprised by the intensity this ride packs into its loops and valleys. Yes, the loops and valleys are the only good parts of the ride, but they genuinely are quite fun. There is a lot of pointless meandering throughout the whole layout, but the wooded surroundings make it a little more enjoyable. 6/10 - why does the brake run squeal
First Drop Inversions Fun Headbanging Discomfort
While a classic in its own right, this ride lacks the intensity of most modern loopers and comes with the grumpiness and discomfort you'd expect from a 45 year-old steel coaster.. With that said, it's certainly not a baby coaster and it remains a really good ride. It was my daughter's first looper and will always have a special place in our heart as a result. She was scared right up to the first loop...however, sighs and cries over the course of the ride quickly gave way to "let's do it again!" The tell-tale sign of a great experience. If you're at Six Flags Over Georgia, you really must give it a shot. It's not in the same league as Twisted Cyclone and not on the same scale as Goliath, but it shows well and gives a nostalgic nod to the past with a fair amount of adrenaline released along the way.
Inversions Comfort Duration Disappointing! Dead spots
This ride is good and there nothing bad I just came off kind of disappointed with my ride, it kinda slow and now just feels like a family ride with 2 loops. Smooth coaster for its age just very slow
Inversions Intensity Dead spots
This ride used to be great. Now it’s just pretty good. New shorter trains and trim brakes have neutered the experience. First loop still gives great positive Gs but the second loop you get trimmed right before now making it way less intense. Still a good ride though just not as good as it used to be
Inversions Disappointing!
The terrain aspect of this ride is really cool and I love the green paint, but I really don't feel like there is much that makes this ride unique in the park.
Inversions Location Smoothness Airtimes Dead spots
The inversions are forceful but the rest of it feels like a mine train.
Lap Bar Inversions Location Dead spots Reliability
The refurb made this a shell of its former self. The trims hit way too hard and the trains are nowhere near as comfortable as the old Schwarzkopf rolling stock.
First Drop Nice surprise! Smoothness
This coaster amazes me, I can’t believe how well such an old coaster stacks up against modern coasters. The inversions are super forceful and some of the drops and banks are surprisingly forceful as well Fun and Smooth Love This Coaster
Inversions Nice surprise! Intensity
This coaster amazes me, I can’t believe how well such an old coaster stacks up against modern coasters. The inversions are super forceful and some of the drops and banks are surprisingly forceful as well. I also love that it’s more approachable to younger coaster riders, my nephew absolutely loves this one.
Inversions Fun Rattle Dead spots
cant beat a classic Schwarzkopf and their iconic loops but there are a lot of dead spots where it doesn't do much.
Nice surprise! Intensity Ejectors
I’m not sure how the renovated mindbender is but I had a blast on this in 2019. This coaster had several nice drops and ejector pops as well as 2 really intense classic Schwarzkopf loops and a really forceful and lateral filled incline helix thingy. I love the forest setting and it’s just an awesome smooth and classic looper which adds even more to the very solid sfog lineup.
Layout Rattle Discomfort
Quite jarring particularly on the turns prior to and after the second loop.
Inversions Rattle Pointless Dead spots
Riddler Mindbender is SO overrated. I haven’t ridden this yet, but the drop does nothing, and you feel like the Schwarzkopf rattle is back again. This is just a clone of Shockwave at Over Texas. Shockwave just makes Mindbender look like a joke. When I get to Over Georgia, I will ride this and it will probably confirm my low expectations, but I hope for a better outcome.
Intensity Disappointing!
This is was my first Schwartzkopf and the vertical loops really caught me by surprise. The first drop in the back is good. And the first loop gives you a good dose of positive gs. Shockwaves loops are better, but Mind Bender's are still fun. Whenever you ride back up, you get some good air in the front. The little dive thingy that six flags call a "loop", is very forceful, but very rough. I wouldn't call this whole ride rough, it's just a little shaky. The drop following the "loop" is fun in the back and gives you good airtime. Once again, as you rise back up and level out flat you get some good floater in the front. The next drop is once again good in the back and the loop following is forceful. Then you ride back up and turn into the brake run.
Location Fun Intensity Rattle Disappointing!
I'll get sued for this, but I don't care. This ride is so overrated it's not even funny. Keep in mind I sat in the drop, and the drop did nothing. The loops honestly hurt, and it's just not elite. It could change with a ride in the back, but who knows.
Inversions Comfort Masterpiece
I don’t know what makes me love this coaster so much! Maybe it’s the graceful and glossy smooth layout, or the two forceful vertical loops, or the beautiful terrain Mind Bender is interwoven with... it may not be insanely intense like its Canadian brother (which I have also ridden), but Mind Bender would make a great introduction to inversions for future coasterfans. I hope Mind Bender is around for decades to come!
Inversions Location Ejectors
Mind Bender is a really perfect coaster. Make sure you sit in the front, you get three instances of ejector airtime. Combined with the two forceful loops and huge diving helix, and you have a perfect balance of airtime and positive forces. Combine this with the comfortable, minimalist restraints, and the gorgeous setting in a small ravine, diving past a waterfall, and you have a perfect classic coaster.
Rattle Discomfort Reliability
Nice surprise! Fun Intensity Dead spots
Inversions Intensity Dead spots
Inversions Location Dead spots