• Tristan S.

    Nice surprise! Fun Layout

    Pretty good, i don't get what y'all are hating on. It was pretty cool, my first ride lmao.

  • Robert Primrose

    Airtimes First Drop Comfort Theming

    Took my first ride in the back right hand seat! That first drop is an incredible array of sensations. Riding in the back you are yanked over the edge with intense ejector air which feels insane being so high up - and the track sort of disappears beneath you as it twists 180 degrees to the left with aggressive laterals. I lost my stomach my first ride! Next you enter a non inverting Immelmann with great positive forces followed by sustained floater. From here you enter a heavily outer-banked turn which morphs into a barrel roll drop. This element doesn’t even feel real! You’re turning while floating in your seat for an extended amount of time. This is then perfectly followed by the grand finale of an immaculate stall/dive loop which seems to go on forever in the best way. That’s the thing about hyperia, every element provides an extended, purposeful dose of beautifully mixed floater/ejector airtime/hangtime. It’s so powerful and yet graceful. You feel the trims slightly in the splashdown, but it doesn’t affect the last little outerbank and bunny hill at all. I came off feeling absolutely incredible. I am so happy we have this coaster in the UK, nothing else tops it here layout wise.

  • Bryson Cartner

    First Drop Nice surprise! Rattle Headbanging Discomfort

    As soon as I got off I felt like my back was broken it bangs that much. This may be because it’s wood but it still hurts

  • Bryson Cartner

    Inversions Nice surprise! Smoothness Theming

    I couldn’t hear the banshee sound effect

  • Bryson Cartner

    Airtimes First Drop Location

    I didn’t get wet😭😭😭😭

  • Bryson Cartner

    Airtimes Comfort Intensity Inversions


  • Tom Clements

    Airtimes Rattle Intensity


  • Abby Clarke

    Theming Fun Masterpiece Dead spots

    Taron is a superbly balanced coaster - it's not ground breaking in any one sense, but it does everything very well - it's whippy, has airtime, has good launches, superb theming, a great soundtrack, lots of integration with buildings and rocks (and a waterfall), awesome lighting and effects (particularly after dark), it's buttery smooth and comfortable. The only criticism would be the dead spots before the second launch and after the trim brake, but it's such a beautiful and well thought out experience that it became my no. 1 coaster the second I rode it. I went to Phantasialand for F.L.Y., I'll be back for Taron!

  • Glass Cannonn


    It’s ok. Much preferred dragon slayer at Adventureland. It spun more and yet made me feel less icky after riding it. It’s ok but don’t feel like I’d need ride it again.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Nice surprise! Launch Intensity Capacity

    Not a huge fan of this style of coaster in the past but really enjoyed it today. The launch and ride in general is pretty intense and fun. Wouldn’t want to marathon it but a lap per visits makes total sense.