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Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar
Silver Star is a B&M Hyper Coaster located at Europa Park. Although the theming isnt upto europa park standards, the ride sure does make up for it. Climbing the lifthill, you really do realise how high the first drop actually is. At the back you are pulled down the first drop and the sense of speed is fantastic. The drop is followed by some lovely camelback hills providing a little bit of floater airtime, but not too much. After an intense turn around and a couple more hills, you enter what is, in my opinion, the strongest part if the ride. The airtime on the 2nd half is fantastic, especially on the drop after the mid course. The ride is truly fantastic. Its intense yet floaty, powerful yet graceful, and my 2nd favorite coaster at Europa Park. This ride doesnt have a con, and although its not the worlds best coaster, it certainly is one of my favourites! Remember to follow my Instagram @airtimeofficial, i appreciate any support!!
Airtimes Capacity Fun Rattle Theming
***This review is about Silver Star with winter wheels*** I've always loved this B&M a lot but experiencing it in the winter with its harder set of wheels and the brakes disabled is something else. In general I'd say the back rows provide the best experience with lots of floater airtime during the first drop and the first two airtime hills. After the turnaround, though, things are starting to get really awesome. The sudden drop after the midcourse brake run provides amazing ejectors with another one following after the helix. The final s-bend delivers a great sense of speed. After a fun first half, Silver Star follows up with an exceptional second. It's biggest drawbacks are its location in the middle of the parking lot, the comparatively weak theming and a mild rattle on the outer seats. It didn't really hurt my experience but it's noticeably rougher now than it used to be. Still, Silver Star is a hyper I always enjoy coming back to.
Airtimes First Drop Duration Dead spots
This ride has an amazing first drop and a good sense of speed. Some hills are intenser than other hills, but it’s just such a fun ride!
Airtimes Pace Layout
This might have been my favourite ride in the park (although voltron probably just pipped it). Sitting in the front row was a massive thrill. The heights and the dips are simply fabulous. Airtime is great, After my first go on it I relaxed and let myself float the second time and it was brilliant.
Airtimes Smoothness Duration
Amazing ride, only beaten by Shambala because this is like a car park coaster but the ride experience is fantstic with lots of airtime throughout
Disappointing! Airtimes Layout
0 airtime. shallow first drop. just absolutely nothing redeemable about this layout. how can a hyper be so boring? genuinely awful. people call the big one a monorail but this actually is one.
Nice surprise! Fun Ejectors
My first ever Hyper! I really really enjoyed it, and the drop after the midcourse breakrun has some really good surprising ejector airtime, it really caught me offguard and I loved it. Didn't enjoy the gray-out at the bottom of the first drop tho
Airtimes First Drop Capacity Theming Dead spots
If you find the perfect row for you, which is probably in the back but not necessarily the very last row, it can actually have a bunch of floater airtime in the first half. It's also a pretty comfortable ride and the first drop is a lot of fun and can easily grey you out for ~2 seconds in the back of the train. That combined with the great capacity that keeps the queue always moving makes this a very fun coaster to re-ride a bunch of times. Its big downsides are just that if you choose a bad seat (luckily rows aren't assigned) or get stapled, the ride can feel pretty pointless, and that it basically has no theming outside of the sponsorship integration.
First Drop Lap Bar Intensity Airtimes Layout
I rode it first thing in the morning, second row. My expectation were very low and I was still disappointed. The drop was good, an unexpected pop of airtime exiting the midcourse, but that's really the only stand-out airtime moment which is super dumb on a hyper coaster. But when I did a last row ride on the start of the afternoon, the drop was much better and I got my first ever grey out (that I remember) which has surprised me a bit. Still pretty underwhelming.
First Drop Ejectors Duration
What an experience of a rollercoaster, this coaster is something you don't see that much in Europe wich is why I love it so much. The layout is very good and has something for every seat, the first hills have airtime in the front while the last hills have airtime in the back. The first drop is also very intense, I didn't really expect it to be so intense wich is why it was a big surprise.
First Drop Theming Duration Rattle Discomfort
This was my First hyper coaster and i rode It in very differenti ways and weather,under the Rain,with the cold,in the night,during the day,last and last row and even without the middle brake. I am fond of this coaster and i enjoy every ride although Is not too smoother and has a bit of rattle
Fun Ejectors Rattle Disappointing! Pointless
A fun, albeit pretty nothing ride. Pretty bad shake on the valleys, but fun airtime. Not a great first impression of the B&M hypers, but a fun ride nonetheless
Airtimes Capacity
Underrated ride in my Opinion. This was my first B&M hyper after visiting 30 other Parks, and i always heard These are forceless crowd pleasers with silver Star being one of the weaker ones, but i had so much fun on it. Always riding a little behind the middle of the train gave me good sustained float over all the hills (given i had my lap bar open like 5cm), paired with the natural height and speed of a hypercoaster i had a really good time
Airtimes First Drop Fun Rattle
Your typical B&M hyper with the standard layout of airtime hills/turnaround/more hills. The floater air is really good, especially in the back. My favorite part is the ending which has some good intensity - a nice surprise. A moderate rattle was disappointing. A good time overall.
Airtimes Pace Duration Theming
Wish this didn't feel like a parking lot coaster but it's good. Notable for being one of the few times B&M has gotten the post-MCBR section of a ride correct.
Capacity Duration Dead spots Intensity
I imagine this would have been an imposing coaster back when it opened as one of the tallest in the world, but in this day and age, a 67-meter drop is nothing special in itself. The first drop is also not that steep, which makes the ride a little tamer than it looks. It's like a milder version of Nitro at Six Flags Great Adventure, despite being very similar in terms of layout, height and speed. But it's a smooth hyper with solid capacity, so it's definitely worth a ride or two.
Airtimes First Drop Comfort
3rd best coaster in my opinion, it's a basic layout but for the rest, amazing airtime and the first drop is the best moment, every time you go over a hill you just feel like you pop out of the seat
First Drop Capacity Lap Bar Rattle Theming
Silver Star is sadly the roughest B&M I've ridden. Pretty much all spots with positive G's have a strong rattle. But the airtime doesn't suffer from this. All the hills have floater airtime, so don't expect some crazy ejector. The trains themself are very comfortable.
Airtimes First Drop Duration Rattle
This is the best coaster at Europa Park. It's not as varied as Wodan or Blue Fire but it has great airtime. It's a behemoth and the first thing you see when arriving at Europa Park. The theme is interesting for the French area, it doesn't really fit in but it looks nice. The capacity is also great, the queue just doesn't stop moving. The drop is great, especially in the back rows. All hills offer sustained floater airtime, especially if you have some room between your legs and the lap bar. The clim into the brakerun delivers a violent pop of airtime, as do the drops off of the brakerun and subsequent turnaround, though it is more sustained here. The main con with Silver Star is the rattle in the valleys, which can be a little jarring. The coaster is thankfully the perfect length with that rattle. The best rows for airtime are the back and especially the front rows. I don't understand why row 5 is restricted to people over 1m50, as it's not where Silver Star is most intense. Update June 2024: Silver Star has the better forces in the back rows, but has a hideous rattle there. Every valley shakes quite a lot. That's why I prefer riding it up front, as the airtime is just as sustained, though maybe a bit less forceful, but the train rattles way less in the front rows, which is why I prefer riding Silver Star there. It has three trains, and always seems to run all three of them.
Airtimes First Drop Pace Layout Intensity
The lift hill offers a great view, the First drop is great , but i thought it would be faster. The camelbacks give nice airtime, but nothing intense. I got to say it, the layout is pretty much the same over and over again. However, the nicest part is the drop after the block brake due to the strongest airtime moment of the entire coaster. Overall the #2 of the park and completely deserves a rating of 4.5 out of 5.
First Drop Smoothness Intensity
Very fun. But did not felt as fast as it should
Airtimes Capacity Duration
A great ride, with good speed and acceleration on the first drop and some floater airtime over the hills. There is a slight ‘rattle’, but it’s still smooth really, and not in any way uncomfortable. Overall, a forceful but not OTT experience, and great for my daughter’s first hyper coaster (she’s 9).
Airtimes Capacity Rattle
I did 2 rides in the back and in the 8th row, and to my surprise, I actually got some ejector airtime at some moments. The only issue I had was that there was a slight rattle in the valleys and turns .
Airtimes First Drop Duration Rattle Dead spots
A very solid coaster with lots of great airtime, ranging from floater on the first drop and the first hills, to floajector and even pure ejector on the final hills. It is one of the lesser themed coasters at the park, but that's ok. It's also a little shaky in the back, but again, that can be forgiven for a great ride overall. I really don't get the hate on this ride.
Airtimes First Drop Rattle
It doesn't give as much airtime as the usual mega coaster and it has a little rattle when you're on the back seats. Besides these it's a really good B&M mega coaster.
Airtimes First Drop Comfort Theming Launch
This is a fairly tame b&m hyper, I say tame as I came to this park after just visiting phantasialand and holiday park. It has some moments of "air time" but not really any negative G's. Otherwise my main issue with it is it's position in the park and it's racing theme. Theres a starting countdown, where you'd expect a launch but, no, nothing! Just a slow roll into the lift hill!...
Airtimes First Drop Nice surprise!
I've ridden it on five visits to the park and it's still one of my favorite hyper coasters, despite of the competition of the last decade. Silver Star has a good theme (Mercedes!), a impressive income hall, a great first drop, a smart layout and so delivers a solid experience.
Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar
5/5 and with no doubt. Every single second on this ride was great. It was so good I even made my own song about it.
Airtimes Smoothness Ejectors
Revisiting Silver Star after visiting its modern brother in PortAventura has me convinced that this is the superior B&M Hyper in Europe. The first hills have a ton of airtime, and have also been improved massively by replacing the old trim brakes. After the mid-course brake run, the intensity is turned up (rather than turned down like its Spanish counterpart), and there are multiple strong ejector moments. Even the banked turns are very forceful seconds before the final brakes.
Airtimes Dead spots
really didn't do a whole lot until the second half. after the midcourse, though is some of the strongest air on a b&m.
Airtimes Lap Bar Duration Theming
This is the only B&M Hyper I've done and I absolutely love it. The trains are amazing and the scale of the ride is very impressive. The first drop really good in the back row and the valley is pretty intense though it has a noticeable rattle. The rest of the layout is nothing spectacular but I just love the graceful sustained airtime you get on the large camelbacks. The turnaround is fun as well but the ride really takes off after the mcbr. You get something close to ejector airtime in the back row and the finale is one large snapy transition. A really fun and in some parts intense ride, I just wish it had a little more theming.
Airtimes Capacity Fun Rattle
Silver Star is a great and underrated ride in my opinion! The first drop and the camelbacks deliver sustained floater airtime. You even get ejector on the drops of the MCBR and the helix. The valleys can rattle a little bit in the back but I recommend the front anyway because you really feel the speed there and the airtime is a bit more sustained and powerful.
Airtimes Layout
Silver Star gets a lot of hate because it doesn’t live up to the other rides of its model. While that’s true, it’s still a really good experience in and of itself. The second half is better than the first, delivering some really strong flojector airtime. Overall, it’s a bit rattly and not fantastic, but a B&M Hyper’s a B&M Hyper, and one of them will always be great.
Airtimes Capacity Fun
I rode Hyperion at Energylandia before Silver Star and since I was told that Silver Star is the family version of Hyperion, I kept my expectations low for this one. And those expectations were true: Silver Star is indeed the family version of Hyperion. The first drop sucks, it barely gives any airtime and the camelbacks that follow all give floater airtime instead of ejector found on Hyperion. There are some nice positives as well but nothing too intense. The best moment on Silver Star is undoubtedly the drop off the midcourse. That gives some serious ejector airtime and I did not see that coming, that was a great surprise! The turn right before the final brakerun is also a good moment as it's pretty snappy. Overall Silver Star is a good, fun ride with some great moments, but like I said, Silver Star just pales in comparison to Hyperion.
I don't know why you'd build something so big and impressive looking, ruining the theming of the area in the process, and then have it just be "ok". Not particularly intense, just kind of meh
Airtimes Comfort Smoothness Theming
This is my third HyperCoaster after Shambhala and Hyperion. The first drop is great, and the camelbacks & hills that follow give some medium to low intensity floater airtimes. It's a great 'first big' coaster as it's not intense at all, i'd say that Wodan Timbur Coaster requires more bravery than Silver Star. The low intensity, smoothness, and Europa Parks fantastic operations makes it very re ridable. If you come from the USA, or generally have a lot of credits under your belt, you may be disappointed.
Airtimes Comfort Duration
For its age its doing so well. I can imagine at the time being built this was a excellent coaster as in smoothness, train design, restraint type and being the tallest coaster in Europe. My favorite and surprising elements were the sudden drop with ejector after the mid brake run and the hills after that were great fun too. The final two banked curves towards the final brake run are very well done with its speed.
Airtimes Capacity Fun Theming
It's a good ride and even more so for those who have not done a lot of rollercoasters. It has it's purpose but after having ridden Hyperion too this one feels a lot more run of the mill.
Airtimes First Drop Duration
Last row on the outside really seals the deal. Amazing drop, amazing airtime, quite a long ride. Absolutely loved it.
Airtimes Capacity Lap Bar Rattle Theming Dead spots
Well, it may not really be a powerful roller coaster, but it still has some unexpected airtime from the MCBR on the backrow. It seems like this ride is getting better and better as the ride goes on. Theming is a bit awkward, but I like the soundtrack tho. Operations are impressive, seats and restrains are really comfortable, I personally like them more than Gerstlauer clamshell's. There is a noticeable rattle, but what do you expect from a rollercoaster that is already 20 years old...
Lap Bar Pace Duration Rattle Harness Dead spots
Ja, war ganz nett. Bin kein großer Fan der Bahn aber hat Spaß gemacht
Airtimes Capacity Fun Rattle
Quirky last turn! First turn with top speed is a little discomforting.
First Drop Too short
First drop very intense but after you get not much sensation because that ^^
First Drop Nice surprise! Comfort Rattle Theming
I went on this ride with very low expectations but was very surprised! The first drop gave good floater and the hills delivered great floater and some even ejector! Pros: Very good capacity and comfortable trains! Cons: Strong rattle and lack of theming during the ride
Comfort Fun Theming Disappointing!
Being this my first hypercoaster, it disappointed me. The drop was not nearly as impressive as I had expected, and the airtimes, although fun, weren't that good. Also, the theming is one of the worst in the park, specially for me, as I'm not into cars. Just a dull queue with a couple of automobiles and some pictures. The ride itself isn't decorated whatsoever, it just flies over the parking! I mean, this isn't precisely at a Six Flags. On the contrary, the trains were comfortable, and as typical for B&M, the four-people-per-row disposition offers a high capacity, which, combined with the park's great ops that manage to keep three trains moving without almost any wating, reduces the queue times a great deal. However, the coaster itself is pretty bland, and the layout, unoriginal, just one hill after another. I felt that after a couple of hills, none of them provided any new experience, and as all the air was floater, the pace was quite improvable.
Airtimes First Drop Smoothness Theming Discomfort
Great ride that provides some excellent floater airtimes, but unfortunately I got stapled on both of my rides, so that may have effected the experience slightly. Nevertheless, the first drop is amazing, and probably the best part of the ride is that drop off of the MCBR, because that offers a (very small) moment of ejector, and the twists into the brake run are just great. Quite a smooth ride, but with a noticeable rattle the further back you go. The inside queue has some really cool theming, with the whole Mercedes theme. However, the outside queue is just cattle pen after cattle pen. Second best ride in the park, only after Blue Fire for me. It is a car park coaster, but it does have a car theme, so I don’t know if that was intentional or not, but it could have been better themed on the ride itself, especially because it’s at Europa-Park.
Airtimes First Drop Intensity
For me Silver Star offers one of the best airtimes in europe, due to its shell-B&M restreaints and nice pace. I love this coaster. It will never get old.
Lap Bar Harness Duration Rattle Disappointing! Airtimes
Sometimes this coaster has days where it gives good and amazing airtime, and then there are days like today. It has really weak airtime and it doesn't do anything for me as of now. Maybe it will get better, but I don't have high hopes. The ride also has a noticeable rattle in the valleys (especially in that first drop Valley). I would really like to love this coaster, but it sadly falls flat for me. The 2nd half is the only good part that saves this coaster.
Capacity Comfort Duration Theming
Among many enthusiasts, this B&M hyper coaster is seen as boring. I personally still really like it because it's a very long ride, seats and restraints are comfortable and due to the moderate intensity, it is simply enjoyable for everyone. After the block brakes, there are two stronger airtime moments, which are almost flojector - and the S-curve finale is a very elegant ending for such a coaster. Especially night rides during christmas season over an illuminated park are amazing! Another advantage is the impressing capacity, with three large trains and quick dispatches, so waiting time is mostly moderate for a coaster of this size. The only downside is that this coaster is one of the least themed rides at this park, the Mercedes Benz hall doesn't really match with the French section of the park. But overall, this is the second best coaster at Europa Park after Wodan!
Airtimes Pace Theming
Great ride for people who love BM hypers but it's one of the weaker ones. Also theming is very strange and it's surrounding's are literally a car park
First Drop Comfort Airtimes
Doesn't live up to its reputation. Floaters are rather boring - and most of them simply too slow. First drop is great, but after that, it basically becomes a snoozefest.
Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Dead spots Intensity
Not my kind of ride at all but still fun
Comfort Smoothness Duration Airtimes
Don't get me wrong. Silver Star has a lot of airtime, but almost in every cases it is just floater, not ejector. It is the only con this roller coaster has. It is very comfortable, very smooth and the ride is really long. My favorite part of the ride is the drop right after midcourse. The best place to sit is in the back row.
First Drop Comfort Fun
As all B&M Hypers very enjoyable, comfortable seating, no rattle (only a bit on the first curve up after the first drop), amazing first drop, typical out and back layout, airtime was a bit missing though, very fast and intense curves at the end. Theming was only in the station and queue line. There is also never long waiting, since the trains hold a large capacity. Thrill: 4/5
First Drop Capacity Duration
Surprisingly good ride. Some pretty decent airtime in the back row, especially the first two drops after the MCBR.
Capacity Comfort Duration Theming
Very underrated ride with a good first drop and long layout. The first is good but the second one is where its at. During the Winter season I had my best rides on it with the trims not hitting at all sometimes.
Airtimes Capacity Fun
A criminally underrated and very reridable hyper, I didn’t find one hill without airtime - you even get whipped out your seat flying through the MCBR. There’s a rough spot at the bottom of the first drop but it’s pretty smooth besides that.
Airtimes Comfort Fun
Not anything wrong with it, it just isn't good enough to deserve a 10/10 (It can be disappointing before it has warmed up). So easy to re-ride (Especially with those stellar operations) and the layout doesn't have any dead spots. Extremely comfortable trains that didn't staple me.
Airtimes Fun Smoothness Intensity
Ahh you gotta love SilverStar! Once the tallest in Europe is not a bad title to have ;) It looks epic towering over the skyline of EP. I remember when it first opening being soo impressed by it (I was pretty young) but I still love it, soo much fun everytime, I could sit on it all day ! Theming is alright.. Not too keen on the video being played on the main screen in the queue line now.. Not the best interview from Lewis Hamilton .. Any one else remember the song that used to play in the station? "The silver, silver staaar.. the Silver silver staaar" hahaa must have drove the staff mad ! But yeah.. SilverStar is still awesome ! Edit July 19': I've been back to EP a few times recently with it being my home park.. and I still love this coaster! No it's not the best of its kind, not the most intense but its just soo much fun ! Big smiles all the way and its deff a back row ride for me :-)
Airtimes Location Comfort Disappointing!
Had really high hopes for this: but, i ended up not really liking it. Probably due to the fact that i only rode this one time and got stapled on it, but i will have to ride it again, kinda.
Airtimes First Drop Fun Intensity
We personally love B&M Hypers. Good floaters on the first drop. It isn't very intense
Airtimes Lap Bar Comfort
Love the floating airtime! In Europe this is still one of the largest coasters. Very smooth ride.
Airtimes Comfort Fun
Airtimes First Drop Pace
Airtimes First Drop
Airtimes First Drop Capacity Theming