• Shroom

    Fun Rattle Theming Discomfort

    It´s a wild mouse, but very rattly to be honest in comparison to other ones. It´s pretty discomforting and there is absolutely no theming, except that facade around it, which looks incredibly ugly. It´s still fun

  • Shroom

    Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!

    I thought this ride was fun and had some good moments, but after I rerode this again, I have to say that this is absolute garbage. It rattled a lot and I´ve never experienced such a headache after a roller coaster. This has to get RMC refurbishment

  • Raymond C.

    First Drop Theming Inversions

    A very good coaster with an amazing theming. The elements feel very well balanced out. Although I think the elements don't feel as special as the ones on other rollercoaster types. The first drop is awesome especially in the front row. All the inversions and other elements are very smooth and relatively intense.

  • Martin Sanders


    Best ride in Vegas (Nevada?) for sure. I heard that it was dismantled over by Mandalay Bay but not sure if it is still over there. It would be great for another Casino where there is more foot traffic to purchase this and rebuild it. Absolutely destroys the Big Apple Coaster at NY NY. Would be fun to see a mini "Coaster war" with the Vegas casinos. Oh well...RIP Speed the Ride.

  • Martin Sanders

    Location Headbanging Harness Discomfort

    Starting out in the Casino was fun, and the setting along the LV strip was great. Other than that it was a mostly forgettable ride - granted I rode it before the new trains. It was pretty expensive to ride (over $20) per person, so not really worth that much...also, they check height pretty closely, make kids take off shoes etc (just as an FYI).

  • Garrett

    Fun Capacity Discomfort

    Got thrown around a bit but still a fun ride

  • Garrett

    Airtimes Intensity Hangtime

    For a Zamperla thunderbolt it's very intense and felt like I was gonna fall out of my seat but other than that this is a fantastic ride, totally recommended it if your in the Foley area.

  • Martin Sanders

    Duration Dead spots

    This ride just really doesn't do anything. Its setting is cool - you start out in the Casino - but after that its kind of just a parking lot coaster until you get to the rockwork at the end. Overall, if they ever open this back up its worth a trip just for the novelty, but as far as a really good ride this just doesn't have it.

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Theming Launch Layout Harness Discomfort Lap Bar

    It wasn't the most comfortable ride, but the layout was super good and fun! And the theming was so good. Especially because I used to watch Anubis on TV a lot!

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Nice surprise! Pace Smoothness Rattle

    Very surprising 10/10!! I had no idea wooden coasters could be this awesome! It feels as smooth as a wooden coaster can be and yet it went super fast!! Amazing ride