• Chermaine S.

    Capacity Discomfort

    Another wild mouse coaster and another one I don't like. I'm just not a fan of the sharp turns and pointless drops. I feel like it's a little less painful than Ghost Chasers at Movie Park Germany though.

  • Chermaine S.

    Capacity Discomfort Layout

    I'm not a fan of wild mouse coasters and I never will be. The sharp turns are pointless and the drops just make me hold on for dear life. The track also looks like it's in desperate need of refurbishment, it looks very rusty. Was kinda worried the track would fall apart at one point haha. And don't even get me started on the bad capacity!

  • Chermaine S.


    At least it's an improvement over De Waarbeeks previous coaster (Goldmine Express). Also have to give it props for being my first Wacky Worm.

  • Chermaine S.


    This one really wasn't that bad. But why does it have to go around 4 times? Kinda had enough of it after 2 rounds already!

  • Chermaine S.

    Discomfort Layout

    With how many bad kiddie coasters Energylandia has, this one is just plain forgettable. I remember it being not very comfortable though.

  • Chermaine S.


    If you love laterals and nothing else, this ride is for you :) Seriously, that's all this ride does. For a kiddie coaster it's just not fun.

  • Chermaine S.

    Theming Discomfort Tear it down!

    This ride sucks. Too many painful laterals and the excessive amount of theming gives me a sensory overload. Energylandia, you've got some beautiful coasters, but your SBFs do not belong on that list.

  • Slovis Celery

    Location Intensity Layout Dead spots

    Nemesis deserves every bit of acclaim it has ever recieved. The ride is fast, intense, and has the best near misses on any coaster, with every turn trying to rip your feet off - through forces and near misses. The entire area around Nemesis is perfect - the coaster is running all around you, flying under and over you, with it's iconic roar being omnipresent around the entirety of forbidden valley. The highlight of this ride is the sadistic downward helix, which forces you into a greyout, as you then violently whip over the station in the most terrifying near miss on earth - especially paired with the camera flash at night - so you've only regained consiousness while inverted over the station. The rest of the layout is great, with positives and whip being abundant - only really slowing down in the overbank around the station, but even then that's taken at a great pace at night, and the drop being quite nothing. Nemesis is spectacular.

  • Chermaine S.

    Discomfort Tear it down!

    The vest restraints thank goodness removed the headbanging, but that doesn't mean this ride became good. It's still very shaky and uncomfortable and I feel like the restraint comes down during the ride, so whenever I hit the final brakerun, my legs were in desperate need of oxygen. Walibi, please get rid of this ride and get an STC instead, those things are SO much better.

  • Chermaine S.

    Headbanging Harness

    MP-Xpress was the 3rd SLC I rode and since I hated Vampire and Condor, I braced myself for the headbanging, but to my surprise it wasn't as bad as the previous two. Only the turn after the sidewinder beat me up pretty bad, but the rest was actually quite doable. Still hate SLCs with a passion though and I'd much rather see all of them replaced with something better.