• Rowan P.

    Capacity Headbanging Too short Discomfort

    Tons of head banging. It was a fine ride but too short and too much head banging. I suggest riding in becuase of the history and to check it off the list, but I don’t know if I will ride it again. It is a walk on with no to little line though!

  • Rowan P.

    Airtimes First Drop Harness Too short

    BEST RIDE AT SILVIERWOOD! Such a good ride with amazing quality’s that I could all list because of the max pros. The first drop is insane in the back and the front and the hang time on the first dive loop is great. It’s smooth and the restraints are insanely comfortable! The Dispatch is perfect and super quick. I can’t wait to ride this again!

  • Kurtfan 1991

    Theming Pace Masterpiece

    This is the best Big Thunder Mountain version by far. It's fast, has good decorations, and I really love how the train goes on the island. I'm not surprised at all that it's so popular. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ce coaster est la meilleure version de BTM, et de loin. Il va vite, les décors sont magnifique, et c'est vraiment une bonne idée de faire passer le train sur l'île. Je ne suis pas étonné le moins du monde que ce coaster soit si populaire.

  • Robert A.

    Theming Rattle

    One of SBF's finest. A complete meme from beginning to end with a hilarious jolt halfway through (classic Italian engineers).

  • Thomas C.

    Airtimes Masterpiece Intensity

    Incredible. One of the few coasters in this country that feels long enough. Every moment from beginning to end is masterfully (and smoothly!) constructed. The restraints are very comfortable, leaving the upper body free while still feeling perfectly safe. And it manages to be thrilling without being uber-intense. Solid 5 stars.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Fun Dead spots

    Cute classic woodie that's somewhat lacking in intensity, but somewhat makes up for it with charm. Definitely a more family oriented woodie, and that's honestly a good thing for the park.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Nice surprise! Fun

    Really fun indoor coaster that scores highly for me due to that surprise drop halfway through. Not ashamed to admit that this little compact indoor ride got my ass with it.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Fun Capacity

    Solid family spinning coaster, if you're willing to wait for it.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Fun Capacity

    While they're not my favorite, Free Spins are still fun rides. Problem is their capacities aren't the best, and queues can balloon to more than a wait they deserve; this is especially true with this one since it's surrounded by some truly great rides. Fun, but safely skippable.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Inversions Pace Intensity

    Another Batman clone, another absolutely elite invert. Probably the gold standard of cloned layouts, there's a reason it took the industry by storm the way it did; all you have to do to see why is ride one.