• Matteo Räthel Pusterla

    First Drop Hangtime Too short

    For being my first B&M dive it was a bit underwhelming but I didn’t really expect much. Other than the first drop the ride is a bit tame. Although the hang time on the last inversion was a bit unexpected.

  • Matteo Räthel Pusterla

    Airtimes First Drop Smoothness

    Balder is just awesome! What a magnificent coaster! Yes the layout is repetitive but that is the best thing! It’s just ejector after ejector! My first ride was in the back row and after that ride I knew it was going to be hard to beat. And I won’t even start to talk about the smoothness! It’s just wonderful how you comfortably get thrown out of your seat on the first drop!

  • Matteo Räthel Pusterla

    Theming Inversions Location Too short

    Dæmonen is the only B&M floorless coaster I’ve ridden so far and it’s really fun! Especially at night when it’s been warmed up and you can se the wonderful nightlife of Copenhagen! The three inversions are good especially that zero G roll when riding in the rear right seat! There are almost no airtime except for the zero g roll and the last transition they ends up popping into the brake run. The ride duration is about 30 seconds from the top of the lift to the brakerun which is just too short but for the amount of space they had to work with it’s really well done! And i just love how they incorporated the theming into the ride!

  • Matteo Räthel Pusterla

    Airtimes Lap Bar Ejectors

    Rutschebanen is such a classic! As the third oldest rollercoaster in the entire world it runs amazing! Especially in the back row! It has no brakes so there is a man half standing in the middle of the train with a handbrake. The ejector airtime in the back row alongside with the restraints which locked in place were about one foot above my legs gave such a unique experience. We literally stood up over those airtime hills! It’s a small ride but it’s packed with airtime. Man it’s fun!