• Caleb Weaver

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity Capacity

    It’s a good RMC raptor, very fast paced with good transitions and airtime off the drops. First drop is good, the drop off the turnaround is good, the drop off the midcourse is ok… overall it’s a good ride, #4 in the park for me.

  • Caleb Weaver

    Airtimes Layout Duration Capacity

    This is the best ride at Knott’s. It’s my third most ridden coaster, and I love every second of this ride. Every hill hits, every turn gives insane laterals, and there’s so much airtime. It sucks that this is really the only ride in the park with airtime. Operations are pretty awful on it tho… but it’s worth it for the long ride duration. It used to be better back when there was a midcourse brake run, but now that they’ve removed the midcourse so the ride is better, it means that they dispatch trains much slower. In addition, the Millenium flyer trains are a pain to check. But, despite its capacity and operations issues, it’s still a great ride that deserves its spot on the world ranking.

  • Caleb Weaver

    Fun Masterpiece Intensity Discomfort

    Idk how yall are putting twico above this… this is easily the best ride in the park. Only one ever made? Insane intensity? This is a 5 for me. There aren’t really any cons for me other than that final raven turn, it honestly hurts a little bit but it’s bearable in the back. An insane ride. Rode it for my first time and it was one of the few coasters I was genuinely scared to get on. Definitely worth it though, it’s my new #1.

  • Caleb Weaver

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Theming

    Unfortunately didn’t get a duel, and without the duel it’s just a mid tier RMC. The layout is fine… but really nothing all that special compared to the top tier RMCs. It has some good ejector moments, and the inversions are fun, with some decent hang time on the stall, but nothing all too great. It’s a very mid tier, maybe bottom tier RMC. If only they dueled it consistently… that would for sure elevate this to a high mid tier RMC for me personally. It’s still a great ride (being an RMC), but those are really the only cons.