Coaster reviews
First Drop Headbanging Harness Tear it down!
This is such a missed potential ride. The drop is so intense but after that it sucks. TEAR IT DOWN AND GET A MACK MULTI LAUNCH!!!
Theming Fun Hangtime Rattle Launch
First launch backwards provides some great airtime on the spike, then the second launch is quite nice and forceful, get some great hangtime on the barrel roll, all of the launches from this point are not good at all but the helix is very intense, especially if you are on the outer seats of any side as you are either staring at the ground and hanging out of your seat, or you are suspended in the air. Then the backwards section is fun. Of course the back row is flipped offering a varied ride experience. It has a mild rattle on the outer seats but on the inner seats it is not noticable. Overall fun ride perfect for Chessington.
First Drop Capacity Nice surprise! Too short
oblivion was good almost shit my pants but was good
Nice surprise! Launch Headbanging Discomfort Pointless
I went into this expecting a great launch, followed by a great layout and great pace. Boy was I wrong. Rita has got an incredible launch, which really knocks the air out of you, but then everything after that just hurts. You go through turns with hardly any sustained forces, get mild floater on the hills, while having your head bashed every way possible. It's a 25 second long ride, its painful, rattly and rough and it should be removed.
Inversions Ejectors Duration Rattle Headbanging
On my first ride, we used fastrack so it was essentially walk on. It is very exhilarating and fun, and the airtime hills are great but there is a rattle and some headbanging. Luckily the restraints are padded so it isn't a huge issue. Overall great ride.