Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Rattle Too short
All Gertslauers should have these restraints (Also that one ejector moment was amazing)
Airtimes Intensity Duration Rattle Discomfort
Wasn’t a big fan my first time during the day cause it was so rough, but a night ride makes it worth the pain. The laterals are insane
Launch Fun Smoothness Too short
Very fun, not as good of a launch as Kingda Ka, but it’s much smoother so it makes up for it
Disappointing! Pointless Dead spots
The most boring coaster I’ve ever been on. Does absolutely nothing. And the queue music sounds like a 5 year old trying to imitate Thom Yorke
Headbanging Discomfort
Airtimes First Drop Comfort Capacity
I’m usually not a big fan of inverts but I loved this, the first drop was great and there was an amazing sustained airtime moment towards the end
Airtimes Location Duration Rattle Capacity
My first giga, I wasn’t too impressed with the first half but the nonstop airtime moments after the mcbr were incredible
Airtimes Smoothness Layout Capacity
Amazing ride as expected from RMC, great view at the top, amazing airtime moments, and a great first drop. My only complaint is the operations are painfully slow, but that’s expected from a Japanese park.
Airtimes Intensity Too short Capacity
Some really great airtime moments, and the turnaround after the first drop gave a ton of positive gs, I nearly greyed out
Location Ejectors Duration Rattle Capacity
This ride was way more intense than I expected. It was closed when I came last year, but I was able to get FROTD this time, and it was incredible. There’s so many great airtime moments, and the ride lasts longer than I expected. There is a bit too much rattle, but the layout more than makes up for it. The ejector moment right before the break run is one of my favorite moments in any coaster. There’s also a “dead spot” during the turnaround right after the first drop, however the entire time you get an incredible view of Fujisan, so I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all.
Nice surprise! Fun Discomfort
Sit alone in the back car right side and you’ll get some insane spinning
Fun Smoothness
I enjoyed this more than I expected, it’s a nice family coaster. Kinda sad it replaced the Evangelion area tho 😔
Airtimes Fun Layout Harness
Very unique being one of the 4 Togo Ultra Twisters left and the only one with a dive loop, cool design and really great hangtime on the dive loop
Fun Capacity Discomfort
I love Demon Slayer but I would have much preferred this to not be VR
Nice surprise! Location Fun Rattle Too short
Brakes during the first drop was weird, but the location was cool and the random room was cool
Airtimes Layout Rattle
Amazing laterals and good first 2 drops, a little rough but not too bad.
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Rattle Discomfort
Amazing layout, but the roughness ruins it.