Intensity Layout Ejectors Rattle
Awesome ride, drops are epic, too bad it's clone shut down too, I will never get to ride this masterpiece again
Fun Harness Headbanging Too short Reliability
It's a fun and good ride, but i hit my head on the metal thing behind my head on the ride, also it broke down a-lot, rode at fl state fair
Pace Intensity Harness Airtimes Dead spots
Its intense and all, but it has a lack of airtime, and it's kinda just big turns.
Airtimes Fun Intensity Discomfort
Airtime, intensity, and also insane in all aspects, just the rmc lap bar hurts, I love this ride!
Inversions Location Headbanging Discomfort Dead spots
Need i say more? I mean I'd rather get bitten by an anaconda
Nice surprise! Smoothness Disappointing! Discomfort Pointless
I mean, it looks awesome, but it's super slow and you get no airtime, but it's nice, the last tunnel was a bit too loud for my eardrums though.
Airtimes First Drop Fun Rattle
Awesome wooden coaster! Airtime, awesome drop, and really entertaining, the first half is kind of meh, but the rest of the ride is awesome.
First Drop Theming Fun Rattle Headbanging Dead spots
Really nice ride nice drops a fun layout and the themeing is awesome, but it is kind of rough, and there is some dead spots. I give it a 4 and a ½ and it's a nice ride, and it genuinely scared me in some parts.
Inversions Intensity Ejectors Too short Theming Discomfort
Ok Its Intense And Fun, But My Shins And Knee's Hurt, And This is too short, and its kinda bland in theming.
Theming Location Fun Rattle Too short Capacity
Nice Location, But only one train and there is a nasty rattle!
Inversions Intensity Smoothness Too short
Its Kumba But Smaller, Its Smooth, Fast, Intense And A Inversion Machine! Five Stars!
Location Disappointing! Tear it down! Pointless
i almost died trying to ride this ride, i had to do a'lot of things to get here, and it was the worst coaster i have tried to ride, don't try to ride this please, you could get hurt.
Inversions Nice surprise! Fun Discomfort
I went on scared, i came off happy! its not that bad, i just don't like standing up.
Airtimes First Drop Inversions Rattle Too short Dead spots
Nice Ride But A Bit Rough, Also its basically 51 seconds and it has filler w/deadspots but its intense and i love it.
Airtimes Lap Bar Duration Rattle Headbanging Tear it down!
It Hit My Head ,Rattled Me A-LOT! And Just Really Rough! Gave Me A Headache And I Actually Tasted Fucking Blood At The Brake Run! Tear It Down Or Build A Wild Moose There. OR JUST ASK FOR A RETRACK!
Lap Bar Launch Fun Disappointing! Dead spots Reliability
Fun ,Comfy And Nice Launch. But Its Boring The Deco Is Bad And Its Basically Never Open!
Inversions Harness Intensity
Perfect Ride! Smooth ,Intense And Long, Barely Slow's Down! 5/5!
Launch Fun Intensity Too short Capacity Harness
Its Good But Short And, Comfort Collar Pressed Down So Much I Almost Puked. But Luckily Its Fun!
Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Rattle Tear it down! Layout
I Got Banged So Hard I Puked. During Tunnels Was The Worst.