Rock'n Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith - Walt Disney World - Disney's Hollywood Studios
Adam R. 4 years agoTheming Capacity Launch Dead spots
The launch has a surprisingly high acceleration for being a Disney ride. The first two inversions taken in almost complete darkness are exciting. The rest of the ride is a generic spaghetti bowl in low light. The theming is great at the station and launch section, but is just okay in the main ride building. There are multiple dead spots, mostly attributed to what appears to be two mid course brake runs! I have no idea why Disney needed more than one block sections in the main part of the ride. This roller coaster always operates with 4 trains, but the ride isn't nearly long enough to put more than 2 trains between the launch and unload station, even with Disney's crazy fast 40 second dispatches.
Intensity Capacity
Six Flags doesn't care about capacity. The theoretical capacity of these roller coasters is about 900 per hour, unless Six Flags is operating it, in which case it's half that.
The plot makes no sense. Why does a subway train car go on top of buildings and travel through hairpin turns and sudden drops? The layout is a standard wild mouse, which was very disappointing for me the first time I rode it. I now know I shouldn't expect more from Six Flags. I suppose the low light makes it better than other wild mouses.
I appreciate that Six Flags purchased this roller coaster from a now defunct theme park. There is information on the history of this roller coaster in the queue. The pace is slow, the turns are taken slowly, and there's not much to this ride outside of its history.
Six Flags didn't even try to theme this Vekoma Junior Coaster. They could do so much more with this.
The theming is odd for a Disney ride. I don't think anybody understands what's going on with the plot of this ride. Other than the theming, it's a generic spinning wild mouse.
Theming Capacity
This is one of the only Vekoma Junior Coasters that operates 2 trains. It is also one of the best themed Vekoma Junior Coasters.
Theming Inversions Layout
This is one of the only roller coasters at Six Flags Great America that any effort went into theming, and it's actually quite well themed. The control tower actually was a real control tower. This has all of the inversions and near misses one could want on a wing coaster. The pacing is good, and the elements are taken back to back with no dead spots.
Theming Fun Masterpiece
This is the best themed roller coaster in the world in my opinion. The moderate intensity with the low light backwards section and low to the ground turns makes it one of the most intense mine train roller coasters.
Theming Fun
This is one of the best themed roller coasters in the world. It has a surprising number of good elements for being child friendly, including a small double down. There's actually a small amount of air time in the back. The bunny hops after the second launch are taken slowly and seem pointless.
Inversions Pace Intensity Too short
It does several very good elements back to back in 25 seconds. The "fastest inversion of any coaster in the world" heartline roll is an experience in itself. The brakes starting half way through the final inversion is disappointing; the park seems to have run out of space, preventing the brakes being only on a flat section.