• Inverted Thrills

    First Drop Nice surprise! Fun

    This coaster snapped my year and a half coaster drought. Actually a pretty fun ride. The spinning drop on it is quite fun. I’m glad my college city finally got a permanent coaster

  • Inverted Thrills

    Harness Disappointing! Pointless Airtimes

    This ride is the biggest waste of buzz bars ever. I actually had some hope for this ride even though I had heard mostly negative reviews of it just because of the fact that it had buzz bars but this ride did absolutely nothing. I didn’t find it exceptionally rough but it had no forces and is one of the most forgettable rides ever

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Masterpiece Ejectors

    Holy crap this ride is absolute nuts. This ride has quite possibly the strongest airtime I've experienced. It is jam packed with incredibly sharp airtime especially the first drop, wave turn, and especially the double down. This is an absolutely incredible new coaster

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun

    This is one of the funniest coasters I’ve ever ridden. It’s so janky that it will just make you laugh like crazy. It also has some surprisingly solid airtime moments. All around a fun ride but it is pretty dang janky

  • Inverted Thrills

    Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!

    This ride is very bad. It does nothing but jerky painful transitions. Not good for families which is what this was designed for

  • Inverted Thrills

    Inversions Launch Fun Harness

    Normally I do not like B&M wings but this is the one major exception. This ride is awesome. That launch has such a good kick to it and all the inverisons are forceful and fun. Plus that inline twist at the end gives killer hangtime. The only bad thing about it is that I really do not like B&M vests at all so they do take away from the ride a little. However these are some of the better B&M vests I've experienced. Overall this is a great ride and I really hope B&M makes more launch wing coasters because this ride is truly awesome

  • Inverted Thrills

    Location Fun Layout Disappointing! Airtimes Dead spots

    This is a great ride. It's insanley long, flying through the woods with an incredible layout. However, I do consider this ride vastly overrated. While there are tons and tons of airtime moments, almost all of them are incredibly weak and some moments didn't even give any airtime. Regardless of some dead spots and the fact that this ride is overrated, it's still an incredible ride with some solid floater through an excellent terrain

  • Inverted Thrills


    Standard SBF visa spinner

  • Inverted Thrills

    First Drop Nice surprise! Fun

    This is actually a very good kiddie coaster. That first drop genuinely has some bite to it. It’s impressive how this 20 foot drop manages to provide more airtime than the drop on Raging Bull

  • Inverted Thrills


    I had a very weird experience on this exact kiddie coaster. For some reason it didn’t seem like the train would engage with the lift chain and we kept rolling back constantly. However this big tough Jersey dad saved the day as he was able to push the train up the lift hill lol. Weird experience but quite funny. Other than that it’s just a normal kiddie coaster

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Fun

    This is my favorite kiddie coaster. It’s so janky and fun and provides some jank airtime

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Harness Ejectors

    Holy moley. I had a feeling I would like this coaster more than most people but I didn’t expect to roll out of Fun Spot Atlanta with a new #1 coaster. The airtime on this is by far the strongest I’ve experienced. There’s some moments on this that seriously are scary cuz of how strong they are. However, a big part of why this coaster is so good is the fact that it’s at Fun Spot Atlanta. Ride ops here really don’t care about how much room you get nor how tight your seatbelt is so if you really want to experience coaster death get a minimum verify ride with seatbelt fully loosened. I guarantee you you’ll only be able to do that about 3 times before it’s too much for you cuz it seriously is crazy. This coaster is also very intense which is surprising for an RMC. The turn in between the two final inversions is a greyout moment. All around if you ride this like a normal RMC than this is probably my #2 behind steel vengeance but because ride ops here could care less about how much room you get this is my new #1

  • Inverted Thrills

    Rattle Harness Airtimes

    This ride kinda sucks. I didn’t get any airtime whatsoever and I don’t like the B&M vests at all. Plus this ride is the only B&M I’ve ridden that I noticed a strong rattle on which is saying a lot since I’ve ridden north of 40 of them. This ride is majorly disappointing especially since SheiKra and Griffon are both excellent

  • Inverted Thrills

    Inversions Fun Smoothness Harness Dead spots

    I went from thinking this ride sucked to now thinking it's just pretty alright. It has some fun moments and some dead spots. It's definitely the second best B&M wing in the US

  • Inverted Thrills

    Inversions Launch Layout Rattle Discomfort Dead spots

    This ride is pretty ok. The launch is fun and the first couple of inversions are solid. Unfortunately everything after the MCBR is slow and uneventful because it slows you down to a near stop. Also this ride is pretty shaky and jerky

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity

    Wow this thing shocked me on a reride. This thing was absolutely mental on my last visit. That first drop is one of the greatest moments on any coaster and this ride also has insane whip and positives. The turn out of the launch is one of the most intense moments on any coaster I've ridden. This thing almost felt like a launched version of Intimidator 305 on my last visit. This is absolutely one of the greatest coasters I've ridden.

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun

    This is a great fun classic PTC woodie with good airtime

  • Inverted Thrills


    Standard kiddie coaster

  • Inverted Thrills

    Glad the ride op let me get this credit even though both me and my friend were too tall to ride

  • Inverted Thrills


    Nice classic kiddie coaster

  • Inverted Thrills


    Standard SBF Visa spinner but this one had an extremely long cycle which was fun

  • Inverted Thrills

    Theming Fun Duration

    Quite fun for a family coaster and actually had some forces. I also love how it’s themed to the annoying tram on the boardwalk. I’ll never get the phrase “watch the tramcar please” out of my head

  • Inverted Thrills

    Discomfort Tear it down! Dead spots

    This coaster is awful. The first set of turns are extremely slow and provide 0 thrills. The second half of the ride is rough and painful. Plus the final break run is brutal

  • Inverted Thrills

    Standard kiddie coaster but holds a little value to me because it’s the oldest steel coaster I’ve ridden

  • Inverted Thrills


    This is a pretty standard kiddie coaster but I had a fun story about it. I was in line for the park’s Screamin swing and the ride op noticed my Dollywood shirt and gave me a special pass to ride this for the credit. Shout out to him

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun

    Solid classic woodie with some decent airtime

  • Inverted Thrills

    Rattle Disappointing! Discomfort

    I was surprised by this. Usually these Miler kiddie coasters are some of the best ones out there but this one sucked for me. Really rough and painfully slammed me to the side at one point. Not a good kiddie coaster

  • Inverted Thrills

    First Drop Inversions Location Rattle Headbanging Discomfort

    This ride is an interesting sequence of events. It starts off with an amazing first drop. It’s very short but it gives a really good pop of ejector airtime. Followed by that is a really intense vertical loop. At this point I thought I was gonna find this ride really underrated but then the second half of the ride came. The second half is a torture chamber of awful turns. This is the second roughest steel coaster I’ve ridden just under T3 at Kentucky Kingdom. Dear lord it was painful. The headbanging on the OTSRs was brutal enough but there is absolutely no padding on the seats and your back gets slammed into the metal and it really hurts. It’s weird how a ride can go from so good to so bad that fast. I do like how it’s on the beach and the random pool in the center of it though. Overall not something I’d consider good but has some good qualities thrown in with some absolutely awful ones

  • Inverted Thrills

    Inversions Fun Smoothness

    One of the better free spins I've ridden. Got a really flippy fun ride on this one

  • Inverted Thrills

    Dead spots

    Extremely slow, boring wild mouse but didn't hurt me like Twist N Shout at Family Kingdom did