• Scott Quisenberry

    Intensity Rattle Capacity Discomfort

    Vest restraints make little to no difference in terms of comfort. You're still shaken to pieces from the awful track work, it's just not enjoyable. Horrendous ops as well, so no with no single rider queue it's something I always skip.

  • Scott Quisenberry

    First Drop Fun Intensity Capacity Harness

    Fantastic ride, out of control start to finish. I don't love the restraints, they can easily hunch you over a bit and dig into your shoulders. The ops do ask if you're OK before it locks, but it's hard to tell before the ride starts how comfortable it's going to be. I also didn't find it rough, even on a wing seat. It's chaotic and throws you around for sure, but it doesn't beat you up by any means.

  • Scott Quisenberry

    First Drop Nice surprise! Location Rattle Capacity

    Way better than the gimmick it seems to be! The first few elements feel like a slightly smaller millennium force, fantastic first drop with strong positives at the bottom. The big drops all have nice airtime/pull, and the speed hill is fantastic. Flying through Tokyo speaks for itself. There is a very noticable rattle throughout the layout, though it's not enough to make a difference in enjoying the ride. One train only, which makes the line painfully slow.

  • Scott Quisenberry

    Location Layout Duration Capacity

    A super special ride, extremely long, great airtime on the big hills, amazing sense of speed, and truly insane laterals. I didn't find the jank painful as a lot seem to, it just added to the fun and charm. Capacity is awful (as is normal in Japan), but otherwise this is a near perfect ride.

  • Scott Quisenberry

    Airtimes First Drop Fun Inversions Dead spots

    The elements are all massive, which is both a good and bad thing. They feel grand and last a long time, but lack any whip or intensity because of it. The first few elements are spectacular, but it then has quite a few duds as the ride progresses, especially the inversions which all lack bite.