Smoothness Discomfort Pointless
Your standard wild mouse, just a bit smoother.Pretty much the only really notable thing about this ride is the name.
it's mad innit
SBF, can you stop making coasters? Thank you.
Airtimes Theming Nice surprise! Too short
Can I just say that this is one of the best non-Disney family coasters I've ever been on? The theming's pretty good for such an obscure park, It's kinda intense, and even has airtime! Yes, airtime! On a family coaster! It's a bit short, but it's a family coaster so that's to be expected.
Theming Nice surprise! Fun Too short
Vol d'Icare... I can't help but agree with the website, it's a "weird, winged contraption". I do like it, like the rest of the Parc Asterix coasters, but it's still a family coaster. It was actually kinda smooth last time I visited. It's not my favorite Parc Asterix coaster (I prefer Oziris), but it's still worth a ride.
The name says it all - this coaster is teeny-weeny. It is nothing special at all, and I wouldn't even call it a good kiddie coaster. For it's crimes, it deserves a teeny-weeny score.
Theming Nice surprise! Fun Capacity
I'm not even sure if this counts as a coaster, but it's here and it's a really fun ride! I'd recommend going on if the wait's not too long.
I guess it's technically a coaster...
Fun Layout
Again, I can't be too hard on this coaster. It's a simple kiddie coaster that serves it's purpose.
Eh... it's probably the world's best wild mouse outside of the one at Blackpool, but that's a pretty easy accomplishment.
Theming Rattle Tear it down! Layout
I think this is actually the worst coaster that I've ever been on. It's painful, but I don't mind rough coasters that much (i like GOUDURIX, for crying out loud) if the layout's good. Now, how bad is El Diablo's layout, exactly? When you go out of the second lift hill, you pick up some speed, then go into some brakes and into the third lift hill. What was the point? I understand that it was supposed to interact with a mountain which wasn't built because of budget, and the piece of the coaster that interacted with it was removed too, but the weird as hell layout, the rattle, and the feeling of your back slamming against the hard seats just results in a painful mess that I never want to ride again. A lot of people said this thing feels like hundreds of track pieces stuck together. Yeah, that's pretty accurate. The only thing that's decent about this ride is the theming, but that's pretty much it. Turbo at Brighton Pier is the same level of bad in my opinion, but at least that has the intensity going for it. This is just a really bad, boring coaster. This thing takes up a lot of space, and PortAventura hasn't had a new coaster (in the main park) since 2012, so I wouldn't be opposed to this being PortAventura's first coaster to be removed.
Inversions Fun Intensity Headbanging Discomfort
I will admit, this coaster is kinda rough, but I actually got a few good rides on it on my last few visits. I'd go as far to say that I like it, even if it is a 5/10.
Smoothness Pointless
It's a good family coaster, yes, but Energylandia has enough family coasters already.
Not a spectacular coaster, but it's being replaced by a looping zyklon. Considering my ride on Turbo at Brighton Pier a few years back, the same model that'll be replacing it, Stella will ride like Shambala in comparison.
First Drop Fun Too short
I wouldn't really consider this a "coaster", but it's a decent water ride. Shame the water's dirty though.
Inversions Fun Intensity Dead spots
Best SLC, hands down.
First Drop Inversions Fun Too short
I will admit, I do have some bias towards this ride. It was my first looping rollercoaster, after all, but with that said it's one of the best Eurofighters I've ever been on.
First Drop Intensity Disappointing! Discomfort Tear it down!
...look. This is a Zyklon. With a loop. Just don't ride it. And considering one of these is going to Clacton Pier in place of Stella's Revenge, one of my first "thrill" coasters, I'm not even gonna ride THAT if i'm gonna have a headache for the rest of the day. I don't care about credits that much.
Launch Fun Intensity Rattle Too short Discomfort
This is a good ride! Wish it could have been a bit longer. And smoother. My advice is wait until near the end of the day to ride - it's right at the entrance, so it's gonna be pretty busy. When you do that, just hope you get an inner-middle seat, for a comfortable ride experience.
It is a decent ride, but with that said it is a family coaster. Even with the Walking Dead theme. It's just really okay.
First Drop Fun Too short
I can't be THAT hard on this coaster. I mean, it's a fun kiddie coaster, but that's about it. Just go on Atomic Flyer instead.