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Inversions Intensity Layout Headbanging
Update November/December 2024: Goudurix was only running a single train for the winter season, and now we know why, it was to get an overhaul for the 2025 season. With that said, I still enjoyed the coaster despite the restraints it used to have. The inversions are forceful and the pacing is actually really good. You just had to brace for some bad transitions, which you'll probably still have to do, but other than that the layout is one of Vekoma's best pre 2000s layouts. It's great to see the park fixing the most obvious issue with this ride. It's also a fun night ride, with colored lights. Update June 2024: Goudurix is actually criminally overhated. It has great forces, and relentless layout and, if you lean back, doesn't even bang your head on the transitions, except for those on the batwing. It does rattle a bit but it's mostly fine except that batwing. A retrack of that inversion is honestly all that the ride needs. And for those who call this coaster "Goudumalaucrâne", I did not come off of this ride with a headache after 10 rides in a day, 9 of them being consecutive rides (basically a marathon). For contrast, Voltron gave me a soaring headache after two rides with 50 minutes of wait in between. As for my previous speculation about the logo being removed from the trains, it was just to replace the worn logos with shiny new ones for the park's 35th anniversary, which look quite nice. Update March 2024: One ride in the front row and this did my head in in a way that Indiana Jones didn't do after two rides. It was honestly way rougher than I remembered. It was intense, sure, but uncomfortable. The trains don't have the Parc Astérix logo on them anymore and there is some new test paint on part of the first corkscrew. Maybe they're selling the current trains to another park? If that means they are buying new trains while giving the current ones away (potentially to go on a less intense and smaller Vekoma looper), I'm all for it because the current trains are what causes all the pain. And that layout is awesome. Just not with those trains. Also just so you know for now: The better of the two trains is the one with the old Vekoma logo on the back of the first row of each car (somehow). If you see a new Vekoma logo, brace for impact. Update August 2023: My first ride was just the usual Goudurix ride. You ride in defensive mode and you're fine. That was towards the back. The front row was honestly miserable. The train shuffled violently on basically each track piece and the headbanging was atrocious. Every time the track changes direction, it bangs your head like a pinball machine. My Tonnerre 2 Zeus ride was a bit worse but this was still very bad. At least the loop was smooth, intense and enjoyable and the following hill had a bit of airtime in the front. Everything else is just bad. Please get new trains.
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
ABYSMAL. ATROCIOUS. DOWNRIGHT DANGEROUS. I'm a tall guy, so the back of my head kept banging against AN EXPOSED BIT OF METAL in the headrest. Never had I genuinely feared for my physical wellbeing on a roller coaster, until I road this Medieval torture device that Parc Astérix manages to pass off as an attraction. The day this gets torn down, I will gladly travel to France just to do a happy dance in front of the empty plot of land.
Rattle Headbanging Tear it down!
This Vekoma MK-1200 is at least better than Big Loop in Heide Park. It is still an awful ride with a very bad bended track that rattles all the way. I was lucky the ride was over. Tear it down for something good.
Inversions Layout Rattle
Even if a lot of people hate on this coaster, i kinda like this One, It feature and awesome layout packed with inversions and a good drop. I also had the feeling that this was smoother than some SLCs with the same Age; it's not the best coaster out there but i kinda enjoy It 🥰
Location Headbanging Harness
Compared to tonnere duex zeus this is smoooth... But seriously its not too bad, some janky transitions otherwise not a bad layout. It is still a tad rough though
Layout Headbanging Discomfort
Very painful, but the layout was actually very good, so that's a shame
Location Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!
I hate to borrow the phrase, but "but it looks so pretty" from a popular series of youtube videos is unfortunately the only good thing anyone will ever find to say about Gouderix. Despite it's crappiness, Gouderix is a must-do-once for all coaster fans for precisely that reason. Vekoma have learned from their errors of 25 years ago, and now make some of the best rides. "Most improved manufacturer"!
Inversions Intensity Layout Headbanging Harness
A lot better than I expected. Some serious intensity with the first few inversions, and ridden defensively, wasn't too fact a lot better than Tonnerre 2 Zeus. Also wins for making some poor chap vomit immediately on getting off, all of the the station, then a bin, then the path out.
Intensity Headbanging Discomfort
Two words: that hurt. At least the drop and the vertical loop was smooth.
Intensity Rattle Headbanging Dead spots
Severely underrated coaster, undeserving of most of the slack it gets. Rough but surprisingly intense and a decent ride at the back row, especially given that it is essentially a walk on at some points. Definitely worth riding at least once during your visit. A retrack would do it wonders.
Inversions Intensity Layout Discomfort
Very overhated; doesn't deserve all the hate it gets (seems like everyone says that). I don't know how to explain it but the roughness almost adds to the experience. There's a jolt in the entry to the batwing and the corkscrews are a weird sensation but overall it's a shockingly alright ride with a fantastic layout.
Headbanging Discomfort
Un Coaster innovant lorsqu'il a été ouvert, mais vieux et désagréable aujourd'hui, même les non fan de coasters le trouvent violent, ne surtout pas coller votre tête au dossier, un coaster qui mérite d'être remplacé par tout et n'importe quoi, à ceux qui disent que c'est un emblême du parc je vous répondrai qu'il y a les 3/4 du temps plus de monde à Oziris qu'à Goudurix
First Drop Rattle Headbanging Harness
What an awful ride. Probably it is just still standing because it is a cult classic to people at Parc Astérix. Almost all elements are atrocious, as one would expect from an older Vekoma coaster. The inversions are not enjoyable and sometimes downright painful and the inferior restraints disable your movement almost completely. Although I must say I did enjoy it slightly more than Big Loop (at Heide Park in Germany) which is another one of the Vekoma MK-1200 coasters. At least Goudurix has a decent first drop.
First Drop Inversions Intensity Headbanging
Don’t listen to coaster studios, this ride is great. I was skeptical at first and I almost didn’t ride it because of its bad reputation, however, I was pleasantly surprised by it. It wasn’t that rough and it was very intense. Don’t skip this if you go to parc asterix.
Layout Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
Front row, worst experience I ever had on a roller coaster. I can normally appreciate a good old Vekoma looper, even when they are a bit rickety, but this one was just pure torture. Maybe it was extra uncomfortable because it was really hot when I rode it (31 degrees Celcius) and maybe I'm just a bit too tall and fat to fit the restraints, but man... This was not a roller coaster ride, this was a chiropractor session gone horribly wrong. The much talked about head rest was halfway down my shoulders en nowhere near my neck. I get that some people might be nostalgic about this monstrosity and it looks really good off-ride... but this needs either a full retrack like Efteling did, some proper new trains or it needs to go. Got the cred, will never ride again.
Inversions Intensity Layout Harness
This ride is way overhated and is nowhere near as rough as people make out. I think it has become one of those coasters that has become 'cool' to hate. For a ride from 1989 it was way ahead of its time. The main positives for me were: - The layout is amazing. The first 5 inversions flow brilliantly into each other and the positive Gs are really strong but in a fun way. The corkscrews are also a bit different to typical Vekoma/Arrow corkscrews, there is a bit of pump and surge through them which can give some cool hangtime depending on where you are sat in the train. - For the most part the train ran smoothly over the rails. Yes there are a couple of slightly janky transitions but they are not that bad and are very brief moments. There were a few spots retracked several years ago I believe. Tbh I am not sure that retracking the whole thing would make that much difference, new trains would probably be a more significant upgrade. - The trains have padded headrests which are comfortable. Just rest your head against the headrest and you should experience zero headbanging. Only negatives I would say are: - The trains are a bit cramped if you are tall (especially the front of the front car which curves in in the footwell). - No negative Gs at all and the shallowness of the first drop feels a bit of a wasted opportunity given the height. But then again, back in the 80s there were not that many coasters with steep drops. If you want to experience a truly rough ride, go and ride Tonnerre 2 Zeus just next door to it, that ride gives the full jackhammer experience..
Headbanging Harness Tear it down!
I was having a great day at parc Asterix, everything was amazing and it couldn't have been any better. Then I rode this ride... I had a terrible headache the rest of the day, do not ride
Location Rattle Headbanging Tear it down!
A very beautiful ride at a very beautiful spot over the lake. But that's all it is, a beautiful pile of steel, don't ever dare to ride it (please).
First Drop Inversions Duration Headbanging
Goudurix has to be one of the, if not, the most undeservedly hated coaster in the whole world. Before I rode it, people warned me that it would be one of the roughest experiences ever. While yes, it's defenitely not smooth, it was not nearly as bad as people told me it would be. I'd say the only truly rough patch is the batwing, where I did experience considerable amounts of headbanging. The remaining parts of the ride weren't smooth, but I didn't get significant amounts of headbaning. I do think that they should add the Vekoma Vests to this ride. That would improve the experience, especially the batwing. It might deserve 5 stars if they do so. I rode this ride 9 times over 2 days, one of the days I rode it 7 times and I didn't get anything close to an headache or some other kind of injury. I defenitely enjoy my time on Goudurix. When you get to Parc Astérix, you should experience Goudurix and make your own oppinion. I'd say this is a must-ride when you get to the park, I'd 1000% reccomend it.
Nice surprise! Location Intensity Headbanging
If you expect the worst, you can only get surprised by this ride. It has a lot of rough transitions, but not unbearably rough. And it's a really intense ride, greyout potential is there. The location over the water is nice, you can photograph almost every part of the ride. However, it could use a preassure washing or a new coat of paint. Overall, Goudurix isn't a ride to marathone, but rather to ride and say: that wasn't as bad as I expected.
Location Intensity Layout Rattle Layout
tbh its not as bad as others say. now to be fair i rode it in the back row, so i cant speak about the front row. this is one of the rides where the layout is a pro and a con. it has SUPER intense inversions, but the transitions are… meh. honestly id ride it again, the headrest us really soft and probably the thing that saved me from headbanging. 3 stars!
Pace Intensity Layout Rattle Harness
Good old Goudurix, although it's rough, it's intense and a classical feature of the park. I guess that if the trains were changed, and there was a lapbar instead of those shoulder restraints, it would be great. It's been here since the beginning, so, it really deserves new trains. I like it anyway...
Nice surprise! Intensity Layout
For how old of a Vekoma this is, I was genuinely surprised how smooth this ride was. I can definitely put this up there with Viper (SFMM) on it being a good ride. The ride is quite intense and is one of the few rides that actually made me grey out a little. The trains are quite nice although I don't really like the over the shoulder restraints that much. I expected severe headbanging, because I am used to the old Python and Big Loop, but it's not the case.
Capacity Harness Discomfort Tear it down!
This deserves all the hate it gets + some more. The head rest breaks the back of the shoulder if you're over 180 cm tall, the backrest in front of you bangs into the knees throughout the whole ride. I was surprised to find out it went only 96km/h, felt more like 200 on square wheels. EDIT 2023: I said square wheels, I reconsidered and it feels more like triangles then squares.
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
Oh my what a bad ride...the inversions feel like they're taken far too fast causing A LOT of headbanging. This ride genuinely feels like a torture device. Tear it down!
Inversions Nice surprise! Intensity Headbanging Harness Discomfort
The bagging system was poor. Was more worried bout my bag than the ride.the age is showing.. the inversions were great and intense but the transitions into the inversions were poor. Worth a ride but not the re-ride.
Nice surprise! Intensity Layout Rattle Harness
This ride is ACTUALLY quite enjoyable! Yes, it's not the smoothest coaster out there, but it's not uncomfortable as something like an SLC because there is a nice headrest to push your head against to avoid whiplash and headbanging as the transitions on some elements are pretty jerky. As for layout, it's really good. The first drop is pretty decent, but the butterfly inversion is very forceful which caused me to start seeing grey from the sustained g forces! The batwing is also intense as well as the loop. There is a weak pop of airtime before entering the double corkscrews with some decent hangtime and a quick burst of laterals into the brakes. The trains aren't the most comfortable, but the setting by the lake is very eye catching.
Inversions Nice surprise! Intensity Capacity Harness Discomfort
I expected this ride to be brutally rough, but albeit not being smooth by any means, it ran way better than we all thought. I appreciated the high intensity and classic inversions and even went on it a second time. In the front row, it turned out to be a bit more bumpy than in the last car, but it was still nothing against a SLC or something. Nevertheless, these ugly old Vekoma cars are simply uncomfortable and should be replaced, I think with vest restraints, this actually could be a pretty good ride. Capacity wasn't great with only one train running, so lines were pretty long at my visit.
Location Intensity Rattle Headbanging
Given the reviews I was expecting this to be a lot worse. The headrests are very soft so as long as you brace for the ride duration you can avoid too much headbanging. I thought this ride had good intensity and a fun first drop. Visited on a weekday so no queue - don't think I would bother queuing for a long time to ride it.
Inversions Location Discomfort
A very rough coaster, but the very soft headrest makes it doable as long as you're prepared. Beautiful location as well.
Inversions Location Headbanging Harness
Firstly the ride looks very cool on the lake side. Sadly its a very uncomfortable and rough ride. This needs either new lapbar trains, a retrack like Python at Efteling or a total replacement.
Inversions Intensity Rattle Discomfort
As I expected Goudurix to be as bad as those classic SLCs, my first ride in first row was actually a pleasant surprise. The soft cushions for your head help with the headbanging and the variety of intense inversions is quite interesting. Later that day I got a second ride in the back car which was more painful. I would still prefer this over a lot of other older Vekomas, especially the old SLCs. Just go for the front and push your head in the pillow and you will be fine.
Nice surprise! Intensity Layout Rattle Capacity
Underrated coaster! Very intense inversions and comfortable headrests. Not the smoothest but never experienced any headbanging.
Inversions Intensity Headbanging Harness
My first ride was in the front row and this really wasn't too bad. The inversion were really intense and the headshoopers were pretty nice as well. Of course you get your old Vekoma trains but because of the large head cushion the headbanging was tolerable. Later I got a back row ride with far worse headbanging which really made ride uncomfortable. All in all: Get a front row ride an leave it at that!
Inversions Intensity Layout Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
Ridden this several times and each time it feels as if it gets rougher and rougher. Kind of annoying how you have to really brace to not experience major headbanging, and the leg room is nonexistent. However, it’s a great layout, just executed really poorly.
Location Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
Oh my god this ride is HORRIBLE!!! I would rather ride a Vekoma SLC than ride this piece of garbage ever again.
Nice surprise!
This ride was a LOT better than I expected. It's not exactly good but it does not deserve the hate it gets. -> Update: I take that back after I got to reride it in 2021 in the back row and dam that sucked a lot.
A lot better and not as rough as I expected after reading and watching reviews, enjoyed my ride and would have had more rides if wasn’t heading over to Oziris
Inversions Fun Intensity Headbanging Discomfort
I will admit, this coaster is kinda rough, but I actually got a few good rides on it on my last few visits. I'd go as far to say that I like it, even if it is a 5/10.
Inversions Location Intensity Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Very intense ride, enjoyable despite the rough nature. Over-hated ride
First Drop Capacity Ejectors Headbanging Capacity Tear it down!
Moi je suis montée la première fois cette montagne russe que j'ai fait depuis juin 2002 à 22 ans et demi car avant il était blanc pour les rails vekoma et bleu pour les support donc la station pour embarquer avant de monter dans cette attraction puis en 2009 il a repeint le goudurix en jaune et rouge pour les rails et couleur bordeaux pour les support il a était changé les chassis du train montagne russe looping Vekoma et j'ai fait la vidéo la première fois en mai 2009 avec mon ancien caméscope numérique que j'ai attaché autour du cou car je n'ai pas plus filmer dans l'intérieur de cette attraction parce qu'il a un sécurité qui m'a rangée mon caméscope numérique dans ma poche et puis je suis cognée les oreilles dans les deux tire bouchons et butterfly et puis batwing parce que j'ai été en surpoids entre 2014 et 2018 que je faisais autour de 110 kilos pour 1 m 59 cm quand j'avais à peine 34 ans pendant cinq années et en aout 2019 je suis montée au dernier rang du train du Goudurix avec ma go pro fixé à l'harnais car je n'ai pas eu de baffe à part les deux tires bouchons et maintenant je faisais au tour de 88 kilos pour 1 m 59 cm à 39 ans et la saison 2020 il devra rechanger les trains du montagne russe et rechanger les rails vekoma comme il ont refait python au parc Efteling au Pays-Bas car le goudurix a eu 30 ans de l'ouverture
Inversions Location Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
No cap literally blacked out on the first inversion but yh not as rough as people say it is hehe solid coaster ygm squad out
Nice surprise! Location Layout
Having read lots of reviews saying how rough this ride was, I was pleasantly surprised to find it nowhere near as uncomfortable as expected, and as such enjoyed it rather a lot. I've ridden so many worse coasters than this!
Headbanging Discomfort
Ceci est, de loin, le pire Coaster que j'ai eu la douleur d'essayer en Europe, en Californie et en Floride. Ca secoue dans tous les sens, donc maux de tête et douleurs aux épaules garanties. Comparés à cet instrument de torture, les Boomerangs et SLC ( pourtant aussi des catastrophes) du même constructeur sont des parties de plaisir. A éviter.
Layout Headbanging Harness Tear it down!
The layout may be photogenic and may have a nice flow, however the on-ride experience is nasty. Goudurix provides a lot of headbangs and quite some rattle too! Awful coaster, though I think there's even worse out there...
Inversions Headbanging Discomfort
Fun Theming Discomfort
Inversions Headbanging
Location Duration Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!
Location Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
Inversions Fun Intensity Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Inversions Location Intensity Rattle Headbanging
Tear it down!
Rattle Headbanging Tear it down!
Inversions Fun Intensity Headbanging
Inversions Rattle Headbanging Discomfort