Coaster reviews
Airtimes Comfort Smoothness Theming
This is my third HyperCoaster after Shambhala and Hyperion. The first drop is great, and the camelbacks & hills that follow give some medium to low intensity floater airtimes. It's a great 'first big' coaster as it's not intense at all, i'd say that Wodan Timbur Coaster requires more bravery than Silver Star. The low intensity, smoothness, and Europa Parks fantastic operations makes it very re ridable. If you come from the USA, or generally have a lot of credits under your belt, you may be disappointed.
Airtimes First Drop Disappointing!
This was my #1 after riding it last year, had plenty of back to back rerides with little queues. I went back on it yesterday and came off with the biggest coaster headache i've ever had, which lasted all day long. The first drop & camel back were still amazing, but then we hit the turnaround section, after which I was too focused on the pounding, dull headache to enjoy the rest of the layout. Completely different experience than when i rode it before. Now i can safely say Hyperion is the superior hyper coaster