• TwanTastic

    Theming Capacity

    This one was quite disappointing. No theming, terrible capacitiy and it rattles much more than expected. Some floater airtime on the camelback but the rest of the ride doesn't do a lot. The midcourse slows you down, but i didnt find it that annoying.

  • TwanTastic


    A Tivoli in Tivoli. ;) Actually, compared to the one at Mondo Verde, this one feels a bit faster and this one is surprisingly smooth.

  • TwanTastic

    Theming Smoothness Too short Layout

    Actually this Mack watercoaster is pretty smooth compared to Poseidon at Europa Park. Theming is great, capacity is okay but it's really short. The duration of the ride is acceptable, since the sections with water channels take a while.

  • TwanTastic


    Well, nothing more than expected, just your average Zierer Force Zero. Theming is nice tho!

  • TwanTastic

    Theming Nice surprise! Intensity Too short Capacity

    A really fun, unique little Gerstlauer Bobsled coaster. Not the usual bobsled, but a fairly small one that still impresses. The theme is good, but the roller coaster is on the short side and the capacity is dramatic.

  • TwanTastic

    Airtimes Theming Smoothness

    A perfect family friendly coaster. Not too intense but also not really forceless

  • TwanTastic

    Airtimes Comfort Harness

    I rode this attraction in 2020, 2021 and 2022 and I really see how the theming is getting better and better. It's not as intense as B&M inverts, but it has some nice little airtime and great inversions, plus it's a really comfortable ride.

  • TwanTastic

    Theming Comfort

    I don't remember much about it, except that I found it rather slow compared to other powered coasters. The little dip right after the station is nice, though.

  • TwanTastic

    Theming Duration Too short Layout

    As a complete experience, it is quite unique and fun, but the coaster part is a bit too short imo. Like all Legoland's dragons, this one also has a fairly long darkride, which is why I mentioned duration as both a plus and a con.

  • TwanTastic

    Capacity Location Duration Theming

    A quite long powered coaster with some weak airtime! Theming is pretty much non-existent, sadly.

  • TwanTastic

    Lap Bar Intensity Hangtime Too short Theming Launch

    A fun ride that fits Slagharen well, but it is pretty short and it lacks theming in my opinion. It rattles quite a bit, but this is quite common for Gerstlauer coasters. It's a good replacement for the old Looping Star, and for such a small park it's still a well rounded coaster. The hangtime at the backrow is incredible, but in my opinion the airtime and the launches are quite weak.

  • TwanTastic

    Theming Masterpiece Duration Capacity

    Currently my second favourite coaster out of 187 different rollercoasters. To be honest, in terms of forces the ride may be good, but not perfect. But the complete experience makes it such an incredible ride. I think this ride deserves more love than some people tend to do so. The soundtrack is amazing, it builds up the hype extremely well. The last pre-show is really unique and I love it, allthough it can be disappointing sometimes. I love the ambience in the station and what happens on the lift is, while a bit tame, still a one of a kind gimmick and scary for the first time. The main lay-out has pretty good pacing and whippy transitions, but with only two major airtime moments and it rattles quite a bit imo. I do like the finale of the ride, with the slow inversion after the final brakerun which delivers some great hangtime and a laterals-filled turn after that. The roller coaster itself may not be perfect, but when you consider how many unique gimmicks this roller coaster has combined with pretty good theming, this sure is one of the best rollercoaster experiences in Europe!

  • TwanTastic


    Pretty mediocre alpine coaster, quite short but still a fun one! There are some larger jumps near the end of the lay-out and it doesn't have automatic brakes so you should slow down at the end. Location in the middle of a forest is pretty cool but this is something you'll see on more alpine coasters throughout Europe.

  • TwanTastic

    Airtimes Pace Smoothness Capacity

    Quite a nice family coaster! Some weak floater and quite some forces in the final helix. Not really long, although you'll get two laps. Theming is on point too, but the capacity is not really good.

  • TwanTastic

    Theming Smoothness Duration Too short

    A really nice little junior coaster. Really smooth, nicely themed and it does 4 laps!

  • TwanTastic

    Theming Smoothness Capacity

    Probably the best tiny junior coaster out there. Overengineered coaster

  • TwanTastic


    In Dutch we call this "arremoe". Probably the worst Zierer coaster I've experienced. Seems like this is the original Zierer Medium.

  • TwanTastic

    Too short Disappointing!

    Easily the weakest Alpine Coaster I've ridden. Actually, when you begin to have fun the brake run appears... It's quite pricey for such a short ride. Also, this one lacks intensity.

  • TwanTastic

    Too short

    One of the weaker Alpine coasters I've ridden. Could use some jumps - it doesn't have any. Also probably one of the most boring views at the top of the lift of any alpine coasters i've done... Price per lap is pretty good tho, just € 2,95 per cycle

  • TwanTastic


    Nothing special this one. Feels a bit faster than the one at Plopsa Coevorden but just a fun family coaster.

  • TwanTastic


    Well maybe it's because we had private rides every time we rode but this thing has a really annoying vibration, such a shame for it's age. Also, poor animals, this thing is pretty loud.

  • TwanTastic

    Airtimes Harness Discomfort Tear it down!

    It's disgusting. This rollercoaster is a torture device. Watch out for the restraints, they come further down during the ride and if it was already tightly closed this is going to hurt a lot...

  • TwanTastic

    Theming Capacity Duration Reliability

    One of the most innovative and surprising darkride/coasters in Europe. It's like 80% darkride and just 20% coaster but it's one of the most entertaining rides I've done, I only wish there were more of these on the planet... Oh, also, I actually stole someone's spot while boarding. ;)

  • TwanTastic

    Theming Capacity

    This one had no theme and usually you had to wait quite a while in the awfull queue.

  • TwanTastic

    Well, it's old. Just make sure you don't expect anything in terms of forces. I've ridden this one a dozen times the past 20 years but I always found it pretty boring actually.

  • TwanTastic

    Smoothness Layout Capacity

    You can clearly differentiate between the newer and older Zierer Force coasters in terms of smoothness. Since this is one of the younger ones it's really smooth and I prefer this lay-out over the Force 1 and 2 ones, those lack some forces, this one certainly doesn't. Okay, it's still a rollercoaster meant for kids, but I think this is one of the best options for parks that want a small but quality junior coaster. Theming is not amazing, but still nice.

  • TwanTastic

    Duration Rattle Theming Pointless

    Wasn't expecting much and I wasn't surprised either. Just an average powered, but with a strong and strange rattle.

  • TwanTastic

    Too short Discomfort

    At the moment still the only Brandauer/SunKid alpine coaster I have experienced, but also a really stupid one. It's awkwardly short and you can better brace yourself if you don't want to use the brake. I really prefer Wiegand Alpine Coaster over this piece of garbage.

  • TwanTastic

    Rattle Theming Pointless

    This one is no exception from other older Vekoma Juniors, it rattles quite a bit and it's pretty boring.

  • TwanTastic

    Theming Fun Capacity

    Quite interesting and quirky ride. Something different from the standard Zamperla and Reverchon spinning mouses.