Detailed user ratings
Hals-über-Kopf features
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Also in Tripsdrill 6
Reviews 655
Lap Bar Pace Fun
My 300th roller coaster. Very enjoyable from start to finish and super easy to reride
Lap Bar Layout Disappointing!
This ride kind of disappointed me, it was fun, but it had a slight rattle that was uncomfortable and kind of gave me a bit of a headache. It was also less exciting than I expected. The seats and restraints are really comfortable tho and the layout is cool, it was also my first time riding an inverted coaster with only lap bars!
Theming Comfort Smoothness Too short Intensity
Hals-über-Kopf is a great coaster. It's smooth and comfortable with great theming. The inversions are floaty and the whippy elements ride great. It's lacking intensity and too short but it's otherwise a difficult coaster to fault.
Lap Bar Inversions Comfort
Nothing negative to say about this amazing ride. From first drop to finish, non stop fun. It's a family coaster, but pretty intense, especially in the valleys. The final banked turn with the inversion straight after it might be my fav element on any coaster. The theming (notice the train has the large spear on it the 7 Schwaben use to go after "the monstrosity"), story and interaction with Volldampf make this an almost perfect ride. One of the two trains has a bit of a rattle near the back, the other runs smoothly. I hope Vekoma gets to install many of these around the world. They should do a deal where they replace SLC's for these at a discount, as a form of apology. ;-)
Airtimes Lap Bar Intensity
Hals-über-Kopf is a great inverted coaster and just shows how far Vekoma has come since the SLC days. It has a comfortable lap bar, good seats and is really smooth. The first drop has floater airtime in the back and the zero-G roll is quite fun. The turns and helices throughout the ride some some nice G force. Some hills offer floater airtime and it's a refreshing twist on the traditional invert that just tries to crush you into your seat. Of course Hals-über-Kopf doesn't top Monster at Walygator, but it's my second favorite invert.
Airtimes Nice surprise! Comfort
Super SUPER fun coaster, my favourite in the park. Decent airtime, great positives and very whippy
Airtimes Comfort Harness
I rode this attraction in 2020, 2021 and 2022 and I really see how the theming is getting better and better. It's not as intense as B&M inverts, but it has some nice little airtime and great inversions, plus it's a really comfortable ride.
Lap Bar Pace Smoothness
This ride really gives a new spin to the inverted coaster in my eyes. The open restraints feel great, the inversions are floaty and perfectly paced and there even are some nice moments of floater airtime, which work very well with the open restraints. The ride was buttersmooth as well in my opinion, so definitely worth checking out. As someone who doesn't like pure positive gs as much, I got more into this ride than into Black Mamba.
Inversions Fun Smoothness
Great ride with an intense but very smooth ride. Interesting layout with many passes close to rocks.
Nice surprise! Fun Intensity
Hals-uber Kopf really surprised me as the best ride at Tripsdrill. It’s best in the front row, glass smooth up there and the forces are much more pronounced. The inversions are great, the airtime is fun, and it’s surprisingly intense. A very good ride and even better than some B&M Inverts.
Inversions Comfort Fun Airtimes Intensity
Hals über Kopf is a fun New Gen Vekoma Thrillcoaster for the whole family. While first row was super smooth, I have to admit that there is a light shake at least in the back rows. I did my first three rides in last and second-to-last row and liked it better with every round. But the last ride in the evening and in front row finally convinced me of the rides qualities. The first drop is definitely more intense in the back but all the rest had more punch in the front. My highlights are the zero-g-roll right after the drop and the overbank turn towards the end. I would add Intensity and Airtimes as cons as there is not much of both overall. There are some mildly forceful moments like a helix pulling positives and some moments of floater airtime throughout the ride. To sum it up, it is a very fun ride and perfect fit for a family focused park like Tripsdrill.
Lap Bar Inversions Fun
Very fun an well-rounded family-thrill coaster. You get some unique floater airtime and 3 very grateful inversions. For me, this is definitely a front row ride because you get some good positive Gs in the valleys. On every other seat I rode I also noticed a minor rattle but these seats still give a great ride experience due to the open train design. Theming and story-line are both solid as well.
First Drop Inversions Fun Dead spots
This ride is really fun the inversions were fun and gave good hang time the drop is the best part of the ride i think i like this drop better then a b&m invert coaster 7.8/10
Lap Bar Intensity Smoothness
Vekoma delivered again with this next-gen. I see people complain about a rattle but I did not notice anything, this ride felt butter smooth to me. Hals-über-Kopf feels like a less intense version of Lech Coaster to me: this ride offers some very strong positives which make it quite an intense ride. The inversions are great and there are some hills throughout the ride which give weak floater airtime as well. This is a huge step up from B&M inverts and Hals-über-Kopf proves that Vekoma can make great suspended coasters. Please, to all parks owning an SLC, tear them down and buy an STC instead. This ride is pure gold.
Airtimes Pace Smoothness
Vekoma redeamed themselves with their STC model. Its very smooth, in the very back you even get nice airtime. Also very fun to ride. Did 10 laps on it
Capacity Pace Layout Rattle
Great improvement from Vekoma with regards to their SLCs. Has a great layout and is intertwined with Volldampf and its surroundings. The front or back makes a big difference in experience. There is some rattle already. It was a 10-minute wait or a walk on that day, except when the park was closing.
Lap Bar Comfort Layout Rattle
If I would've reviewed it last year, I would give it 5 stars, however a year later the ride experience has decreased in quality since the ride built up a very noticeable rattle in high g-force areas like the helix. Even though it has this minor flaw, it's still a fun ride and I really enjoy this coaster. Some good airtime and decently forceful sections with an overall great balanced layout. The seats and restraints are really comfortable and it's definitely a big improvement over their SLC model. I really hope Vekoma figures out the rattle issue with future installations tho.
Location Pace
Such a cool coaster! It has some very interesting and intense elements, but generally is a lot tamer (imo) than Karacho. There is some rattle but very minimal so I wouldn't consider it as a con.
Inversions Location Fun Rattle
Two weeks ago I rode Abyssus and I enjoyed this new generation Vekoma STC more. It is not intense, it has great inversions that feel really enjoyable with no vests. I like interaction with Volldampf and I think that these two coasters are very good investment for the park. The only con is the rattle - especially in the back in the first half of the coaster, it is not a good sign since the coaster is new.
First Drop Inversions Intensity Rattle
This is certainly a huge step up from the SLC model, however it is a lot rougher than I expected. This is not a big deal because of the lapbars but I found it a little strange that a coaster this new could be this rattly. The layout is really good, it has airtime moments, intensity and fun inversions. The restraints are really comfortable. can't really say anything about the appearance because it was very unfinished when I rode it last year.
Lap Bar Inversions Pace
Wow, what a great coaster: the seats combined with comfy lap bars provide great freedom while riding, the layout is surprisingly intense with nice G-forces and the three inversions are all great fun, especially the zero-G-roll over "Volldampf's" station is amazing. Additionally, there is some great airtime on several spots of the layout which is not often found on inverts, and pacing is also great from start to finish! I don't know why some people complain about this coaster for being rough, the vibrations I felt were just slightly! Optically, this coaster is beautiful, especially the overbanked turn over the entrance looks absolutely gorgeous and the interaction with Volldampf is also a really cool feature. Those two coasters as a whole is an outstanding addition to the portfolio of Tripsdrills attractions - my home park and Vekoma did a fantastic job here!
Airtimes Comfort
Vekoma's new take on suspended thrill coasters is a lot more comfortable than their SLC models - no headbanging at all (it has no shoulder restraints). The train is able to swing and this is, together with some very nice inversions, the biggest thrill factor here. Very re-rideable.
Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Rattle
Hals-über-Kopf is a refreshing take on the Inverted coaster type. The first ever Suspended Thrill Coaster features several surprising bursts of airtime. The layout offers many graceful elements, some surges of positive G forces, blended altogether with really solid pacing. Hals also interacts nicely with its neighboring Volldampf, and makes clever use of its surroundings (trenches, nearby lake). I did notice a rattle during the stronger G sections. However the comfy lap-bars and seating more than make up for it!
Pace Intensity Smoothness
My expectations for my first Vekoma STC skyrocketed after I got to ride Lech Coaster at Legendia a few weeks ago but even though had high expectations, the STC delivered. It was way more intense than I expected, the ride had strong positives, the inversions had some nice whip and the floater airtime on an invert was unique and a nice contrast to the positive forces. The ride experience is fantastic in every seat (back being a bit more intense) and the ride keeps the intensity up from the first drop all the way to the final brake run. The first drop feels great in the back (better than expected). The only negative point that I can give the ride is that the restraint does come down during the ride. It does not compromise the ride experience much since tha lap bar is very comfy but it's still not a pleasant sensation to have the lap bar come down.
Lap Bar Comfort Fun
Amazing Inverted coaster that does something different. The layout is smooth and fun and every Inversion is good. In the backrow the first drop is stronger than expected and the airtime overall isnt bad either. Great addition to the park
Lap Bar Smoothness Layout Theming
The coaster opened today and it was a wonderful ride. I rode it several times. Only downside is the incomplete Theming. They opened the ride before the surrounding has been completed. Vekoma absolutely learned their lesson with inverted coasters. This one feels great, no headbanging as in their former models (I'm looking at you: MP-Express :-) ).
First Drop Nice surprise! Layout
Inversions Comfort Fun Rattle
Nice surprise! Fun Layout
Comfort Intensity
Theming Inversions Smoothness
Comfort Pace Layout
Airtimes Inversions Intensity