• Micah Frese

    Location Fun Layout Dead spots

    One of my first coasters ever, this ride has a soft spot for me. I love the low banking turns and the bumpiness of the ride. there are even some surprise moments of ejector towards the end of the ride.

  • Micah Frese

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    The first drop needs to be talked about way more. I have never heard anything about it and its so good. The rest of the ride absolutely murders you with airtime. The roughness doesn't really bother me, probably because I have ridden the boss so many times.

  • Micah Frese

    Airtimes Masterpiece Ejectors Lap Bar

    man, I love this thing. The first few hills are great, and the hills going back are legendary. the one thing that didn't do much for me was the turnaround.

  • Micah Frese

    Launch Intensity Hangtime Too short

    This is by far my most ridden roller coaster, and I love it every time. it is fast, there is great hangtime on the tophat, and it is stupid intense. I hope the launch stays backward unlike the one in texas

  • Micah Frese

    Location Intensity Layout Rattle Dead spots

    Man, this thing is crazy. 6FSTL is my home park, so the boss is one of my most ridden roller coasters. I love the speed and intensity. I've grown numb to the roughness, but it still hurts a little. Night rides are LEGENDARY. If you make your way to stl, give this ride a try.

  • Micah Frese

    Location Launch Intensity

    This ride was stupid awesome. The launch scared the bajeebers out of me. The drop was crazy. it went by so fast, that I was still processing it when I hit the breaks. I loved everything about this masterpiece

  • Micah Frese

    First Drop Lap Bar Masterpiece

    one of the greatest rides of all time. I love the speed, the pullout of the first drop, and the length of the ride.

  • Micah Frese

    First Drop Launch Intensity Lap Bar

    Unpopular opinion: this is the best ride at cedar point.

  • Micah Frese


    This ride was a blur for me so I cant say much.