• Glass Cannonn

    Comfort Fun

    It’s an ok family coaster.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Launch Fun Hangtime

    Loving these new creative coaster layouts. Love these lap bars as well. Only con I can think of is it’s a bit to intense for me marathon which probably isn’t a con for most but I’m getting old. 😉

  • Glass Cannonn

    Pace Airtimes

    Other than the pacing and comfortable trains it doesn’t do much. I was in the very back and got very little air. It’s also pretty rough for a 7 year old coaster. Overall disappointing unfortunately.

  • Glass Cannonn

    First Drop Fun Intensity Dead spots

    Not sure it was just the day I went but definitely has a noticeable dead spot. I think it was after hill with the trim break but it really slowed down pace wise for a bit, but picked up for the last hill to give one nice last airtime pop. Despite this, it’s still world class. Amazing first drop and speed in the first half, some strong airtime moments, tunnel is fun. I’m rounding up to 10 from a 9.5. Gotta take a half point off for the weird pacing near the end of the ride.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes Fun Hangtime Rattle

    Seems like enthusiasts like to pick on this coaster but not every coaster needs to be super fast and or intense. The hangtime is incredible, especially with these constraints. The trains and seating are super comfortable. The ride is glass smooth but did notice one train had a bit of rattle but not enough to impact the ride. Launches could be stronger but that would impact hang time without more track. Wish captain coaster ratings were out of 10 it would be. 9.5 but I’m Rounding up because it so fun, unique and very re-rideable.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!

    It’s just awful. No airtime or redeeming qualities of any kind. Almost not even worth the credit.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Theming Fun Rattle Capacity

    Like a lot of the coaster at IB it’s unique. Glad I rode it but once is enough.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Inversions Layout Headbanging Harness Discomfort

    If it wasn’t for the terrible harnesses, which gave me a couple right hooks to the jaw, this would probably be my second favorite coaster in the park. They need to do something about the harnesses asap. Steel Hogs as well while they’re at it but these ones are fare worse. I didn’t find it that intense as others are mentioned but I was also on an empty train in the front so maybe that was part of it. Fun creative layout thought with the triple loops.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Lap Bar Location Airtimes Dead spots Intensity

    It’s a shame this is such a boring coater because going along the water is beautiful. Has lap bars made for airtime but it doesn’t exist. Probably didn’t help I was on an empty train but give me something.

  • Glass Cannonn

    First Drop Hangtime Too short Harness

    I don’t know of many of these models so it’s unique which is cool. First drop is cool but not very high so it’s over before you know it. Hang time is great but the shoulder restraints are really uncomfortable so have to knock off half a point for them.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes Lap Bar Ejectors

    This is the definition of what a wooden coaster is supposed to be. Lap bar with some loose just in case seatbelts + fun first drop + several ejector air moments mix in a few strong laterals =👌 just a blast to ride in the back and even with the train mostly empty I wasn’t disappointed. I can only imagine how much better the pace would be on a full train in the back row. Go to the very back as there’s still a decent difference from the second last row.

  • Glass Cannonn


    It’s ok. Much preferred dragon slayer at Adventureland. It spun more and yet made me feel less icky after riding it. It’s ok but don’t feel like I’d need ride it again.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Nice surprise! Launch Intensity Capacity

    Not a huge fan of this style of coaster in the past but really enjoyed it today. The launch and ride in general is pretty intense and fun. Wouldn’t want to marathon it but a lap per visits makes total sense.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes Comfort Fun Dead spots

    It’s old but still dishes out a few moments of quality airtime and pretty comfortable even in the back. It’s pretty slow though. Funny that it has a similar issue as viper but viper as more aggressive air.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun Dead spots Intensity

    Remember it being really good about 10 years ago and some aspects still are. It’s still relatively smooth for a wooden coaster IMO, and has several good airtime moments. I did ride in the back though. Cons, it was a cooler day and it was running pretty slow. You run into some dead spots and the ride just isn’t as intense as I’d like it to be. I still have to give 4/5 for the airtime, being comfortable and definitely re rideable. Really curious if it’s speeds up at the end of a really hot day.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Inversions Rattle Disappointing! Discomfort

    Not a huge wing coaster fan, other than thunderbird holiday world, and this one is meh as well. Noticeable rattle made the ride a bit uncomfortable as well.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes First Drop Rattle Dead spots Layout

    So hard not to enjoy the first drop on any B&M and same goes for RB. There are still airtime moments but could be a lot more with a better hyper layout. I’m sure the layout has a lot to do with space constraints, but I much rather have an out and back with multiple airtime hills like Behemoth at my home park. The more twister style creates some dead spots in the ride as well. Sad to see these B&Ms starting to age and rattle. RB rattle is on the minimal side at least compared to some other aging B&Ms. Still a fun ride but third best now after Maxx Force

  • Glass Cannonn

    Inversions Launch Smoothness Too short

    Fun ride the beginning of the launch is great but wish the launch force lasted a bit longer. The inversions are very well thought out with some nice hang time. The only con really is it’s too short.

  • Glass Cannonn

    First Drop Ejectors Hangtime Rattle Too short

    When I first rode it years ago it was revolutionary, but now that so many RMCs exist it’s probably lowest ranked but it’s still an RMC and I’ve yet to ride a bad one. First drop is great, the hang time on the stall is fun and there’s some ejector in there as well. Cons, it’s short, not as intense as other RMCs and seems to be a slight rattle now though still very minimal and not really bothersome. Best ride in the park still. SFGA could really use a big long coaster but just doesn’t have the space I don’t think?

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity Dead spots

    It wasn’t the warmest day and the ride in the front row was borderline disappointing. Now the second last row ride on the other hand was a borderline masterpiece. Definitely a back seat coaster. It flat out hauls vs the front row. Way more intense. Way more airtime, especially on the first drop, where the front row didn’t have any on the first drop. Only thing holding it back is it just crawls at the end and no air time on the last small bump. Found it intense but pretty smooth. Very re rideable but do so in the back and you’ll fall in love with this one.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity Rattle

    Oh man what an experience. Has a similar intensity as the voyage in my opinion, but with a more unique layout. Great pops of airtime before the lift hill especially in or near the back of the train. Not as much airtime pre lift hill in the front, but probably the smoothest ride you’ll get while still being just as intense as the back through the rest of the layout. Definitely not the smoothest but it’s so fast and intense that it’s probably hard to make a wooden coaster smooth at these speeds and forces. Kinda like the voyage as well. Thought about docking .5 star for roughness but it just kind of makes up for it with such a unique and forceful experience. Also will be adding it to my top 35 list.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Comfort Smoothness Airtimes

    Personally didn’t experience the airtime other reviews mention and so I feel like this coaster is overrated based on my experience. It’s smooth which is nice in a park full of rough coasters.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes Ejectors Rattle Too short Discomfort

    You get a few huge ejector air moments, but it’s also not the smoothest or most comfortable coaster, so you pay a bit of a price, but probably worth it for a couple laps per visit.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Lap Bar Smoothness Airtimes

    Was hoping to have time to ride this again but in the back to see if it provided any airtime that wasn’t present when I rode it near the front of the train but ran out of time. It’s smooth, especially for its age, and fun enough to earn it a 3.5 from me. Big miss on what looks like a wooden coaster that should provide some air when looking at the layout.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Comfort Smoothness

    Not sure if they changed something on this one, but seeing a lot of complaints on it not spinning enough and it not being intense, but it spun a lot for us that we even all felt a little dizzy. Could be because we only had 3 people on the train and one side really outweighed the other maybe? It’s smooth and well profiled for this type of ride. The only real complaint is the trim breaks are a bit annoying, not unusual for this type of ride and the uncomfortable thud when the train returns to the start. It kinda goes into this funnel. Brace yourself for it.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Theming Fun Intensity

    I believe the ride was recently re done and the theming in 2024 was pretty good by my standards. I actually jumped a couple of time with theming popping out of the dark at me. Definitely worth a lap as of 2024

  • Glass Cannonn

    Nice surprise! Fun Intensity Harness

    Not usually a fan of these 4th dimension coasters, the one at SFGA, is super unpleasantly rough. This one is newer 2021 vs 2016 guessing that’s a part of it being a lot smoother. On my ride it spun like crazy and I was surprised I wasn’t dizzy at the end. It’s really intense, luckily in a good way. You probably want to space out riding it but I was surprised how much I liked it based on previous 4D S&S models. Only complaint is the harness can be a bit uncomfortable and make sure you hang onto the handles to help offset the harness discomfort. You do that and you should have a great time on it. Again another underrated ride at this park.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Nice surprise! Fun Ejectors Discomfort

    Was really surprised by this one though not the most intense wooden roller coaster a bunch of nice pops of air especially in the back. In gets a bit rougher in the very last seat of the train vs. my middle of the train ride but not intolerable and at least you get reward with more forceful ejector air. If the drop was higher and the coaster just bigger and longer could easily have been at least a 4 to 4.5 star.

  • Glass Cannonn

    First Drop Layout Hangtime Airtimes

    Definitely a fun ride and re rideable as the inversions are gentle and well paced as not to make you feel dizzy. Love the first drop and hang time. The only gripe is you expect pops of airtime over the little hills on the Monster but you get nothing. If there were nice pops of air on those moments might creep up to a 5 star ride. Also kind of an underrated park as well. Not a lot of big intense coasters but fun and comfortable ones which is always nice.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes Fun Ejectors

    Mamba is super underrated. I wish the world had more Morgan Hypers as Steel Force at Dorney is also a blast. This thing is an airtime machine and I love all of it! Your experience can vary depending on seat selection. Alway try to pick the middle of the car seats. Way smoother and comfortable. Also a lot smoother the closer to the front of the train but you end up losing the first drop airtime. Best seat on the train is the second row from the very back. Still pretty smooth and you get the nice first drop airtime pop. Helix dishes out some strong positive Gs though I’m less into positive gs personally. The star is all the airtime hills. With the old lap bars you fly and float! It’s not perfect with a few janky spots and not the best profiling on the elements but that’s the norm for steel coasters from this era. Absolutely blast and by far the best coaster in the park!