• Cloud

    Airtimes Intensity Ejectors Rattle Discomfort

    This is probably one of the worst coasters I've been on but it's just so much fun. It has such bad transitions and the triangle airtime hills kill your thighs! At the same time the ejector on this is just unmatched on any coaster, its so good. I have a love-hate relationship with this ride and I do think it is a little overrated

  • Cloud

    First Drop Location Smoothness Airtimes

    This has to be one of the best first drops on any coaster. Being right along Lake Erie provides such a beautiful view and the drop lasts so long. I love how this ride maintains its speed from beginning to end, however, I feel like the layout is a little boring. I feel as if more airtime would make this ride a better experience (coming from my biased perspective on airtime) but I think the drop makes up for it

  • Cloud

    First Drop Intensity Ejectors Capacity Discomfort

    I love how unique Maverick is however, the snappy transitions provided quite a bit of discomfort to me. I usually don't find coasters uncomfortable however this one just hurt my back. I feel like this coaster is really unique and without it we wouldn't have coasters like Velocicoaster. It's just the whippy nature of this ride is too much for me, especially when it comes to rerides. I love the second launch though!

  • Cloud

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors

    This ride is just perfect. The first drop is amazing, there's ejector AND floater airtime. The inversions are just so good. The midcourse doesn't even slow down the train. It felt as if the ride was never going to end. I love Iron Gwazi but the airtime and length on Steve is just better

  • Cloud

    Location Fun Layout Rattle Discomfort Dead spots

    This ride is the perfect mix of good and bad. The first drop is very nice and the second drop into the helix is very intense. Riding through the middle of the forest also makes this more enjoyable, however, the rattle is quite bad. If you sit in the back row it feels like you're constantly being jackhammered. There are also quite a few dead spots which can be seen as good depending on where you sit. Overall, it's a fun ride but it may give you a terrible headache

  • Cloud

    First Drop Inversions Hangtime

    The first drop on this coaster is really extreme and I love it. The inversion-focused layout is a great contrast to the airtime-focused layouts on the other coasters in the park. The hangtime provided on the inline roll is phenomenal

  • Cloud

    Airtimes First Drop Capacity

    The first drop is quite nice and the airtime on it is very good. I prefer this layout over Orion's and it gives many more forces

  • Cloud

    First Drop Capacity Comfort Layout

    I definitely think it's an overhyped giga. The drop is good and the typical B&M restraints are comfortable however, I feel like the layout is pretty boring

  • Cloud

    Airtimes First Drop Pace Too short

    The twisted first drop is amazing along with the pacing and airtime. I love ejector airtime and my only wish is that it lasted longer