• Benjamin Rose

    Comfort Layout Hangtime Too short

    I have seen many complaints about rattle on Hyperia and after riding it 5 times in total I (and many others) can safely say the issue lies with but one of the trains as I have experienced rattle 2 of my 5 rides and even then it was relatively mild. The other train is buttery smooth. The layout is top notch from start to finish, it's only a shame the finish comes too soon. I was initially a little disappointed with the forces or rather the lack of them but a back row ride definitely ups the ante somewhat, but if seasoned riders are looking to test themselves with this they might find it a bit disappointing. Nonetheless it is a ton of fun, with my personal favourite elements being the first drop and the outer banked curve. You might be pleasantly surprised with the small hill after the zero g stall too. Hyperia is a fantastic addition to the park and in my opinion the best roller coaster in the UK...for now. It only took thirty years for a coaster to steal Nemesis' crown but here we are. I don't think it will take as long for Hyperia's title to be stolen in the near future.

  • Benjamin Rose

    Theming Comfort Smoothness Too short Disappointing!

    If you've ridden a B&M dive or wing coaster before then you know exactly what you're in for with The Swarm. The concept is fun and unique for a theme park, with the narrative of what I assume to be an alien invasion, though it doesn't bog itself down in the details. I arrived on a hot and fairly busy day and thus the queue experience was miserable. The music sets the mood but after an hour of hearing the same 6 minute clip repeat over and over you're driven slightly insane. The ride itself is a smooth and comfortable experience which will come as no surprise. The layout packs some varied inversions but for even unseasoned coaster riders it is relatively forceless. It is therefore an excellent coaster for said riders looking to test their mettle. I would only ride it again with a very short queue.

  • Benjamin Rose

    Inversions Pace Too short Dead spots

    Got a front and back row ride on Nemesis Inferno and was pleasantly surprised by the beginning of the ride which is the most heavily themed and the mist is delightfully cooling on a warm day. The layout after the chainlift contains some really snappy inversions that throw you through their loops and corkscrews but it's too short and meanders in parts to get back to it's destination. Space was clearly an issue as the coaster has a relatively small footprint but it's missing a few tricks to put it up there with it's more famous older brother. The seats and restraints were comfortable as usual for a B&M inverted coaster which comes as no surprise to anyone. Still, I would highly recommend this ride as long as the queue doesn't exceed thirty minutes.

  • Benjamin Rose

    Location Smoothness Too short

    A short little treat in a lovely location perched atop Liseberget. The two-hitter of Luna and Lisebergbanan make for an excellent introduction to roller coasters for youngsters and act as a middle ground between the childrens attractions and the more intense roller coasters and flat rides. It is short at as hell though.

  • Benjamin Rose

    Capacity Fun Duration

    As family coasters go you couldn't ask for much better than Lisebergbanan. A great ride with some good speed and a cheeky airtime moment or two if you're in the back. This is a great ride for budding young rollercoaster enthusiasts to cut their teeth on but remains fun for all ages. The way it snakes around the hill makes it feel faster.

  • Benjamin Rose

    First Drop Comfort Layout Too short

    Valkyria is well deserving of it's high placing on lists of the best B&M dive coasters, whatever that is worth. Despite a short ride time I think Valkyria delivers a fun experience with a great first drop that must be experienced in the front. That feeling of vulnerability as the train goes over the edge is something else. With an immelmann, a corkscrew and a heartline roll also included it's clear B&M and Liseberg wanted to utilise the limited real estate to the max and I think they've done that.

  • Benjamin Rose

    Capacity Fun Ejectors Dead spots

    Balder is an ejector airtime machine and a fantastic wooden coaster one can ride all day long. The ejector airtimes are plentiful, forceful and will have you laughing. Hands in the air for this one. A great beginner coaster for smaller enthusiasts who meet the height requirement. A re-track completed in 2022 ensures smooth operation across all the operating seasons and two trains means they're able to keep queues relatively short. Make sure to use the virtual queue system.

  • Benjamin Rose

    Airtimes Inversions Masterpiece

    Am very fortunate to have Helix in my back garden and have ridden it many many times and it's the gift that keeps on giving. Incredible layout with 7 inversions but the final airtime hill is the cherry on the sundae. That's what I look forward to most every time but even that first drop out of the station has you feeling something. An absolutely gorgeous roller coaster you could ride all day. It most certainly runs faster later in the evening so make sure to night ride. World class.