• Jordan Pelaez

    Capacidad Layout

    Surprisingly bad operations for a park that was otherwise amazing At ops. These arrow mine trains are pretty boring. This one wasn’t as bad as some others but it’s just ridden for the credit . At least when you’re sitting on final brake run for 34 minutes you can freshen ur breath with a used piece of gum, so you’ll die from a hornet attack with a minty mouth.

  • Jordan Pelaez

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Capacidad

    My biggest surprise of Carowinds. Went in with low expectations because of the ride model being one of my least favorite kinds. Was waaaay smoother than the similar rides I’ve been on and is super well maintained with a beautiful paint job and color scheme. The forces were strong and expected and it wasn’t bad at all, first drop on corkscrew at CP is better but CC is better for everything else.

  • Jordan Pelaez

    Airtimes Primera caída

    Another solid B and M Hyper. Really enjoyed the freedom provided by the staggered seating. Visuals were awesome up front and the trims didn’t hit as hard as they did in the back. Still very good sustained floater airtime that I love. Praise Dale and raise hell.

  • Jordan Pelaez

    Inversiones Intensidad Layout

    Front row on this bad boy (which I prefer for inverts) is incredible. They nail the sense of high flying speed of a fighter jet. The first of the half bat wing is taken with such velocity that I thought we were gonna fly off the tracks. An amazing no nonsense coaster

  • Jordan Pelaez

    Fun Ejectors Hangtime

    I’m typically a back row guy for forces, but this one in the front was game changing, especially after warming up later in the day. Somehow has amazing positive forces that are good for juxtaposition for the intense ejector pops throughout the layout. Visually stunning ride :)

  • Jordan Pelaez

    Primera caída Obra maestra Duración

    I wish I could select more than three “Pros” for this masterpiece. Solidly in my top 5 with a first drop that doesn’t ever get old. Long, fast, powerful, amazing forces. Ride Ops are top notch, by far my favorite giga thus far! Amazing color scheme

  • Austin L.

    Primera caída Velocidad Demasiado corto

    The ascent up the lift hill is a crazy experience. The drop feels intense and forceful and the momentum continues throughout the ride with no noticeable slow down in pacing. Tantrum is definitely short but it’s still the second best coaster at six flags Darien lake in my opinion.

  • Austin L.

    Primera caída Comodidad Fun

    Solid coaster. This one is a home run with the general public and is a must ride when visiting Hershey park

  • Austin L.

    Airtimes Primera caída Ejectors Incomodidad

    The most intense coaster I’ve been on this far. The only negative about it is the uncomfortable restraints

  • Michel Platini

    Fun Suavidad Launch Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    Nouvel avis : Après l'avoir refait, j'ai été très déçu... J'avais le souvenir de bons piques de G+ et d'inversions très surprenantes, mais cette fois, j'ai un ride tout autre. Très peu d'intensité, des inversions lentes et peu intéressantes et un launch mou, sûrement le plus mou que j'ai jamais fait même... Cela dit, le coaster a le mérite de rester très fluide !