• Joe Bord


    Not bad for a kiddie coaster. This is actually the closest coaster to me. kinda sad right.

  • Joe Bord

    Primera caída Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa!

    This could be my first big coaster, if you would consider it that,

  • Joe Bord

    Duración Capacidad

    the first time I got scared on a ride. You could say this was my first non kiddie coaster

  • Joe Bord

    Suavidad ¡Decepción!

    kinda boring. But very smooth.

  • Joe Bord

    Tematización Fun Tiempo muerto

    Disney loves to theme there rides and this is no exception.

  • Joe Bord

    Fun Demasiado corto Tematización

    This was the first coaster I can remember and is pretty fun. However, there is a lack of theming, especially being at a Disney park.

  • Antoine R.

    Tematización Obra maestra Layout

    Coaster avec une Thema incroyable et une intégration dans la zone au top. Son layout est plutôt très bien pour ce type de coaster qui offre des sensations assez uniques grâce aux trains flying

  • Matthew Potter

    Airtimes Lap Bar Suavidad

    Incredible ride, and the better version of EGF. Managed to get 5 rides on this thing, 2 front, 2 near the back, 1 middle and they were all just great. The twisted first drop and the hills throughout the layout provide some excellent ejector, and the non-inverting cobra roll is probably the best part of the ride. Whips you up and gives some nice hangtime towards the front. The stengle dive afterwards throws you out of your seat and the bunny hops at the end try to kill you. The trains could have been better, as the lowered seats (compared to the likes of Taron and Hyperion) give less airtime than what the layout could provide. Definitely the standout coaster that WB needed.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Intensidad ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    Lat machine. Personally not too into laterals so this is definitely below Raven for me. Still pretty intense and fun, if a bit uncomfortable at times. Disappointingly not much of an upgrade in terms of ride experience at Holiwood Nights.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes Velocidad Intensidad Incomodidad

    Feels absolutely out of control as it hauls through its layout. People say it's too short but I honestly think the shortish length is nice, in that you hardly have time to think about anything by the time hit those final brakes. Airtime is good, pacing is very quick and intense, to a definite detriment of comfort. Holiwood Nights rides with you screaming through near pitch black woods, only lit by the moon and fireflies, is damn near transcendental.