• Romain


    La théma fait absolument tout le travail ce qui nous donne un très sympathique coaster familial

  • Romain

    Tematización Fun Capacidad

    Version améliorée d'un modèle de série qui a déjà prouvé, débit absolument honteux pour un resort de ce calibre.

  • Alex H.


    Coaster bien sympa, très beau et très iconique. Ridé en fin de journée après la pluie, c'était embarquement immédiat! Le coaster est assez bourru, un trait bien propre aux mines trains vekoma, avec une partie en arrière qui m'aura bien surpris!

  • Alex H.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Vibración

    J'ai rarement fait un coaster qui vibrait autant... Mais il faut bien avouer que c'est fun

  • Zach R.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Comodidad Tiempo muerto

    The initial LSM launch is solid, and despite the trim, the top hat gives some amazing ejector. The zero g roll is great too, and the dive off the mid-course give a nice pop of airtime as well. The ending, however, is forceless, and this is because you crawl through it. I went in expecting a sub par launch coaster, but I was pleasantly surprised.

  • Zach R.

    Airtimes Obra maestra Intensidad

    This coaster is just pure perfection. The beyond vertical first drop is so aggressive and gives a super strong burst of ejector. This blitz coaster is snappy, intense, smooth, and relentless. The coaster gets crazy lines due to a kinda low capacity, but it is well worth it. This is the second best Intamin I’ve ridden, only behind Velocicoaster.

  • Joel Simon

    Duración Incomodidad

    Another Tivoli. But was surprised it did 3 laps.

  • Joel Simon

    Primera caída Tematización Vibración Layout

    This was one uncomfortable ride. The layout was also a bit uninteresting, no forces or interesting elements, only the first drop in the back was nice. It has nice theming too though

  • Joel Simon

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    Fun little ride on the tamer side which nicely intertwines with Hals über Kopf. At the back you still get some pops of airtime. Love the part where it goes through the station

  • Joel Simon

    Airtimes Velocidad Suavidad

    Vekoma redeamed themselves with their STC model. Its very smooth, in the very back you even get nice airtime. Also very fun to ride. Did 10 laps on it