• Lukas 42

    Intensité Fluidité Layout Harnais Inconfort

    Untamed - the name says it all, it's a really wild ride: The inversions are indeed the least intense aspects of the ride, the ejector airtime ist ridiculous! Especially the "Double up & Double Down" is a hell of a coaster element, it feels like being yanked out of the train three times in a row. The "270 Degree Double Inverting Corner Stall" is a very interesting element (probably the best moment on this coaster) and the uphill barrell roll at the end provides excellent hangtime. With all those aspects combined with the the banked airtime hills, riding Untamed feels like being thrown around in any possible direction. The setting and theming of the area is pretty cool, I really liked the "natural touch" of this. Only things to criticize about this ride is the lap bar getting quite uncomfortable after multiple rides and the finale consisting of small bunny hops is a little too repetitive for me - I prefer sustained airtime to these short bursts. Such a shame that the brutal airtime pops cobined with the restraints ruins my ride experience which is overall pretty good, but doesn't live up to the hype around this coaster.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Confort Launch Fun Débit

    Wow, I rode it twice, once during daylight, and then at night, which was definitely better and much more immersive. Loved the smoothness, the lighting, the theming, and the well rendered impression of riding a motorbike! The soundtrack added a pinch of enthusiasm to this brand new ride (it opened less than 3 weeks before). Another great and original Intamin, which really knows how to capture the atmosphere wanted by the park. The launches are fun, the backwards part and the last one are really funny, I loved the sections where you are really low, close to the ground with the inclinations. The waiting time in line was awfully long, as they always are in every theme park in it Japan anyway, but it was really worth it. Thank you Fujikyu Highland and Intamin, I'll ride Zokkon again when I come back to Japan.

  • Carrie C.

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Vibrations Trop court

    No matter where you sit the airtime on the drop is great.


    Théma Intensité Ejectors Débit

    It's definitely the best coaster of Spain

  • Aequus

    Intensité Vibrations Théma Lap Bar

    The prototype trains with the strange lapbars made for an interesting experience, but I definitely would have appreciated some padding on them. It puzzles me how I didn't fall out during the backwards part, the restaint was so loose and didn't touch me at all until I was jammed into it during the cobra roll. The transitions between the elements were jerky, but it was a great adrenaline rush.

  • Aequus

    Lap Bar Intensité

    It's well known that these coasters are way too generous on the breaks, but even with the terribly slow pace, the car managed to swing quite a bit, and looking straight down with only that tiny lapbar holding me in felt quite terrifying. I get that it's supposed to be a family coaster, but speeding it up a little would make for a much better experience

  • Aequus

    Théma Fun

    Very special indoors spinning wild mouse, even though the layout wasn't all that unique or exciting, the theming made it all worth it. The queue features a mirror maze and some Lifesize statues, and during the ride there is booming music and a killer laser show

  • Ben Hopson

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors


  • Wolfey Jay

    Théma Fun Intensité Baffes

    B&M invert so yeah it's good.

  • Wolfey Jay

    Théma Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité

    Absolutely incredible. From the JP theming to the ride itself, this coaster is the complete package. It has 2 incredible launches and the entire ride is smooth as silk. The lack of over the head restraints add to the intensity. Recommend anyone riding try to get a front seat ride!!