• David Čuban

    Tematización Fun

    Good kiddie coaster. Two laps special.

  • David Čuban

    Tematización Comodidad Suavidad

    Briliant coaster thrilling enough for coaster enthusiast but also not thrilling that much for family with kids.

  • Logan Barer

    Intensidad Duración Tiempo muerto

    Make the first drop steeper and get rid of that horrid break run in the middle (you literally decelerate to zero), and you’ve got yourself a solid hyper. I know this ride gets a lot of flack for those features, but it’s still fun.

  • Logan Barer

    Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime

    I’d put more pros if it let me. Excellent coaster from start to finish. If you’re lucky enough to duel, this excellent coaster becomes the very, very best. It’s unbelievably cool and fun - But even if you don’t get to duel, it’s an absolute blast.

  • Logan Barer

    Velocidad Layout Incomodidad

    This ride is SO LOUD!! You can hear it from pretty much anywhere in the park, and when you’re close to it, it’s deafening. It might only be because I’m tall (6’4”), but this ride is very painful for me. When I get off, my legs are very, very sore. This would probably be a lot better as a floorless coaster.

  • Logan Barer

    Inversiones Torta ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    If you’re not going to sit in the very front row, don’t bother with this ride.

  • Logan Barer

    Primera caída Tematización Layout Lap Bar

    I am a huge Superman fan, so going up the chain lift with John Williams’ original theme playing is an awesome way to kick off a ride that’s fantastic start to finish. Just get rid of those lap bars!!!

  • Logan Barer

    Airtimes Situación Duración Vibración Incomodidad

    The best terrain coaster in the country! Boulderdash can sometimes be a little uncomfortable (depends on where in the train you sit), but that slight discomfort is completely worth it. This coaster rips through the woods with awesome airtime moments, but due to it being built on a mountain, you’re close to the ground the whole time so it feels like you’re going even faster. I will always love this ride!

  • Brian Sheldon

    Velocidad Obra maestra Layout

    Easily the best coaster in the park and perhaps the best wooden coaster in the Midwest. The little coaster truly delivers thrills like few coasters can. It really makes me miss the Ozark Wildcat as that was very similar and probably a tiny bit better, but it is rotting away in storage. This is better than Kentucky Rumbler and far better than Prowler on the other side of the state. I rode this within an hour of it's opening years ago, it was great then, and I think it is getting better with age. The pace, twists, turns, and air pops keep you hopping all around in the wonderfully comfortable trains. This little coaster may not have the crazy speed, height, or inversion angle stats that many newer coasters do, but it delivers thrills like very few can.

  • Drive Safely

    Primera caída Situación Obra maestra

    Wow. This ride is incredible from start to finish. The lift hill and following turnaround give great views of the Swedish coast and forest before you plunge down an amazing first drop. The drop gives standing ejector in the back few rows if you’re not stapled. Back row is my preferred seat on this one due to the more intense experience and insane drop. The next element is a zero-g stall that is full of hangtime through its long and elevated portion of track. Next, you whip in and out of an outerbanked wave turn that provides insane sensations of whip, laterals, and airtime at the same time. Following is a twisted airtime hill and a straight speed hill that both give ejector airtime. After this, you fly into a quick wave turn where you experience brief but powerful sideways airtime. Next is a floaty zero-g roll down the cliff that leads into several turns and small airtime hills. The rest of the layout consists of a zero-g roll, small hills, and a few turns before you hit the brakes. This is a pretty long coaster and I didn’t find it to have any dead spots other than the hill before you drop off the rocks into the final twists, which isn’t as much of a dead spot as it is a way to prepare for the rest of the ride. Each one of my fourteen rides was incredible and I would always feel like hopping right back in line. Overall, this is a magnificent coaster and one that I could consistently lap all day.