• Reid Keeter

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité

    This is the number 1 wooden coaster and a top 5 coaster ever to exist. The fact that this ride has the traits of an Intamin but the intensity of Iron Gwazi makes this one of the best additions to the coaster world. The lift hill itself gets you to 12 mph! The first drop is one of the biggest drops on a woodie ever (180ft) and it takes your breath away. Then those camelback hills eject you out of your seat. The laterals at the mid-course are so clean and usually, on an Intamin you'd feel pain, but the lap bar on Toro is so comfy! The number 1 woodie that will never be beaten!!

  • Kyle Marcus

    Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar

    There is nothing bad about this ride. the First drop is spectacular and the following airtime is especially good with the amazing Intamin Prefab restraints. The turnaround can be kind of bumpy but nothing to complain about. Then has an awesome 4.1 g's Ejector hill called the Rolling Thunder hill that absolutly threw me out of my seat and the finale of switchbacks finishes of the ride with a bang. Overall if you don't like this ride something is seriously wrong about this. (Controversial but makes Velocicoaster look like dog crap)

  • A Wild Walter

    Situation Vitesse Fun Trop court Déception !

    One of the most overrated coasters at KI for me, everybody raves about this being the best family coaster at the park, but I don’t see it. While I may not be the biggest fan, it’s a somewhat fun ride with decent pace and might be the most intense coaster that everybody in the family enjoys.

  • Kyle Marcus

    Lap Bar Launch Ejectors

    This is an incredible ride experience and one of the best roller coasters in the world. currently sits at my number #2 just behind El Toro. This ride has some awesome theming and the ride experience is above and beyond. My favorite part has to be the mosasaurus roll down by the water. My Mom thought she was going to fall out as this is her #1

  • Drive Safely

    Théma Fun

    Vogel Rok’s a fun indoor ride that doesn’t do anything special, but still stands on its own as a solid attraction.

  • Drive Safely

    Intensité Fluidité

    Python’s a solid Vekoma looper that’s smooth and pulls good forces, all I need from that type of ride.

  • Drive Safely

    Bonne suprise ! Fun

    Definitely fun; the second lap pulls some decent force.

  • Drive Safely

    Vitesse Intensité Layout

    Joris was a tale of two very different rides for me. Vuur was disappointing (as noted in my review), but Water, which I rode in the front much later in the day, delivered what I had expected and more. It’s paced very well, flying through quick airtime hills that didn’t exactly send me flying up out of my seat, but were very good nonetheless, and some fantastic moments of laterals. The cushioned Millennium Flyers absorb the blow and I was left tossed around the train through maneuver after maneuver, which resulted in a great experience. I don’t know what happened with Vuur, but the Water side of Joris was awesome.

  • Drive Safely

    First Drop Fun Déception ! Temps mort

    Joris was a tale of two very different rides for me. On one hand, you had Vuur, which I rode in the morning towards the back, which I thought was poorly paced and not very forceful, and on the other, you had Water, which was the opposite. Vuur did not deliver at all for me. Maybe this ride needed a bit to warm up, but I found the pacing, airtime, and laterals much weaker than I was expecting. It was by no means a bad ride, just one that disappointed me.

  • Drive Safely

    First Drop Théma Inversions Trop court

    Baron’s my favorite ride at Efteling and one of the best dive machines I’ve been on. The theming’s great, like everyone points out, but I think what this ride really does well is the execution of its elements. Despite being less than 100 feet tall, the drop gives great floater airtime, and the two inversions are whippy. The finale leaves a bit to be desired, but overall, Baron 1898 surprised me as a very good attraction.