• Eric Esty

    Fun Incomodidad

    Fun family coaster, but the trains are way too tiny.

  • Eric Esty


    I hate old Vekoma SFCs. How does a family coaster have headbanging? Please give this one Freedom Flyer trains.

  • Eric Esty

    Comodidad Sin interés

    Just like Sidewinder but with theming. Best boomerang I've ever ridden and it's still only a little enjoyable.

  • Eric Esty

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Velocidad Incomodidad

    Carolina Goldrusher lacks the scenery of most mine trains, but it's still a fun ride. Well paced and fun, but wow these seats are uncomfortable and tiny!

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Inversiones Situación Demasiado corto

    I have a huge soft spot for Arrow loopers, and between all of the Cedar Fair parks, this Carowinds has the best one. It's smooth, pretty, well paced, and fun. Good first drop, two great loops, and very smooth double corkscrew. But it's the other touches I love. The hill between the loops and corkscrews had a surprise pop of airtime. The corkscrews go over the midway Cedar Point style. The helix was in a sort of trench, and was an element I wasn't expecting. And I adore a good helix. Overall, I hope that this and Cedar Point are the Arrow loopers that stick around, as they're the only record breakers of the CF Arrow looper bunch, and they're the best ride experiences, and the best looking on the park's landscape.

  • Eric Esty

    Fun Suavidad Layout

    Lightning Racer is the penultimate modern racing woodie. My childhood self always wished Gwazi was a better ride, and this coaster seems to be just that. There are a couple moments of airtime, but the real highlight is the fast paced dueling that ups the ante and raises the stakes. First place switches back and forth, fly-bys are fast, helices are tight, racing is neck and neck, and my god is it twisty! I barely remember the layout because of how much was going on, and I rode twice! One of my favorite GCIs.

  • Eric Esty

    The truth is that I did not really enjoy Skyrush. I had no idea how to ride it, so the lap bar crushed my legs. And I only got one ride. I really want to ride this again, because on paper this coaster should be one of the best designed and intense coasters in the world. Five moments of ridiculous ejector airtime, awesome positives, and several whippy moments, all in an awesome location right next to Comet. Though I did not personally enjoy the ride, I respect the ride's daringly intense design so much that I'm giving it a 9 anyways.

  • Eric Esty

    Situación Comodidad Suavidad

    A Schwarzkopf custom looper once again stands the test of time and is immortal, to the surprise of no one. SooperDooperLooper is the least extreme of Anton's bunch, but that simply makes it one of the best family coasters on the planet. It checks all the boxes: impossibly smooth, minimalist lap bars, tracks perfectly, has no rough spots or bad profiling, and is generally masterful engineering way ahead of the times, courtesy of the legendary Werner Stengel. Not to mention it's a wonderful little joyride. A curved lift hill into the trees, an excellent first drop, smooth and satisfying curves that conform to the terrain by the creek, a great final helix, a fun tunnel for shouting, and interaction with Coal Cracker and Great Bear. Oh, and the Sooper Dooper loop in question is as excellent as ever. Smooth, forceful, and satisfying. A perfect ride.

  • Eric Esty

    Situación Fun

    Trailblazer is a short mine train, but ultimately inoffensive and a fun little ride. I love how close it gets to Storm Runner and its queue, and the end helix is very nice. No point in getting rid of it, it basically weaves around structures that were built around it, and it's a good family coaster.

  • Eric Esty

    Lap Bar Fun Layout Vibración Tiempo muerto

    Wildcat isn't perfect, but for a company's first ever coaster, it's a very impressive first bout. Twisty, exciting, and fast paced with traces of floater air. Unfortunately it's a bit rough and there are moments of slow pacing. A good GCI for sure.

  • Eric Esty


    One of two rideable Boomerangs in the US. Still not a very good ride, but at least not dreadful now.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Inversiones Velocidad

    Talon is one of my favorite inverts, and the coaster that made my trip to Dorney worthwhile. The loop and Immelmann are forceful, the zero-g roll and flat spin are whippy, and there are two excellent helices. Plus, this coaster, this B&M invert, has airtime. Once on the drop before the flat spin, and again upon the exit of the final helix. The balance and variety of forces is impeccable. The layout is well placed and the pacing is without flaw. The coaster is gorgeous, with an electric looking yellow and orange track with a softer blue support, made even more stunning by the green trees around the layout, so the colors of the ride take up 2/3 of the color wheel for a striking appearance of an awesome, deceivingly huge coaster. Badass ride, and a big sleeper hit.

  • Eric Esty

    Situación ¡Romper en pedazos! Sin interés

    Even on a smooth non wheel seat, this coaster still manages to be a pile of rotting wood. Boring, devoid of force, a boring layout, and a structure that creaks as the train goes along at a trudgingly slow pace. The lakeside location is nice but that's about it. Replace it with a GCI, RMC it if it's possible for this pile of junk, whatever.

  • Eric Esty

    Situación Layout Vibración Torta

    Headbanging and terrible profiling once again ruins the fantastic layout (in theory) of the SLC. The landscaping is gorgeous with this one, too bad the paint is chipping.

  • Eric Esty

    Situación Comodidad Fun

    It's really sad that Arrow only made a handful of mice, because this is by far the best steel mouse I've ever ridden. The turns weren't too tight, the drops were sharp, the transitions weren't jarring, the pace was excellent, it had more drops and turns than most have, and the train was actually roomy and comfortable. But best of all, it's pretty, and it has character. Bright blue and yellow, a big multi color sign, and it actually has trees around and in the layout! I almost skipped it, but my little cousin wanted to ride it, and I got the credit with her. Biggest surprise of the park.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversiones Fun Torta

    Probably the most boring corkscrew coaster I've yet ridden. It's still fun, but when Arrow's worst profiled inversion type is your one and only element besides a drop and turn, no helix or loop or airtime, it leaves a lot to be desired. Still looks pretty though!

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Situación Suavidad Layout

    Smooth. Elegant. Classic. Shivering Timbers is simply a joyride for the floater airtime enthusiast. However, that's also the main con. The layout is predictable, redundant, and uncreative. I do love the location though, away from the rest of the park, overgrown by weeds and on a dirt path. I didn't even notice we were near a parking lot, and it was cool for it to be the first thing you see coming into the park. I also love the signage with the flowers, which seemed the prettiest thing in the whole park. The fact that it was the only coaster running more than one train proves that CF knows this ride is a diamond in the rough. My favorite touch is the finale, a great helix with excellent laterals. I think laterals and helixes improve woodies tremendously, and without it I'd give Shivering Timbers a 7. But a good helix on an awesome CCI is just that good.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Lap Bar Situación Incomodidad

    This ride is muuuch better than the other Fun Spot Hi-Miler. This one does not feature the wacky profiling present on the first two drops of Hurricane. It's smaller, so it's faster paced and more forceful. And instead of being placed over brick, it's placed over grass, which is a step up for location. Still, it's a little uncomfortable, and not too memorable.

  • Eric Esty

    Situación Intensidad Layout Vibración Torta

    Twisted Typhoon, while still a lousy ride, is my favorite SLC. The tracking, rattle, and restraints are awful. SLCs geniunely scare me. However, the color scheme is drop dead gorgeous. And the location is absolutely beautiful, for a very biased reason. The ground is absolutely littered with pine needles, and the whole layout has a perimeter of pine trees. The station feels like a backwoods cabin. Most of my childhood summer camps were out in pine forests, so the image of pine needles all over the ground with the trees towering over is a very nostalgic one. Riding Twisted Typhoon feels like my weekend campsite has a bonus roller coaster that they bought off the shelf, and I'm riding it. I love it to bits.. but I also hate it because it's extremely rough and terrifying for my pockets.

  • Eric Esty

    Torta Incomodidad

    Crappy Boomerang with an ugly paint job.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Situación Vibración Incomodidad

    Cheetah Hunt.. er, just Cheetah, is a mixed bag. On one hand, the gerstlauer trains have a very spacious lap bar, but track poorly and are not cushioned at all. And the track hasn't had a major refurbishment in years, so you'll only get a bearable ride in the front. On the other hand.. this ride is so much fun! Floater airtime, laterals, a location literally in the middle of the safari train area, and an excellent layout. My fanboy enthusiasm for CCI shines through with this one, and made the one time trip for credits to Wild Adv that much more worth it.

  • Eric Esty

    Fun Tematización Incomodidad

    One of the less enjoyable mice I've ridden. This is one of my earliest coasters, but no amount of nostalgia can hide how this is mediocre even for a wild mouse. It lacks an extra drop, the seats are very tiny, and there is no theming once you get on the ride, which is frankly very very ugly. The ride is too small to replace, and kids enjoy wild mice, so keep it in I think.

  • Eric Esty

    Fun Tematización

    While this isn't the best mouse in the world, it's miles better than similar ones at Animal Kingdom or the State Fair. It's smooth and the restraints are better, and the spinning is managable. The layout is ugly though, and could use some trees, grass, or pretty LED lights. I usually skip it on my FS Kissimmee runs, though. Credit is enough for me.

  • Eric Esty

    Tematización Situación Launch

    The only con with this coaster is the erratic pacing and that the coaster itself isn't as forceful as an extreme coaster. But those cons serve a greater purpose of making this one of the best family coasters in the world. Cool animatronics that are just detailed enough for how fast you pass by them, excellent launches that feel like a motorbike taking off, great twisty coaster sections, and excellent surprises. I will always be willing to wait an hour or maybe even two to get on this one.

  • Eric Esty

    Tematización Fun Obra maestra

    While many dread screens on Universal Attractions, there are three that I believe utilize them to their fullest. Transformers does the minimum to make it effective, Spider-Man does the maximum, and Gringotts is somewhere in the middle. However, this ride has the benefit of having awesome coaster sections and speed, and as such doesn't break down nearly as often! There are so many excellent moments with Voldemort's giant fireball spell, the trolls launching you away, Mr. Weasley launching you away with a triumphant "Wingardium Leviosa!", Bellatrix making the track tilt down in a very rare coaster element, and the finale where the Norwegian Ridgeback launches you out of the Bank. Plus, the queue is one of the best in the world with a mini-ride midway through, and the onride soundtrack goes harder than the other Potter attractions. While my first rides left me disappointed, I now fully appreciate this attraction.

  • Eric Esty

    ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Screeeew this coaster! If Everest is the Magnum Opus of Imagineering, Primeval Whirl is one of their Opuscules, up there with Superstar Limo. Terribly and disgustingly themed, rough, uncomfortable, bad capacity, smelly.. and did I mention this and the whole Dino-rama are an eyesore? Please replace this with absolutely anything. A new dark ride, a new coaster, a new area, anything to replace the entire crappy section of Dinoland.

  • Eric Esty

    Tematización Inversiones Launch Torta Tiempo muerto

    Wait a minute, I love that idea! This ride, which I just call Aerosmith, is a huge guilty pleasure. The best launch in Florida (Yes, including Cheetah Hunt, Hulk, AND Hagrid's!), an awesome first element, an excellent corkscrew, cheesy billboard theming, and awesome music. Complete with pointless meandering, bulky restraints, and poor track profiling! This ride is an absolute creative mess and I adore it for that.

  • Eric Esty


    This ride is literally empty. It's not particularly smooth or comfortable. There are no forces to speak of. The launches feel like nothing. The theming is mediocre, especially for Disney standards. But then again, it's not a bad ride either. It's just a glorified kiddie coaster.

  • Eric Esty

    Tematización Suavidad Demasiado corto

    While this ride is much smoother and better themed than Big Thunder Mountain, it's also smaller, shorter, and less intense. And the wait is always long for this one.. I can only enjoy it if I have a fastpass or if the line is somehow less than 45 minutes. Because other than that, it's simply not worth it. Still, the turns are fun and smooth, the theming is impeccable, and the indoor dark ride section is the highlight. But the coaster itself is wholly unmemorable without many set-pieces besides a nice looking bridge.

  • Eric Esty

    Tematización Fun Duración Incomodidad

    My only gripe with this ride is that the transitions are somewhat rough, and the single lap bar means the smaller rider will often have too much room, and you'll likely be sliding around on the plastic seat. Other than that, this is a serious contender for one of the best mine trains ever built. Excellently themed and landscaped, fast paced, and pure fun.