Airtimes Fun Layout Vibración
This site needs a "Laterals" tag bad 'cus that's the best aspect of this ride. I was expecting a very boring ride as I've heard of the drop trims, but I didn't feel a thing trimming the drop, and you got some light float in the back in a few moments (drop included). The ride shook a bit but it wasn't unbearable at all. The best part though, are the laterals, especially on the dueling element, which is why I slightly prefer Blue / Azul, as you get thrown into the other train and get better laterals by virtue of being on the inside of the turn!
Airtimes Fun Layout Vibración
This site needs a "Laterals" tag bad 'cus that's the best aspect of this ride. I was expecting a very boring ride as I've heard of the drop trims, but I didn't feel a thing trimming the drop, and you got some light float in the back in a few moments (drop included). The ride shook a bit but it wasn't unbearable at all. The best part though, are the laterals, especially on the duelling element, which is why I slightly prefer Blue / Azul, as you get thrown into the other train and get better laterals by virtue of being on the inside of the turn!
Inversiones Launch Ejectors
This really is a phenomenal coaster! The Mosasaurus roll is as awesome as everyone describes it, and all of the second half is genuinely killer, perfect pacing throughout. You have a fantastic drop of the top hat, a world-class stall, a wave turn, a twist and shout, an overbank that doesn't overstay its welcome the glorious Mosasaurus roll, and a close with an S-hill double up into the brakes. Absolutely fantastic. And the first half, while not the star of the show, absolutely gets you up to speed with fun inversions, quick turns and transitions, and some great head-choppers. I genuinely can't think of a single negative (outside of negative G-forces) or something I'd change with the ride, it's that good!
¡Buena sorpresa!
This is basically a dark ride, and as one, it's alright! But judging it as a coaster (which I am doing, as I'm not keen on dark rides, and this is "Captain Coaster" after all), it kind of doesn't do anything. The tilt track isn't anything special, but it's the best part of the ride by elimination.
Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun
It's hard to wrong on a coaster when going backwards, and it's hard to go wrong on a coaster when in the dark. This ride, while otherwise forgettable, becomes a very fun attraction thanks to the backwards section and being enclosed and in the dark. Very fun little coaster!
Airtimes Fun Duración Tiempo muerto
This coaster is pretty fun! Most of it isn't too intense or forceful, but there are some nice floater pops sprinkled throughout, the non-inverting loop giving a nice sustained float and zip, and the turnaround is a good bit intense as well. The on-board music though, adds so much to the ride, my favorites were Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk, and Don't Phunk with My Heart as well as Pump It both by Black Eyed Peas (I'm also really eager to do Darude Sandstorm on a coaster since the playlist change, but I don't think I'm getting back before it closes)! People also like to complain about the mid-courses, but they don't bother me, as you get some nice floater coming in and out of them, although it's not ejector like I hear some people saying! I also found the roughness overblown, it didn't bother me at all. All that said, R.I.P. Ride Rockit :( you'll be missed...
Don't expect to get out of your seat, this is a wild mouse, but it's one of the tame ones. A mild mouse, if you will! I'm a fan of laterals, but not quite the way they're done on a wild mouse, so this really doesn't do much for me...
Inversiones Intensidad
This thing was such a sleeper hit at this park! Schwarzkopf loopers have a simple formula, but one that most definitely works! The lone vertical loop is of course the highlight, and it's great, the rest of the layout rounds out the experience. Great ride! and RIP :(
Tematización Fun
The forward-facing part isn't particularly novel, and the backward-facing part is too short, but the spinning part, that's where it's at. It's genuinely so fun going through those horseshoes spinning. For a family coaster this ride definitely gets its job done, it's a great addition to the park!
Launch Ejectors Hangtime Demasiado corto
These Sky Rocket II models are fantastic! There's a good reason they're cloned as often as they are. The swing launch is very fun, cresting the element after the launch gives some wicked ejector in the front, then the roll that high up has oodles of hangtime, and the subsequent drop has some unhinged ejector in the back. Very fun layout whenever you seat. It's a shame its so quick but it's understandable for a coaster whose purpose is to be compact and fit in a lot of parks. The cramped trains and bothersome comfort collars aren't a problem at all during the ride, just annoying to get in and out of the train.
Inversiones Intensidad
It's so sad walking up to this ride and seeing no wait for it even with one train operations, because it's still a fantastic ride even to this day. The inversions are all fantastic and forceful, with the highlight being the Zero-G Roll, but really, everything here is fun, even the helix at the very end is so forceful for no reason. This ride is a masterpiece, and I REALLY hope they Hulk it when the time comes!
Airtimes Primera caída Demasiado corto
This ride is not much outside of the two drops, but those two drops are so fantastic that they make up for the rest of the layout being underwhelming. SheiKra is a bit of a gimmick, but facing down that 200+ foot drop will never NOT be exhilarating.
Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors
This was my first RMC, and — wow! — the ejector is so completely unlike anything I've ever ridden before, the death roll is an absolutely brilliant moment that always baffles how it is even possible for the train to roll that quickly, and the pacing is out of this world. Every hill has either killer ejector or is one of the two fantastic inversions. Instant #1
Launch Ejectors Hangtime Demasiado corto
These Sky Rocket II models are fantastic! There's a good reason they're cloned as often as they are. The swing launch is very fun, cresting the element after the launch gives some wicked ejector in the front, then the roll that high up has oodles of hangtime, and the subsequent drop has some unhinged ejector in the back. Very fun layout whenever you seat, best ride in the park shall I say! It's a shame its so quick but it's understandable for a coaster whose purpose is to be compact and fit in a lot of parks. The cramped trains and bothersome comfort collars aren't a problem at all during the ride, just annoying to get in and out of the train.
Primera caída Inversiones Demasiado corto
I've seen some people saying they prefer the MCBR-less dives as they're better paced (and that Emperor is the best Dive in the US), but I have to disagree. I liked SheiKra much better because it at least has two killer drops whereas this only has one, which is great might I add, but it pales in comparison to SheiKra, and the inversions are very fun (albeit nothing spectacular), but it just leaves a "aw that's all" feeling, even moreso than SheiKra, I found, as that still fulfills you more with the drops. Still a great ride, of course, but the ethos of the B&M Dive prevents it from being much more than that.
Airtimes Launch Duración
This thing is a great family-thrill type ride! There's that one S-hill with some really wild whip and airtime combo for no reason — with the turn after the second launch also being very whippy — and the launches are surprisingly punchy, but other than that, the coaster maintains its pace nicely for a family coaster. You get some very light float, and the ride is just plain fun! Great addition to this park.
I'm not a big fan of water rides, at least not on dry parks, so I'm not a huge fan of this thing, but the coaster section was fun! While the theming wasn't as great as Orlando's the elevator lift was kinda fun! And it has a more substantial coaster section!
Inversiones Hangtime Demasiado corto
This thing is a really fun little coaster. The first corkscrew has some nice pull, and the second, a bit of hangtime. There's also some inwards lats on the entry of either corkscrew which is something you don't see much outside of Vekoma and Arrow. Really this ride isn't anything mind-blowing, but it's special for its history in Brazil, and still one of the best in the country! rest well Super Tornado ❤️
This thing is kinda funny to ride in the very back due to the sheer size of the train. You don't get airtime on the drop, but you do get laterals. I don't think it really fits its target audience in the extreme seats, but I had some fun riding it!
Fun family coaster! You almost get airtime in the back in the first drop and the low to the ground turns are fun!
Airtimes Inversiones
This ride is really cool! I like how it adds some light floater airtime to the standard B&M multilooper formula and the inversions are all great fun, that said, they're not as intense as some other B&Ms i've ridden like Hulk, Montu, and Kumba, for example. But maybe that's because it was trimming in my visit even when it was very close to its miminum operational temperature. Didn't get any headbanging or notice any rattle that detracted from the experience myself.
Launch Ejectors Hangtime
This ride is absolutely amazing! They managed to fit ejector moments on basically every element!! The top hat has some in the entry and drop even in spite of the trim brake — which feels amazing btw, it feels more like a dive-style drop than a regular killjoy trim — there's the ejector hill which is insanely powerful, the dive loop, a dip after the dive loop, and a wave turn, all of these are great ejector moments. The ride also has amazing hangtime, the first inversion has some, but the highlight is that stall, it really feels like it lasts forever!! I've ridden velocicoaster so I had high hopes for this, but this ride felt even more powerful! (even if it doesn't have any one moment that rivals the mosasaurus roll)
I thought this ran a bit faster than the other wild mouse I've done in Sand Serpent, but still not enough for airtime at any point. At least not since they started trimming it. So the standard wild mouse fare of jamming sideways you into an uncomfortable car, or the rider to your side, is just not for me. I love laterals but not really like this.
Fun ride! You ALMOST get airtime in the back quite a few times and it's just a nice layout for what it is. Definitely a better family coaster than most!
Inversiones Intensidad
I really liked this! Both loops are very forceful, and the corkscrew is forceful as well (but some oldschool B&Ms have it better). I didn't find it rough or uncomfortable at all. So to me this was just a slightly worse batman clone, which is still a huge praise as I love those things. I presume its Finnish sibling is even cooler, but this is a great invert nonetheless!
Airtimes Fun Duración
I already went in knowing this would be one of the best spinning coasters but this even then managed to exceed my expectations!! This ride is SO much fun!! Getting floater while spinning really fast and with longitudinal forces pulling you outside of the vehicle is so much fun. The cars here can end up spinning surprisingly fast, and that whole sequence with the huge airtime hill into a crooked entry into the MCBR (which can get the car spinning like crazy), the second horseshoe into that huge drop and the S-turn is just sublime, honestly!! This ride is phenomenal! Oh and if your train is sideways when it reaches the final break run, brace yourself because the transition for the train to align is NOT smooth on a bad orientation!!
Ejectors Hangtime Demasiado corto
This ride is SO GOOD!! The vertical lift into barrel roll and drop gives some of the best hangtime I've ever seen. Then you pile on some great positives through the turn, and go into a wonderful ejector hill. The dip into the station also gives great airtime. The top of the turn around the lift hill and overbank don't hit as hard, but they're nowhere near bland enough to detract from the ride experience or be called dead spots imo. Also be warned of the sudden break on the lift, but that didn't impact my rides at all, just something to brace for! As a certified fan of SR IIs i give this ride the title of "almost as good as them", which is a very high honor for me!
Fun family woodie with fun mild Laterals (please add this as a tag btw). You ALMOST get airtime in the back but not quite. There are also some fun interaction opportunities with Stampida!
¡Buena sorpresa! Fun
This ride is awesome! I don't rate it too highly as thrilling elements are what does it for me, but it's a fantastically themed indoor coaster, and I'd say the spinning cars are used very well, the swing launch sequence is fantastic going sideways, and that final drop is a ton of fun. I will say the corners of the screens are visible and could break some of the immersion if that's a problem for you, but it didn't impact me at all since I don't care much about the dark ride aspect to begin with.
Inversiones Intensidad Duración Vibración
I loved this ride, it felt like it matched Kumba's forces in the start, but just slightly couldn't keep up by the end, could be a product of me riding in the cooler months, but I imagine when it's hotter out the MCBR hits harder anyway. The Zero-G Roll is the highlight but all other inversions pack a punch as well. That said, this ride does rattle a bit. For me it wasn't enough to lead to any headbanging or discomfort, but it's something to keep in mind!