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Fun Layout Fiabilité
Pretty fun, but it's always down and not worthy the 2 hours queue I had to wait during Halloween 2021.
Launch Intensité Vibrations Inconfort
My former n1 in Italy, it developed a nasty rattles that left me with a terrible headache that ruined the rest of my day. It's a pity because the launch is awesome, but other than that it's only turns and some inversions, nothing special. It's fast, way too much for my tastes, and the inversions and elements are passed too fast that they're made uncomfortable and not enjoyable. I still really like it especially for nostalgia factor, being this my first coaster that deserves a top 100 spot in the world.
Fun Fluidité
Nice wooden. Not the most extreme of course, but it's always a pleasure going ride it. My 2nd favorite at the park.
Théma Déception ! Inconfort
I was a bit disappointed by this ride, even if I know that its strenght is mostly the theme rather than the thrill. Weirdly, I'm not the biggest fan of its theme, it feels too vintage for me, but of course that's just me, and it's undoubtly stunning and well done. Its biggest problem is the lack of comfort for me: I didn't know how to put my head, if I try to keep it forward it ends up hurting my neck and shoulders. So that wasn't a pleasant experience for me.
Launch Fun Baffes
My 3rd favorite coaster at the park. I enjoyed Heidi a lot more. This coaster could be very rough and headache inducing, and in some points the positive Gs are a bit too heavy.
Lap Bar Intensité
I found this ride to be nothing special, I won't use the term "mid" because I don't like being negative about a coaster that's still pretty good. It's only my 2nd favorite at the park behind Van Helsing. The fact that this ride has the same speed as Ride to happiness shows how speed or height doesn't mean nothing.
Lap Bar Situation Launch
Taron became my favorite ride when I rode it for the first time...very fun, obviously the most fun part are the launches, especially the second. It's not overly intense and that's good for me. It's also smooth and the surroinding area is stunning, my favorite in phantasialand and one of my favorites ever.
Situation Vitesse Déception ! Intensité
so i heard so many great things about this ride and i was disappointed, not to say the ride has no redeeming qualities, the coaster and the general area looks amazing and i can see the park but in the effort and i just wish the ride lived up to the presentation. it was my first invert and i had high hopes and i unfortunately didn’t find it very forceful
Inversions Confort Fun
It's arguably the best invert in Europe, maybe in the world. Idk why people seem to prefer Black mamba, Oziris or Nemesis (the most disappointing coaster in my life) over it. Of course it lacks airtime but it's still an invert! Rattle is not noticeable (like the one on ispeed) and I don't know why there are SO many people in the reviews saying it's forceless or "ispeed is miles better". Katun is now my favorite ride in Italy even if I like launched coasters more, because Ispeed was rattling too much to be enjoyable, while katun is just amazing in every aspect.