• Wicked Cyclone

    Bonne suprise ! Situation Vitesse Trop court Débit

    This is an amazing ride. It shocked me how fast it flew through the tracks, and overall just a fun ride. I enjoy how you get to fly around the park. Unfortunately, the ride is way to short. I feel like they could have just made the ride a bit longer so that you could get more time to enjoy the ride. If the amount of ride time you get on this coaster was longer, I would have rated this higher. The capacity is horrible too. The first time we rode this we had to wait a whole hour! But the second time we came back, we only had to wait around 15 minutes, which isn’t too bad. The first time we came here it was a very crowded day, so it makes sense why we had to wait an hour. But since the train is very small and can only hold 550 people per hour at it’s maximum capacity (the average riders per hour on a coaster is 1200 to 1800 people per hour) the capacity is horrible. I wish they had more than 1 train, because that would easily get ride of the big line that always forms in the queue. If you want to beat the line, I recommend going to the park at 11:00 AM (or around that time) and going straight to Slime Streak. Overall, this ride is fun and underrated, it completely blew away my expectations, and I love this roller coaster.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Situation Fun Intensité

    I enjoy a nice spinning coaster, and I understand that this is sort of a family coaster, but this just felt kind of forceless. I was sort of expecting it to do more. It’s still very fun, and I like how they placed it right next to TMNT Shellraiser. Overall, it’s a fun ride, but I wish it did a bit more.

  • Alberto MR

    Fun Fluidité Débit Intensité


  • MapleFlakes

    Vitesse Layout Ejectors

    Thunderhead is an incredibly underrated coaster, and it stands today as my favorite woodie. This ride has some crazy strong and sustained ejector airtime, especially up front, and some vicious laterals all taken at a crazy fast and maintained pace. It can genuinely feel like you are flying through the air if you lean into the airtime moments. Because Dollywood seems to take such good care of this ride it is surprisingly smooth, which makes those crazy forces enjoyable. I understand why some may prefer Mystic Timbers, but in my opinion the sheer power of the airtime on Thunderhead makes it just a hair better. 9.5/10 - my friend's glasses fell off their face on this ride and I somehow succeeded on the quick-time event to catch them

  • Alberto MR

    First Drop Inversions Fun Harnais

    Me encanta esta atracción, es divertida y si montas atrás la caída tiene un airtime brutal, probablemente la mejor floorless coaster del mundo.

  • Luke Thomas

    Vitesse Fun Layout Débit

    Not a fan of Chessington, the queues are long and the customer service is poor. But this ride is great. The capacity is an issue for a park that attracts long queues, but once you get on, you will be surprised with this whippy, fun and exciting family-thrill coaster.

  • Rags Aki

    Sans intérêt


  • Rags Aki

    First Drop Théma Launch Harnais


  • Martin Sanders

    Airtimes Débit Intensité

    My new number 1. Such a fun ride, was able to ride 13 times and didn't experience any pain (granted it was about 50 degrees F, so it was probably not running as fast as it does in the summer). The raven truss dive was good, and the speed hill following was unexpectedly strong. But after that the ride got insane: zero-G stall/outward bank turn/double up/arcade roll is the best combination of elements I have ever experienced. The helix was fast and flowed perfectly into the last barrel roll. The finale was great too, wasn't too bad (again, might have been running a tad slower) just prepare for it and you'll be fine. When everything is taken into consideration - including not even having to leave your seat most times - this is probably the greatest roller coaster riding experience out there. Going forward I am going to be bitter waiting 40 minutes for other rides that aren't even as close to being as good. Might have spoiled other coasters for me.

  • Luke Thomas

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Fun

    Really fun! A nicely immersive ride with a nice 360 spinning train system. Some good views of the themed area from above too. Top tier family experience.