• Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Vitesse Layout

    Last time I rode this was 5 years ago, and I'd forgotten just how insane it is. The airtime is incredible, and your behind is off the seat for most of the ride. It's amazing how many thrills RMC can pack into a small coaster footprint. In the front cars, airtimes near the end can be a little jarring. However, middle and back seats were smooth throughout.

  • David Parrett


    It’s a fun mostly smooth steel mine train ride with excellent theming.

  • David Parrett


    It’s very dark with just a starfield at the beginning and then I couldn’t see anything the rest of the ride so I was going based only on feel. It was a twisty ride that felt like it went for a long time with a bit of jerky motion here and there but good overall. The best part of the ride is the theming inside.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Launch Hangtime Vibrations

    I know that I’m gonna get cancelled for this but this is more rough that flight of fear

  • Sean R.

    First Drop Situation Intensité Trop court

    This was my first dive coaster...what a thrill. I sat in the third row which definitely reduced the fear factor hanging over the edge of the first drop, but I'll admit it, I was scared nonetheless. The first drop is unbelievable and the Immelmann maneuver coming out of the first hill was also pretty special. Everything after this (aka drop #2) was a more sedated version of seemingly the same thing, but for me, this ride still provided an amazing experience. Great views and placement within the park further enhanced the experience. I know there are a lot of people out there that think the format is tired, but 200+ ft at a 90 degree angle and 70 mph is still a remarkable coaster experience. You just can't convince me otherwise. Griffon was like a home run hitter calling their shot...you knew what was coming and it still delivered.

  • Glass Cannonn


    Unfortunately only had time to ride it once this visit. I found it a bit underwhelming the first time I rode it, about 10 years ago, but back then I didn’t realize how cool the layout was. The layout earns the rating. I think what held it back most this visit was, including my crew, only 5 people were on the train and 3 were kids all in the front. I feel like a fuller train makes the a better ride. Maybe it’s also better in the back? Hopefully next time I ride it, it’s a bit zippier. The lack of airtime is its achilles heel.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Confort Fluidité Débit Temps mort

    It’s unique and smooth. Really good ride for a parent and child to ride together. Definitely worth at least one lap to experience. It’s 3 but for the reasons above it’s gets another half point out of me. ;)

  • Glass Cannonn


    I get they were trying to tell a story and A for effort with the theming but a little bizarre and creepy for a family ride. SPOILER: The spinning tunnel is a nice surprise that felt a little trippy and made it feel like the train was rotating.

  • Sean R.

    Launch Intensité

    Kind of fun, but this ride felt like a missed opportunity to me. Good family coaster and intro to launch rides for younger riders, but nothing more...I would have tolerated a little bit more light for a lot more intensity.

  • Coaster Nut

    First Drop Inversions Fun Débit

    One of the better eurofighter-style coasters I've ridden. The first drop is good, and there are some decent forces on the inversions and curves. Big negative - Knoebels was packed, and they were only running one train on every coaster in the park. Glad I got on this early before the line got really long.