• Heather K.

    Airtimes First Drop Fun

    Absolutely amazing I tottaly recommend you come to Kentucky Kingdom, all off the rides are amazing, even roller skater, the kitty coaster!!!

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité Vibrations

    This is definitely one of the best roller coasters I’ve ever ridden, and I’m not just glazing it. Random thing to point out, but the lift hill is a lot faster than Superman: The Ride at Six Flags New England, idk why but that just makes things a lot better for me. The intensity of this thing is insane. When you get to the top, if you sit in the way back, you get pulled through the drop, and it feels like you’re just plummeting towards the ground at high speeds with high intensity. It’s a feeling you don’t normally feel on any roller coaster, and that’s why I love it so much. A lot of people are complaining about “dead spots” on this, but honestly, I don’t see it. Sure, it might be like 3 seconds of straight track for some moments, but it’s not a buzzkill at all. This coaster has strong airtime, especially in the final hills. The helix has some strong g force as well. This coaster is honestly pretty underrated, and definitely a must ride each time you visit the park.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Situation Intensité Vibrations

    This ride is criminally underrated and its layout is under-appreciated. It’s just regarded as a terrible layout with plenty of dead spots, but today I was able to truly appreciate the ride and its layout. I did it in the back row, so the first drop immediately kickstarted the ride. Between the fast lift and the long train, this drop was one of the best I’ve done and had incredible whip. The next turn introduces the under appreciated part of the ride, the intensity. There’s genuinely good positives on the first turn, although it’s overshadowed by an element I’ll get to. Also, you cross over one of the lakes and it’s amazing. I reached out my arm and, accidentally, I was able to touch the water. It was only a light touch, so it didn’t hurt too much considering it was over 70 mph. A light sting for a few minutes was worth it. The next hill is mainly for the view, which is awesome. Towards the end, it has some floater, but nothing noteworthy. The main star of the show and such a deeper hit of an element is the first helix. Nobody talks about it and I feel like it’s unfair. This was just the third time (out of over 90 coasters) that I grayed out. The sustained positives last for so long that it’s enough for me to gradually lose my vision. Honestly, this makes me like the straight track. It gives a few seconds to get back to reality and enjoy the rest of the layout. The next hill is also pretty good and providing whip. Next helix isn’t anywhere near as intense as the first, but it still provides sustained positives that I really like. It also continues the trend of being low to the ground over the water. Next hills are the best for airtime. Each one provides some pretty good airtime, and it does this into the breaks. In terms of airtime, I prefer the clone at Six Flags America. However, the sheer intensity of this along with the great setting propels it above in my rankings. I do admit, it has a bit of a rattle. However, it wasn’t nearly enough for me to find it to be hindering the experience. The only areas that are noticeably rough are the first turn and the final hills that shuffle you from side to side. Still, it doesn’t matter and I love Ride of Steel for what it is.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Harnais Inconfort A raser !

    This is the first coaster I’ve done since I was 9 where it was so bad that I find it to deserve a .5 star rating. I really try to find the good in every coaster because that’s what they’re meant for, with rides that I consider bad to still have the potential at a decent rating like a 2. I genuinely don’t think anything about this went right for me, and it is the first time that I didn’t give .5 stars from childhood trauma and it being from the poor experience. The main con is the restraints, oh my god I want the restraints to burn and never appear again. My stomach tolerance is abysmal and this put it to the ultimate test. The hard seating on the stomach already didn’t go well with Disk-O rides, but those were excusable because I could change my posture and prevent too much pin. This doesn’t have that. You’re forced into a certain position that limits how defensive you are. Even worse, you are STAPLED. I can’t move the restraint to allow room for my stomach to catch a break. It’s over a minute of pure agony for my stomach. Even my back hurts because of the harness trying to forcibly push on you during the ride and the fact that it’s hard foam makes it HURT. Anyways, the actual layout also sucks. Launch is mediocre, I probably would’ve enjoyed it if it weren’t for the fact that I was in pain. The layout is just terrible. It does absolutely NOTHING. It meanders, which would already be bad because it does nothing while being painful. Not only does it do that, but it’s janky while meandering. You shake from side to side and your whole body is surrounded, so it causes even more pain. Then it ends with an unnecessarily sudden brake run that causes one more janky moment putting icing on the molding cake. Of course it decides to be inefficient and make you unload the same side you load on, a useless thing that just proves how useless this coaster is. There is an almost guaranteed chance that I’ll never ride this again, because a free stomach ache while not having any entertaining factor (a painful factor for that matter) is absolutely not worth it to me. There’s nothing redeemable to this ride, I wouldn’t be upset if it was replaced by benches. You needed to sit on a bench to take a brake after riding anyways. This ride sucks, only do it if you’re a credit whore that needs to increase the credit count.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Confort Vibrations

    My review of this from last year was about how the ride had potential, but it was just too rough to reach the potential. Well, after this year, most of the potential has been reached and it now serves as a great wooden coaster. The roughest parts have to be the hills in the first half and the first drop. These are quite rough, although they are tolerable (Remember, this is the ROUGHEST part of the ride). The turnaround is the first moment of titan track. Nothing noteworthy, but still smooth and fun. The turn following the next hill is the second part of titan track. With it being the oldest part, it so far has aged like fine wine. It’s steel, but it feels kind of like a smooth wooden coaster. I’m a big fan of woodies and I love seeing them preserved, and this titan track aging is honestly great enough for me not to complain. The next 2 hills were the worse part of the ride last year, even causing jackhammering. This year with the titan track, they didn’t do it. They produced the best airtime on the ride with some pretty good floater. My least favorite part turned into my favorite part of the ride. The rest of the ride isn’t too noteworthy. Airtime, but pretty rough, although once again it’s tolerable. Maybe the rough parts are less to complain about because of the trains. The PTC restraints are great for airtime and this ride probably has the best headrest of any coaster I’ve been on. It’s a goddamn pillow. The pillow is able to absorb a lot of the pain. While I do have to slouch for my head to be on the pillow and I’m only 5’6”, it is still possible and it vastly helps with the ride experience and generally just the comfort. My former issue with the seat belt digging in was resolved as I was more careful making sure it wasn’t twisted. Anyways, this is a great, underrated wooden coaster that is improved heavily thanks to the new retracting.

  • L B

    Théma Launch Fun

    This coaster is the perfect ride, and the best ride WDW Orlando has ever contrived. Note that I did not call it the perfect coaster--many others are contenders for that title. But for a family ride it 100% fits the bill. The theming is immaculate in queue, and carries over on ride. The cinematic elements while riding truly add to the overall experience. The music selection is excellent--we got "I Ran" and the guitar solo hit at just the right spot, it was as if the ride was built around the song. And that helix around the moon is *chef's kiss* perfection, by far my favorite portion of the ride, woth the backwards launch being a very close second. Disney really stepped it up with this one and saved a dying park (Epcot). This is the ride that Space Mountain always wanted to be. The reridability on this thing is also excellent, seeing that you can get a different song each time, but you will not be sad if you get the same one. My husband who isn't a coaster fan loved this one, it was his favorite ride after a 3-day amusement park trip. I still find myself thinking about this ride from time to time and I can't wait to go to Epcot just for a chance to reride it. Overall, a great ride using the best Marvel IP (Guardians), with fun elements (rotating cars), and an excellent soundtrack.

  • Liller

    Théma Lap Bar Confort Déception !

    Old one was better and more intense. New one is way more comfortable but also a lot tamer taking a bit of the fun away from me.

  • Liller

    Airtimes Layout Vibrations Déception ! Inconfort

    Bc the ride was so uncomfortable it went from elite to just sad.

  • Liller

    Layout Ejectors Longueur Vibrations

    Rattle is not strong enough to really bother me but definetly something I'm looking forward to when they'll improve it. World Class Coaster.

  • Bubble Gaming

    First Drop Intensité Trop court Déception ! Lap Bar

    I knew it was going to be short, but considering my expectation was comparable to a short version of Impulse at Knoebels, I was somewhat disappointed. Despite being beyond vertical rather than just vertical, the drop felt the same on both rides, not a problem, it’s a good drop. Throughout the ride, like I expected, there were positives throughout the ride. The best part is probably the inclined loop, which has sustained Gs throughout the inversion. However, it was disappointing that the G-force was not quite near the level of Impulse. Add the short ride and it just didn’t compare. Another problem, the lap bar can staple badly. I’m not too bothered, but it still isn’t preferable. Despite the obvious inferior ride, Tantrum delivers a great experience still and is worth a 4 star rating.