• clubstep

    Intensité Fluidité Layout

    Easily the best SLC i have been on (out of 7 at this point). The turn After the drop is very intense (much like other SLCs tbh but waaay longer) and the Inversions all deliver. I like how you zoom through the bushes very close to the ground After the vertical loop. This is what makes Inverts cool. Because Sik was down the day i visisted i kinda Marathoned it and hat a nice time. Good coaster!!

  • Sean R.

    Airtimes Débit Fun Déception !

    To say this ride is disappointing has more to do with the high expectations I had in my head vs the actual experience. I was intimidated by this ride the first time I saw it and used my daughter's size (she was only "52 last year) as an excuse to duck it. When we went back to SFOG this year I knew I had to give it a shot. It just looked so big compared to everything else at the park. When I finally got the courage up to ride it, I found Goliath to be remarkably tame. It's a "big-boy" as my daughter likes to say, but not on a giga-coaster scale and while the speed was great, I think the absence of a truly steep drop left me longing for more. It is a really strong ride nonetheless. Good size, speed with some nice ejectors and airtime throughout a seemingly long ride (which I found to be a good thing.) It's almost the exact opposite of the Twisted Cyclone which packs more of a punch into a much smaller frame. In that way, the two complement each other very well as the premiere coasters at Six Flags Over Georgia.

  • Coaster Nut

    Hangtime Baffes

    This was one of the weaker impulse coasters I've ridden. For some reason, the launches felt rather tame, and there was headbanging every time the train came down from the spikes.

  • Blake S.

    First Drop Situation Trop court

    Good drop, and fun inversions. Everything else is meh, and there isn’t much else. Smooth, and a very good location. Not as good as Impulse or Rock Bottom Plunge, but a good fit for the park.

  • Blake S.

    Doing the inverting/flipping was fun, and executed better than I expected. Maybe because I was prepared for it to be not good. But I enjoyed the drive wheels spinning the car, found the turns to be fine, and I was OK with the restraint. I liked it more than a 4D freespin, but I'm not the biggest fan of those.

  • Coaster Nut

    Fluidité Layout Ejectors

    Testament to the fact that bigger is not always better in the coaster world. I've ridden this dozens of times over the years, and the first drop somehow surprises me each time. I love the twists and turns, the launch is really fun, and that final airtime hill is one of my favorite airtimes.

  • Henk Knol

    Débit Confort Longueur

    Nice ride, I was very surprised!

  • F-bregas

    Confort Fun Trop court Sans intérêt

    Es lo que es, no es nada que no prometa

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Théma Fun Vibrations

    Nostalgic as hell

  • Wicked Cyclone

    First Drop Vibrations Baffes
