• Luuk Borghs

    Situation Vitesse Fun Débit

    Its a Very nice junior ride

  • Jack H.

    Vitesse Fun

    Better than you think.

  • The FLEV-matic

    Airtimes Vitesse Intensité Vibrations

    I honestly like the rattle of rides like this. It feels like The Beast at Kings Island, just a lot shorter and with a bit more airtime. I seriously don't get why this ride is so hated when other rides like it are loved here (Voyage, Beast, Prowler).

  • Jan H.

    Théma Vitesse Fluidité Débit

    A nice kiddy/family coaster with superb theming. Capacity is way too low tho!

  • Jan H.

    Lap Bar Launch Chef d'oeuvre Trop court Débit

    Been riding this one since the late 80's, has always been my favorite coaster (until Kondaa opened), still one of the most iconic Belgian coasters! The old flywheel launch mechanism was more punchy compared to the new LIM system but still dos the job. My 8-year old daughter went on it for her very first looping experience yesterday and she went back 5 more times!

  • Jan H.

    Airtimes Confort Chef d'oeuvre

    Perfect ride! Smooth as a hot knife through butter! So much airtime

  • Magda Turnbull

    Airtimes Confort Intensité Trop court

    I rode this baby 13 times over two days. At one point 3 times in the final hour like a junkie running back to the queue to have one last go. What can I say other than one of the best rollercoasters I’ve ever been on. Rode it in the daylight and then in the dark which was an incredible experience as the light effects are awesome. Final ride of the day managed to sit at the front which was probably one of the highlights of my life 😂 if you want something to shake you and remind you you’re alive have a go. Just be careful, seriously addictive. Technical info: it’s unpredictable but best of all super smooth, other rollercoasters shake my brain and give me a headache and I wouldn’t be able to manage that many goes. But this is smooth, fast as hell and no doubt the best coaster in Orlando. You step off and you’re not the same person when you got on!

  • Crafting Oko

    Théma Lap Bar Fluidité Débit Intensité

    The ride is fun but short and it has a bad capaticity.

  • Sean R.

    First Drop Débit Intensité

    This ride was really under-appreciated, if not underrated .We went on it multiple times the day before Thanksgiving in 2021 and we enjoyed each ride. I'm very much looking forward to giving Wildcat's Revenge a go as I love RMC's, but I thought this version of the Wildcat delivered. The first banking drop gave a lot more intensity than appearances suggested and while it got a little bumpy for the next few seconds, I never found myself uncomfortable and the pacing was maintained all the way to the finish. In hindsight, it was not quite to the level, but yet was a very similar experience to Thunderhead at Dollywood - another coaster I really enjoy that seems to be appreciated more so by coaster aficionados. Not the best coaster in the world by any means, but I think it was a much better coaster than reviews suggested.

  • Sean R.

    Inversions Bonne suprise ! Intensité

    What a firecracker of a ride! I jumped on Raptor thinking I would burn some time while my wife and daughter were hitting Iron Dragon for the 3rd or 4th time. I figured it would be a cool ride, but I was actually caught off guard how intense and enjoyable it ended up being. Sitting in the back absolutely killed my ability to spot what was coming next...I'm not sure if this hurt or helped my experience to be honest. I was bit nauseous after riding, but that might have been the hangover from Corkscrew. I know this - the intensity kicked in early and didn't relent...a really nice surprise and a solid experience from start to finish.