• Swiss Coaster Enthusiast .

    Théma Confort Fluidité Déception ! Temps mort Layout

    Look, I really tried to like this coaster, but this was the most underwhelming ride in the Park in my Opinion. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good but it just didn’t meet my expectations. The main problem is that I always set my expectations very low, so this ride not even meeting these low expectations is disappointing. Other than the first 4 elements, this ride just didn’t hit. Even those 4 elements weren’t nearly as good as anticipated. There is also just so much wasted potential in the 2nd half with the 2 turn-arounds and the comically slow twisted hill. It’s good and smooth, but that’s about it. Maybe the RTH ERT 2 weeks before just unintentionally made me expect more because it was also a Mack Rides coaster, but idk. I’ll definitely go back next year and give this coaster another chance though, because on paper it should be really good. I do admit that it probably ran slower due to the mild weather conditions, so I’ll just blame the weather.

  • Swiss Coaster Enthusiast .

    Airtimes Situation Longueur Débit

    Goliath is a very good Intamin Megacoaster that features a great setting on the big lawn and lake. It has some awesome Airtime Moments and some very forceful helices. It’s not nearly as good as Expedition Geforce but still a very solid ride. The ride is very smooth and I have nothing negative to say about it other than those twisted hills are lost potential. Many people say the helices also are boring but I think although the forces aren’t too strong, they do deliver some good positive G-Forces.

  • Swiss Coaster Enthusiast .

    Airtimes Fluidité Layout Inconfort

    I was really critical about the RMC Hybrid hype and I was convinced it was blown way out of proportions, and well I was both right and wrong. I went to Walibi on the day before Defqon1 next door started, and I admit the weather wasn't ideal so I probably didn't get the best possible experience there is. I do have to say that I understand why people love RMC Hybrids, they are great coasters but I think they are still a little overhyped. The layout of Untamed specifically feels very fluid and perfectly engineered. There is not a single element that is disappointing or doesn't deliver, not a single dull moment. Although there are definitely highlights in the layout, I enjoyed the entire layout equally. One element that caught me by surprise is the 2nd half of that first double up. The sudden bank to the left is so snappy and the ejector Airtime only exaggerates it, and this might even be my favorite part. Although I have to say that the Outerbank and the double up/down is also fantastic. The part of the layout that I really dislike is the bunny hill sequence near the end, I thought it was rather uncomfortable. One more thing that I found to be slightly uncomfortable was the seatbelt, it's much more noticeable during strong ejector moments amd that can hurt after a certain time. Overall I though this ride was better than I expected but still nothing that blew me away like F.L.Y or Ride to Happiness. It's now #4 on my coaster ranking.

  • Garrett

    Intensité Vibrations Inconfort Temps mort

    This might be controversial but I did not enjoy this ride. I get its a legend but holy it was rough and the tunnels were VERY LOUD. I really don't see myself riding this again

  • Garrett

    Inversions Intensité Hangtime Vibrations

    Very aggressive and super fun. The final inversion is definitely my favorite part of the ride. However the 6 other inversions felt like you were going through them way to quickly. Overall the 4th best coaster in the park.

  • Garrett

    Airtimes Débit Intensité

    My favorite coaster I've ever been on. The airtime is amazing and the splash down is very cool to look at. I recommend it whenever you go to kings island.

  • Garrett

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité

    Got 2 rides and i can agree this is the best gci in the world. It was very aggressive and I liked the plants in the queue. Only complaint is the shed sucked a lot.

  • Garrett

    First Drop Débit Intensité Trop court

    Got 2 rides on rows 4 and 5 and this is a very fun ride. Grayed out on the helix and the airtime is very cool. Could afford to be longer but overall a very nice addition to the park

  • Coaster Nut

    Théma Layout

    I usually don't care about theming, but the theming here is awesome. You really feel like you're on a mountain. While not the most thrilling coaster, it's just plain fun. We rode it 21 times because we hit the park on a slow day, so we never waited longer than 15 minutes. It was great. The backward ride in the dark is cool with some good ejectors. My favorite part is the backward spike in the cave, and then speeding downhill out of the cave into the helix.

  • Mike H.

    Bonne suprise ! Launch Fun Vibrations

    In order to enjoy this ride I needed 4 rides to know the track design and after that I could really enjoy it. It is really fun and every ride is different as you always have a different position relatively to the track. But I think the ride is overhyped. It rattles a lot during the ride and marathoning it is not possible (for me) as I always get a slight headache. On my visit of Plopsaland I could basically walk on every ride so I made a small pause to get my head clean for the next ride.