• MapleFlakes

    Harnais Intensité Débit Temps mort

    I'm not a big fan of boomerangs, but I heard that the vest restraints made this one an actually solid ride. I have to agree. Though it's hardly worth the wait it gets, the loop packs surprising intensity when taken backwards, and the cobra roll is actually pretty fun. I'd still like to see them squeeze a Raptor into this footprint, but given the very low chance of that happening this isn't a bad ride to have. 5.5/10 - the kid sitting next to me seemed very friendly but the only two things he could say in English were "Hi" and "I don't speak English."

  • Troy M.

    First Drop Confort Fluidité Vibrations

    OMG- the day I was at BGT this ride was a walk on all day. Must have rode about 10 times, very basic ride but two awesome drops and a super fun zero g loop. Fun ride for what it is

  • Troy M.

    First Drop Inversions Baffes Trop court

    90 degree lift hill and 97 degree drop along with first inversion are the highlights of this ride. I did find a ton of head banging and this ride is over in a flash….

  • Troy M.

    Airtimes Fun Longueur Débit Intensité

    This is a parking lot coaster with an out and back layout. Always a fun ride and good for families as it is fairly mild. They only ever run one train and the lines are always long. The tide is also quite rough/bumpy but given its smallish size the bumpiness doesn’t bother me much

  • Troy M.

    Débit Lap Bar Fun

    Was able to ride 6 times on my day to AK. This is a very enjoyable ride

  • Troy M.
  • Lettuce

    Intensité Déception ! Temps mort Layout

    The first drop was horrendously bad, the "airtime" was non existent, but when you get past that initial part of the ride and get slammed into the mcbr, you get to enjoy some super intense helixs that I grayed out on, overall wasnt really super enjoyable

  • Lettuce

    Fun Intensité Trop court

    I really enjoyed this ride and especially the awesome intensity of the pretzel loop. I just wish it was longer!

  • Lettuce

    Harnais A raser ! Intensité

    After waiting in an hour queue for a ride plagued by slow six flags operations on a single train, I experienced a forceless layout where I feel nothing but discomfort, probably the worst ride in the park!

  • Lettuce

    Lap Bar Fun Trop court Intensité

    The mach launchers where not intense by any means, despite how scary it might look. The hang time was fun and overall it was a nice smooth ride, I just didnt really get much of out the short-forceless layout