• Insane Coasters

    First Drop Fun Intensité Inconfort Layout

    This ride spins really fast and has a great first drop. It can be a little uncomfortable but it's definitely the best of the sc2000s

  • Insane Coasters

    Lap Bar Intensité Ejectors Vibrations Temps mort

    El toro is the roughest coasters I've been on and has a lot of dead space. That being said it has 4 of the most insane airtime moments of all time so I have to love it for that.

  • Insane Coasters

    Vitesse Intensité Ejectors

    This rde has anything you can want in a coaster and its all more intense than anything else I've experienced. The capacity is phenomenal the airtime , the hangtime, the laterals even the positives are amazing and combined with the perfect pacing it is my new number 1 coaster.

  • Chermaine S.

    First Drop Théma

    This Wacky Worm has some nice theming and that first drop is great because there is none! Seriously, those trims on the drop are a good thing because you don't get violently slammed to the left on the turn that follows.

  • Chermaine S.

    Sans intérêt

    That has to be one of the most boring coasters ever made. I mean even for kids this one just isn't interesting. More like babies' first coaster.

  • Chermaine S.

    Fun Layout

    Usually I hate Wild Mouse coasters because of how painful and janky they are, but this one really wasn't bad. Probably because this one has trims taking away some speed which is a really good thing during those hairpin turns. Zamperla knows how to make Wild Mouse coasters it seems!

  • Chermaine S.

    Sans intérêt Layout

    One word: boring. This ride just doesn't do ANYTHING.

  • Chermaine S.

    First Drop Inconfort

    This ride is weird. The first drop is nice but everything after is just really janky. There is one very sharp turn to the right causing you to slam into the left side of the train which is by far the worst part of the ride. The rest isn't really painful so I don't dislike this ride, but I don't love it either. It's just...a weird coaster. Guess that's Pax for you.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Fun

    After having ridden Tonnerre 2 Zeus the day before and hating its roughness, I was really afraid of Wood Express but this one was unexpectedly quite fun. It's definitely not as rough as Tonnerre making this one much more enjoyable and it has some nice airtime moments too!

  • Chermaine S.


    Just your standard Tivoli. +1. It's funny how this one doesn't brake in the station just before the second round, producing some hilarious laterals.