• Jack Reynolds

    Théma Vitesse Intensité Lap Bar

    I rode this with another person, and this ride has some quirks to it. If you are alone or have someone on your lap, you have little to hold on to and the rather quick transitions make you feel like you'll fall out. Quite fast towards the end, and quite a bit of force!

  • Jack Reynolds

    Fun Layout Inconfort

    A fun racing ride. You have to wait for some time due to two rider horses. The metal balls to keep the seatbelt in place can hurt during turns, but leaning into corners resolves the issue.

  • Mike H.

    First Drop Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre

    Zadra is a real masterpiece. The first drop is amazing. From then it races repentlessly through the whole track. Fast paced turns, the large zero-g stall, the zero-g rolls, ejector and floater airtimes, the near miss effects. At the end of the ride you are rushing with high speed in the end brakes. It's an adrenaline rush and pure fun. The best RMC in Europe (can't comment on the other RMCs). ATTENTION: to experience this ride in its full glory the track needs to be warmed up. It's like day and night when you compare the first rides of the day with the later ones. Also very much fun but missing the brute force of runs when warmed up. Of course the last wagon is preferred as with all RMCs.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Fluidité Hangtime Trop court

    The only water coaster in my top 100. It has good speed along with fun hangtimes and surprisingly good airtimes. Overall, it's very smooth with decent intensity. The backward airtime was my favorite part. You will not get wet riding this -- you will get drenched!

  • ShowBizSpears

    Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité Trop court

    Wish it could have gone on longer. It's an extremely smooth ride and I couldn't help but ride it every time we entered Islands of Adventure. Iconic.

  • ShowBizSpears

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Longueur Launch

    Great ride. Love the final drop before the station, but can't help but feel that the launch was one of the most underwhelming of them all.

  • ShowBizSpears

    Fun Chef d'oeuvre Baffes Inconfort Fiabilité

    Went on it again this year (have been visiting Chessington almost annually since I was pretty much a baby) and I had to notice that this ride is aging rapidly, especially the paint job and reliability. Headbanging is an extreme problem, but the good thing about the ride is that you get some good swinging, especially in the final tunnel. Just wish it could be closed for a year-long refurb with new trains (that still swing), a new colour, and theming restores to make it feel brand new. The ride is one of my favourites in the world but it's nowhere near as reliable as it was say 10 years ago. I went on it about 6 times during this trip (3 day 1, 3 day 2) and the last time I went on it we were sitting in the pre-station break run for about 15 minutes and then had to have our restraints manually opened with an allen key... not the greatest...

  • Jackson Sparrow

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    It causes so much pain after several rides, but it’s so worth it. Pace yourself, take breaks, learn how to ride it, and brace yourself. This is easily my new #1, even over Steel Vengeance

  • Sam Robbins

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun

    SFNE being my home park, I came in knowing a decent amount about the park as I had already been there 2 times. This coaster gets me everytime and I rode around 4 times throughout the day. I would say that it is tied between 1st or 2nd in the whole park. The second half of the layout absolutely whips you around and you get so much airtime on some of the hills.

  • ShowBizSpears

    Inversions Layout Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    I went on this a few years ago with my dad to see how it was for my mum, who has neck issues and came out with splitting migraines and aching necks. The layout and the amount of inversions are great but it looks grim due to it not being painted for about 20 years and the constant headbanging. It's incredibly uncomfortable and rough. I would definitely go on this again and rate it higher but only if it was to be entirely retracked at once, not some ''off season partial retracking'' like they've been doing.