• A Wild Walter

    Airtimes Fun Longueur

    It was fun. I never understood how people thought it was rough. There aren’t issues, it’s just kind of there and a one and done.

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes First Drop Déception !

    Don’t get me wrong, I love this ride. Out of my weak credit count of 40, it came in at number four, which seems high on the surface, but that means it’s barely in my top 10% of coasters. I thought this would be my number one or two. It was definitely overhyped for me, and I have heard that it runs on different wheels depending on the year, but I don’t know it just wasn’t it. The airtime was strong floater at best and I expected to be flying through the double up, but it felt like I was riding down the drop on Woodstock Express. Just slow and disappointing. The drop was fun though!

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun

    For the height they worked with, this is a masterpiece. If there was a stats to airtime duration ratio, this would have to be on the upper end of the spectrum for sure. We need more of these gravity group family woodies because they are great. I could see this fitting at a park like Silverwood or Holiday World that doesn’t have much of a thrill gap between two coasters.

  • A Wild Walter

    Airtimes Vitesse Intensité Trop court

    Going in, I knew it would be good, but oh my gosh, it was way better than I thought, beating out rides I thought for sure would be better like Storm Chaser and Twisted Timbers. It starts off with a good looking lifthill and sooner than you know it, you’re being tugged down that steep drop. You take a lateral filled turn and go into a camelback that feels very similar if not better airtime than the first drop. You enter a large yet fast turnaround. You don’t go all the way to the ground before going into another hill that moves into a wave turn and an ejector filled downdrop which has a great tug in the back row. You go into another turnaround that has two more ejector moments. You go into a speedy and lateral filled s-bend that is very underrated before those famous thigh breaking bunny hills. If yo7 couldn’t tell, I love this ride.

  • Evan Kwasniak

    Théma Confort Longueur

    Theming was incredible and I loved all the music, made it so much better. The pre-show was also really cool when u teleport from Epcot to the big ship

  • Evan Kwasniak

    First Drop Théma Longueur Vibrations

    Great theming and great first drop. Also loved the head chopper affect with the disco yeti

  • Evan Kwasniak

    Longueur Vibrations

    Only reason it wasn’t as good as the first time I rode it was because I rode phantom twice before and it couldn’t compare to such an incredible ride, but a great kid ride and pretty enjoyable overall

  • Evan Kwasniak

    Confort Hangtime Longueur

    Inversions are great, but like phantom it takes too lang to get to the top

  • Evan Kwasniak

    First Drop Launch Temps mort

    Amazing to at launch and good airtime at the top hat

  • Evan Kwasniak

    Airtimes Situation Layout

    Only bad thing was how long the lift hill takes, but a great ride overall