• Samantha P.

    Vibrations Temps mort

    This ride should be called Vol de freins (flight of brakes!) Why so many brakes on the last section! Seems super unnecessary and really took away from any enjoyment I had in the first section. This ride was mostly enjoyable just because I sat in the car behind my brother and could just see him rattling around all over the place as he wasn't prepared for the first drop, had a good laugh. But the coaster itself pretty pointless to be honest.. might have been fun without 2 of those brake sections but it's almost like what's the point in riding if you're going to kill all speed that is gained.

  • Samantha P.

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Vibrations Airtimes

    I had a front row and back row ride on this first thing in the morning, and then a late in the day front row ride. I really enjoyed the first front row ride, but was expecting to have more airtime on the back, although that wasn't the case. It just felt like there was no airtime.. I know I probably shouldn't compare to Wodan at Europa park but that's one of the only other similar rides I've done so all I have to compare really and on Wodan on the front you really get pushed over every hill by the rest of the train.. on this that didn't happen! It was quite disappointing actually. The pacing and the speed felt good which I think is what made it fun. I loved the super banked turn, that was fun and a nice surprise! Although I hated the tunnel, why is the audio so loud! It's awful on ride and very annoying the queue line too. I realise this isn't a fault of the ride but more of the park, but that is seriously not a ride you should be allowed to take bags on ! I had a smallish backpack which was quite light and literally had to wrap the strap around my foot, put my foot on the strap and hold onto the other strap aswell and it was still floating up between my legs! Very dangerous in my opinion and took away from the ride experience because I was worried about dropping it. Crazy actually that they let you take bags on that, and surprising there aren't more incidents. Why can't they just have the same baggage system as on the other rides?! I like that the queue line goes really under the coaster.

  • Samantha P.


    I mean, we rode this just for the laughs really and I can't really fault it too much for what it is. It's a small kiddie coaster, and that's what it is. We were at the front and it's quite funny because the train is so long that you're already down the bottom of the first 'drop' before you get going as the rest of the train is still going up the lift hill! We had 3 laps, I don't know if that's normal or not, but there was literally no one else in the station so maybe that's why. It doesn't feel like it's built to have a 'station flythrough' though as the first corner after the station is quite painful taken at some speed! Apart from that it wasn't too uncomfortable really and it made us laugh so props to it for that.

  • Samantha P.

    Vitesse Intensité Fluidité Intensité

    You can't really go wrong with a B&M invert :) I can only judge from one front row ride (I think probably the back rows would be too intense/rough for me as I don't usually like riding them near the back). I thought this was super smooth and comfortable to whole way round. The inversions were great, the section after the tunnel was nice and really floaty I liked that there was a small section with no inversions. I know I put intensity as a pro and a con,.. that's just because for me personally the final helix was super intense and really made me feel nauseous for a while after riding! But the inversions weren't overly intense which I liked. And it was pretty smooth. Just a shame for me personally that It made me feel sick, but I think that's just how I react to intense rides and personally prefer launch coasters.

  • Tim Rahoens

    Airtimes Fun Fluidité Lap Bar

    Great ride overall, nice pacing. Loved it ! i recommend this one.

  • Samantha P.

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Longueur

    I really enjoyed this coaster! Went in not knowing what to expect so to be honest seeing the train come back along the track backwards from in the queue line was a nice surprise ! Plus I loved the section at the back just before the little indoor show section. Not very intense and no airtime but it's still a good fun ride :) and a nice little launch out the station. It's pretty cool to see the switch track work too. I love the location and how it goes over the water and interacts with the rapids.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Théma Launch Fun Vibrations Temps mort

    The starter of the LIM-launch revolution, the importance of this ride (and her identical twin sister) cannot be overstated. The launch into darkness, followed by the classic Premier Rides spaghetti bowl still delivers the thrills after all these years. I just wish that MCBR didn't hit so hard, the ride kinda crawls a bit after it.

  • Eyebrows

    Airtimes Launch Harnais Vibrations Trop court

    powerful lsm launch sustained for a long time. very good. i like the airtime at the top of the top hat. i don't like the brakes, and the launch has a rattle.

  • Eyebrows

    Fluidité Inconfort Sans intérêt Temps mort

    such a nothing ride. they let me ride when i was above the height limit, which was cool of them.

  • Eyebrows

    Layout Vibrations Inconfort Sans intérêt

    i love how the trains turn and face each other. other than that, zzzzz. better than blue tho.