• Eyebrows

    Airtimes First Drop Confort Temps mort

    this is for sure the best v-train hyper, and the third best b&m hyper behind mako and fury. there is a mind-blowing speed hill in the middle of the layout that i had no idea about and i was blown away. seriously great ride. my only issue is the ride dies at the midcourse brakes. i wish it would keep its momentum after that.

  • Eyebrows

    Launch Vitesse Intensité Trop court Débit Harnais

    wow. i was not expecting to like this as much as i did, but the moment that launch kicked, i knew i was in for a treat. obviously the launch is the highlight, but there's a great air moment after the launch, and the layout keeps the pace nicely. the ride ends super quickly, but so does almost every other hydraulic launch coaster. i like formula rossa's launch better, but this is my favorite ride with a hydraulic launch. the harnesses are bad, but not as bad as cheetah hunt's or kingda ka's. if you don't mind a ride that's a bit rough around the edges, you'll love this thing to bits.

  • Eyebrows

    Inversions Vitesse Fun Inconfort

    reminded me of kumba more than hulk, which is a very good thing. the zero g roll is fantastic. it has a little bite to it, but not much more than any other classic b&m. it made me happy.

  • Eyebrows

    Fun Longueur Inconfort Temps mort

    silly little mine train. i enjoyed myself, but was a little bored. don't expect any forces at all.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Théma Fun Trop court Débit

    It's a freespin that pretty much has one of the longest queues in the park by default because it's a low-capacity model at a pretty busy park. The ride being significantly shorter as well makes that a harder pill to swallow.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Fun Débit Temps mort

    Just another Boomerang. I don't find them nearly as rough as many people say, but instead pretty bland until the 2nd half where you go through the course in reverse. By nature of their shuttle coaster design, capacity can be an issue on these models on really busy days; if you find this one with a long queue as a result, you're not missing out on too much if you skip this one.

  • Evangelion Martini

    First Drop Vitesse Intensité Harnais

    305 is a fantastically intense giga, utterly relentless in its pacing. While airtime from the drop and subsequent hills is present, the real star of the show is the snappy transitions and incredible speed you navigate the layout at. Literally my only complaint is that I wish it had lapbars.

  • Martin Whitlock

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité

    I love this ride. You know it's going to be intense as soon as you're rapidly racing up the hill lift. The intensity of the first drop, then the intensity of every transition is breathtaking. It's so smooth, but extremely aggressive making it highly addictive.

  • TheYummyDish

    First Drop Fun Trop court

    This one is super super fun! Love the first drop and flips!

  • TheYummyDish

    Airtimes Débit Fun

    This one was really scary but very fun! Perfect design!