• Coaster Person

    Fun Vibrations Inconfort Temps mort

    Lightning Racer's middle section is fun, as you quickly traverse multiple low-to-the ground turns and hills, but the first third of the ride is dreadfully rough and the last third is slow and dull. Lightning Racer seriously needs some Titan Track.

  • Coaster Person

    Fun Vibrations Temps mort

    Lightning Racer's middle section is fun, as you quickly traverse multiple low-to-the ground turns and hills, but the first third of the ride is dreadfully rough and the last third is slow and dull. Lightning Racer seriously needs some Titan Track.

  • Coaster Person

    First Drop Confort Temps mort

    Candymonium's drop is very good and the first and third hills have some good floater, but the trim breaks kill most airtime on the second and fourth hills. This ride is best in the winter when they turn the trims off.

  • Coaster Person

    First Drop Inversions Intensité Débit

    I love Fahrenheit, I think it's #2 in the park. The drop is very intense, it delivers a good gut punch and a pop of airtime to riders, the Norwegian loop delivers some crazy positive gs, the cobra roll is fun, although rattley, the corkscrews are two of the greatest inversions of all time in my opinion, and the final airtime hill is very strong. I have one complaint, Fahrenheit's capacity is DREADFUL. This line never dips under an hour, and on weekends, it can reach up to three hours. But aside from that, there's nothing wrong with this ride.

  • Coaster Person

    Inversions Situation Intensité Temps mort

    Lower-tier B&M invert. The setting is surreal and the inversions are whippy, but it's a tad short and it has some dead spots. I prefer Talon and Raptor, but I'd take this over a Batman clone. But I don't mean to sound negative, it is very fun.

  • Claire Elizabeth Davies

    Airtimes Confort Ejectors

    Rode this two days after riding Kondaa which I loved but Toutatis blew it away. This is challenging for my number one coaster but only just edged out by The Ride to Happiness. Loved the air time, hang time and launches, Our last ride which was late in the afternoon on a hot day was amazing, with the exception of the trim on the Top Hat which we loved contrary to some peoples opinions, the pace was relentless right through to the brake run. What a coaster.

  • G D

    Lap Bar Confort Fluidité Temps mort

    The theming on this ride is excellent, but I don't include that as part of my ride review. By the third time through the queue, the in-queue videos on repeat were annoying and the spectacle of the queue and ride theming had diminished greatly. In terms of the ride itself, it's very uneven, the first 1/2 is very meh, not many forces or excitement. It's not bad, just not up to par with a coaster that is regarded as elite by many. The launch around the 1/2 way point is just ok compared to something like Maverick, but the top hat out of the launch is excellent and a great airtime moment. The zero-G stall is a nice element, there's an awkward whip element in between the stall and the hyped mosasaurus roll which absolutely deserves the fanfare as a fantastic element. The restraint system also lives up to the hype. Nearly perfect. Overall this is a top-tier coaster, with elite restraints, 2 elite elements (post-launch top hat and mosasaurs roll) but suffers from some poor pacing and a very marginal first 1/2.

  • Maddie

    Débit Intensité Layout Inconfort

    Great layout and sense of speed, but it's getting a bit too rough for my taste.

  • Maddie

    Intensité Trop court

    Best wing coaster in Europe. That helix pulling 5G on a hot day is elite.


    Inversions Fun Intensité Temps mort

    I used to be the biggest inferno hater on the planet. Name something about the ride and I could have told you at least 3 things wrong about it. But, I`ve mellowed and I`ve realized that this ride ain`t so bad after all. Don`t get me wrong, it`s still got it`s faults and if we are talking inferno v the OG, i`m backing my main alien monster nemmy in staffordshire all the way. BUT. It has improved a fair bit for me and I actually really like it now. A snappy set of corkscrews, a really intense vertical loop, a half decent drop and some helixes at the end which dependent on how it`s running can be really, really intense. But it is quite possibly the most fluctuating ride i`ve ever been on. You could have one ride and say it was trash then go on straight after in the exact same seat and row and reach the brake run with jelly legs. It really is a roll of the dice. Generally speaking though i`ve had way more positive experiences than negative this year so i`m letting it largely off the hook with this one. Last year it was as reliable as a ryanair flight schedule based on good-bad ride ratio though so it`s difficult to say. One thing I wont back down on is that zero-g roll. I`ve felt more forces in my car driving down the motorway than on this element. Lots of people love it but it`s a bit of a stinker element for me. But as long as it keeps a great station audio, good forces on the other inversions and a (relatively at the moment) consistent intensity level then i`m a happy chappy. I must add, fright nights rides on this offer some of my favourite ride experiences i`ve done and it always seems to run so much better on a longer day when the wheels have warmed up EDIT: This is now my favourite coaster in the park and one of my favourites in the UK. Nemmy does still beat it but it`s amazing how opinions can change