• Drive Safely
  • Drive Safely

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité Vibrations Temps mort

    During my 14 rides on Hyperion, I had many differing opinions about it. It went from being in my top 5 to a rattly mess back up to an elite ride in the span of two days, but this is my final verdict. It’s another really strong modern creation from Intamin, filled with powerful airtime and some forceful lateral snaps. But I don’t know what happened with the outside seats on this. Especially towards the back on those wing seats, Hyperion goes from a powerful beast of a ride to a shaky waste of potential. However, as long as you sit on the inside, you’ll enjoy tons of airtime, intensity, and a smooth ride experience. There is a section of 3 mediocre elements in the middle of the ride, but Hyperion starts and ends with a bang.

  • Drive Safely

    Inconfort A raser ! Sans intérêt

    why did i decide to count credits

  • Drive Safely

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    it’s so good, it’s my #0

  • Drive Safely

    Inversions Fluidité

    Formula’s powerful and punchy. Many people have said it’s like a smaller version of Abyssus, and I definitely agree. Nothing’s really special about it, but it’s got some good airtime and positives along its layout. This is, however, another new-gen Vekoma with banking that’s “too perfect.” See my Abyssus review for more detail, but the unnecessary fluidity (I really have no idea how to describe it) detracts from the experience just a bit. Formula’s still a good ride, though.

  • Drive Safely

    Fun Intensité Fluidité

    I always really enjoy these rides.

  • Drive Safely

    Airtimes Intensité

    On paper, Abyssus looks like a great ride. It’s long, smooth, packed with airtime and positives, has good launches, and is comfortable. All that being said, there was something off about Abyssus as well as Formula in a way. The banking and transitions are taken in a way that they’re almost too perfect, if that makes sense. You’re being swung side to side without any real lateral force or power and in a way, it feels like you’re riding a horizon leveled POV. I may sound like I’m crazy, and objectively there’s not much wrong with Abyssus, but that’s something major I noticed about this ride as well as Formula.

  • Blake S.

    The launch isn’t too forceful, but the speed is cool. It really isn’t anything too crazy - weird to say about a 400 foot tall ride - you just go very fast. Having OTSRs seems like overkill.

  • TwanTastic

    Airtimes Fun Fluidité Trop court Débit

    A really nice but small Intamin mega(lite) coaster. Airtime really gets stronger throughout the day and the turn right after the first drop pulls some really intense positives. I can only complain about the theming, which is a bit basic and the ride is on the shorter side. Capacity with this ride isn't really great either.

  • TwanTastic

    Théma Launch Fun Vibrations Sans intérêt Temps mort

    Well, maybe I had too high expectations for DrakeKongen. I rode it twice, backrow in the morning and front row at the end of the day when it ran significantly faster. There is a slight rattle, especially in the back row, but it didn't really annoy me, it"s okay. What disappointed me is that this ride really is forceless. It just doesn't do anything. There are some weak positives, but nearly zero airtime and also no laterals. I wish it had some more intensity, since it looks like a great thrill coaster from the outside. For me this coaster has the best theming of all coasters in Djurs and the tiny booster wheel launch and pre-lift section really suprised me, it's a nice extra. Overall not garbage but far from perfection either.