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Inversions Layout Longueur Vibrations
Amazing ride! I honestly don't know why people hate it so much! It may have made me slightly dizzy on my first ride on the coaster but that it is forgiven for it's long layout and crazy fun inversions!
Sans intérêt
Inversions Baffes Inconfort Temps mort
Situation Harnais Inconfort Temps mort
Layout Baffes
it's a bog standard SLC. these things don't bother me, and i like the layout. there's a lot that i'd rather ride this than.
Airtimes Vibrations Inconfort
i loved seeing the voyage trains on this. there's some good pops of air, but aside from the titan track it rides like any old dinn. which is to say, bad. it's almost jarring to go from "shopping cart on a cobblestone street" to glass smooth and back again.
First Drop Inversions Layout Harnais Inconfort
a pristine example of a custom arrow looper. rides smooth, and only minor headbanging issues in the transitions. could honestly imagine it rode similarly in 1982, which isn't something i think often of arrows.